First off, sorry for not keeping up on this thread... it's been a hectic couple of days. Thank god for the weekend!
Dragon Snack said:
I am a little perplexed, this isn't news...
Altered States became How You Play The Game (apparently shortened to Play The Game now) and moved last year. I bought over 100 Reaper minis at half price before they moved...
Well, I've been out of the gaming scene here for a while, so it was news to me. Still makes me sad. I can't say that I've even been to AS for at least a year... it's been on my list of things to do, and kept getting put off. I was taken aback, since as others have said, it really is the only gaming store in Syracuse.
Gallo22 said:
Let me correct a few incorrect comments...
The reason the store moved was because the rent was cheaper in the Mall, then the location they were at before. Yes..., I said cheaper!!! By a lot from my understanding. They also have most everything they have alway had. I still shop there and they have all the major RPGs, D&D minis, tons of board games, warhammer stuff and tons of comics (1/3 of the shop to be exact!). They still have all the CCG you can think of, etc. They also still have CCG tourneys, board game night (every tuesday night), D&D mini tourneys, etc.
Well, not according to the guys I talked to, both of whom I know have worked there quite a while. Heck, I recognized them from the old locale, which was why I asked in the first place. They both said that the guy who bought the building did not want them there, something happened, probably during contract negotiation (ie, owner asked for a rediculously high rent), and they were forced to move. That and the size of the place they had before, and I'm sure it was more expensive than Carousel, when they moved.
Also, and I'm not sure how it is at the new store, but they also said that they had been running a lot less of the in-store gaming events at the old store. I assumed that impacted it as well.
Finally, I don't see how they can have everything they had before - the size disparity is too great. The on-shelf stock wouldn't fit in the new store, without it being cramped - which it wasn't. Actually, I'll say this, it was very nicely upkept, just like the old place. They might have a bunch of stuff sitting in storage... but that's not on the shelf and thusly not moving.
All that said, they could have told that to me just to get me to stop talking to them. I'm not above thinking people might brush me off.
Mycanid said:
Twilight Book and Games Emporium closed down a few years ago. I forget exactly why it did. Of course it was a 5 minute walk from where Carousel, but I can not imagine THAT would be very hurtful to its clientèle. At least I hope not.
If I remember correctly ... and I might be incorrect in this ... the manager had personal problems, and these, together with slow sales, undermined his interest and he finally gave up.
Wasn't there a store for a while that began with the letter D? Something like Dream_____ or something or other? That close too? (Of course I could be totally mixed up.)
Yeah, from what I understand there were personal issues, and while I have some idea of what happened I hardly am a definitive source, so I'll leave it at that.
I also seem to vaguely recall the store you're talking about, but I don't think it lasted long.