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Sage Advice: Plane and world hopping (includes how Eberron and Ravnica fit in D&D cosmology)




Very interest video, almost like a Lore You Should Know, but more current.

Ways to travel between worlds, Spelljammers, Astral, Ethereal, Feywild, Shadowfell Planes, Sigil Portals.

Eberron is a part of the D&D multiverse, but it's Crystal Sphere is designed to isolate it from everything else, and within it's Crystal Sphere Eberrons planes are contained, so weirdly Eberrons Planes are a part of the Material Plane as well, or in a sense might all be echo planes like the Feywild and Shadowfell are for other worlds (or perhaps special, really big demiplanes).

Eberron's Crystal Sphere is cracking, dropping those shards, and possibly eventually allowing say a Spelljammer to visit. Oh and a portal or portals to Eberron exist in Sigil.

Ravnica was just resently discovered, the material plane is a big place, may have a Crystal Sphere, Tito kind if confused the issue. I wish the Jeremy had ebalerated more on how Ravnica fits in . Also suggested that Astral and Ethereal Plane exist in Ravnica (as a suggested as ways Ravnica co have been discovered).

I can't help, but wonder if this hints at future changes to how the Planes work in MtG if people from traditional D&D worlds are now making contact with them.

Tito said they'd discuss how Ravenloft and Innistrad can both exist (my suggestion, make Innistrad a domain with Eberron, with ties to MtG planes, which influences it, so you could use Ravenloft/Innistrad as a back door to the other MtG planes (Crystal Spheres).

Since Eberrons planes are techniquely apart of or contained within the Material Plane, they should be connected by Eberron's Ethereal Plane.

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Oh and Teleportation circles can be used to travel between worlds that reside on the same plane, but you need to know it's sigil (not Sigil). That makes it so the DM is still in control (he or she can say you have no knowledge of the sigil and maybe never get access to that knowledge.


So they're attempting to unify the D&D multiverse, including Spelljammer's crystal spheres, with the Eberron cosmology and the cosmology of Magic: The Gathering? That's gonna get... interesting.

Now I see why they've been reviving Spelljammer, which was not all that popular in 2E days (overshadowed by the wildly successful Planescape) and has languished for 20 years. Spelljammer's crystal spheres map quite well onto the small, self-contained planes of Magic, and the phlogiston corresponds nicely to the Blind Eternities. I'm less convinced that Eberron fits neatly into this scheme, but no doubt with a little shoehorning they can make it work.


Having not played Planescape or Spelljammer as they were, is this elegant form of combining the Prime Material Plane and Phlogiston/Crystal Spheres original here or based off older editions? I’m used to the classic “alternate Prime Material Planes” of 1st Edition, and Planescape and Spelljammer have always struck me as trying to travel the same paths through different paths (per the concepts of perception in PS) in the past. I like how the PMP is done here, even if Eberron (and my beloved Dragonlance) takes a bit of ‘splainin to do.

In the 1E MotP, each of the D&D Worlds was a distinct Alternate Prime Material Plane. Not same Prime Material. That only came in 2E.

Wish he'd spoken more of how the 4E / Nerath cosmology fits into 5E.

3E worlds had relationship - they shared the same Plane of Shadow.

Crawford got derailed - He didn't complete the overview and he didn't really address whether and how the different firmaments/crystal spheres work in 5E. Astral skiffs = spelljammers? Astral Sea = Phlogiston?

Interviewer incorrect in saying that D&D worlds were originally separate. There were cross-overs between Mystara, FR, and Greyhawk even in old BECMI Gazetteers in the 1980s.

Crawford ought to have listed all of the worlds.

Interesting how Eberron cosmology was fitted into 5E.

Each DM's campaign is a completely different D&D Multiverse.

Overall, pretty cool. Thanks to the interviewer and interviewee.
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Lowcountry Low Roller
Bad food is made without pride, by cooks who have no pride, and no love. Bad food is made by chefs who are indifferent, or who are trying to be everything to everybody, who are trying to please everyone... Bad food is fake food... food that shows fear and lack of confidence in people's ability to discern or to make decisions about their lives.

-Anthony Bourdain (RIP :( )

Yeah - I don't get the urge to connect everything up. I guess there's a decent number of people who like to plane hop as it were, but for me I want my adventuring worlds to have a particular thematic feel.


Entropic Good
I have no real objection to "They can be in the same multiverse because magic" What is painful, bad-food to me is over-explaining how every aspect of it of one world is shoved into a box (or crystal sphere, I guess) and stuck in some sort of separate-but-present paradox as if it doesn't inherently cheapen the world's uniqueness. The way you get from faerun to ebberon is you say "we're going to ebberon through a magic portal" You don't have to justify how or why ebberon's plane of fire (or whatever it has) is different from planescape's. If they're different, they just are, because it's magic and imaginary and more fun that way. Don't try and pretend "No, this all makes sense, I can make everything make sense, I MUST make it all make sense...." as if what you're doing isn't silly and perhaps a little dumb.

One of the cycles of gaming life: gamers going "I want setting X for the new edition", the devs saying "here is setting X for the new edition", and within 48 hours, gamers are already complaining about "how they have ruined setting X."


Lost in Dark Sun
Eberron is a part of the D&D multiverse, but it's Crystal Sphere is designed to isolate it from everything else . . .

So, Eberron, Khyber, and Siberys were basically really, really big primordials that didn't want to get involved in the Dawn War?

That's cool.

. . . and within it's Crystal Sphere Eberrons planes are contained, so weirdly Eberrons Planes are a part of the Material Plane as well . . .

Not gonna lie, I've always felt that most of eberron's outer planes (Not necessarily all of them) would have worked better if they aren't really different planes of existence, but actually the moons of Eberron.

Eberron's Crystal Sphere is cracking, dropping those shards, and possibly eventually allowing say a Spelljammer to visit.

Ooh, I like this idea!

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