Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

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There seems to be some strange synchronicity to Sagiro's and Sep's posting after (relatively) long pauses, and since Viridity and Saizhan was updated... I'm hoping... :D


Rodent of Uncertain Parentage
I can now reveal the reason I haven't been working on my Story Hour these last few months. I've been working on this: A little side project

But now that I'll have more free time, documenting the continuing adventures of Abernathy's Company is back on the docket, along with a number of other neglected pastimes. No promises or timetables, but I wanted to let my readers know that they have not been abandoned, and I should have another update posted before too too long.

Thanks for your forbearance!



That's just brilliant, Sagiro. A wonderful example of a great Rat Bastard using his powers for Good instead of Evil. :D

(Of course, this means I'm now expecting to see Sagiro's Story Hour: the Musical someday... :])

Great to hear updates are on the way, too. In celebration, I've added the latest chapter to the Collected Story Hour site, bringing it right up to date with the cliffhanger you so thoughtfully provided all those months ago. Can't wait to find out what happens next!


First Post
Sagiro, it's good to know that there will be future updates. I was beginning to think I'd never know what happened next; and after spendign a couple of weeks reading from the very beginning, I've come to know and love the characters; and it's helped inspire and knit together ideas for my own campaign plans too.

Look forward to the updates, whenever they appear.


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