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Sandboxing in the Nentir Vale (was: Emergent Features in KotS)


Quick post for now - we played tonight, and things got nasty.

Over email one of the PCs was able to make a check to determine where a Chaos Tooth was, an item sorely sought by Lendil the Shamed, halfling sorcerer. Level 4 item means it's in a level 4 dungeon.

When the level 2 PCs ended up with two level 4 encounters worth of monsters coming at them... not good.

But we haven't seen the results of the encounter yet; we were kicked out of the place we play due to time. So in two weeks we will see who wins, who loses, and who gets a ton of XP.

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This is what went down:

As the PCs are digging in the barrow mound, something the goblins say about deeper caves triggers a past-life memory in Apothis:

"He recalls entering a series of caves nearby the falls back when the Nentir Vale was still wild, unclaimed territory. Winding his way down a long dark stair as far as it would go, he discovered ruins that were ancient even then. Within these ruins there was a portal to the elemental chaos.

Based on your previous knowledge - chaos teeth are connected to the elemental chaos, and that chaos teeth are found in the mouths of oddly-warped monsters - it's a good bet that something down there probably has a raw chaos tooth in its mouth. It's just a matter of cutting it out."

That was done via email. The check was a History check, DC 21 for a 4th level item. The item is in a 4th-level area. The players know all of this.​

The PCs in the barrow mound decide to head back into town and rest up before exploring deeper. Hrogar is getting used to navigating through the evil Tombwood and they make it out without issue.

They decide to spend the night at the Nentir Inn, since they were kicked out of the Silver Unicorn. It's a nice place and the half-elf innkeeper treats them well.

At one point during the night they get a message from Lady Allende Markelhay, asking if they can meet with her. They accept the meeting for tomorrow.

The innkeeper (I forget his name) spots the Markelhay's messenger and asks Hekubus about it. Hekubus tells him to mind his own business, and the half-elf graciously backs off, but gives a warning: "The Markelhays are not to be trusted."

The innkeeper has some plans of his own.​

The next day the PCs do some shopping. They go to see Orest Naerumar and buy some goods from him. He asks questions about where they are going and the PCs tell him. Apothis notices something's up; he's a little too curious.

The PCs try to figure out what his game is, but he's tight-lipped, even when Lendil 1/2 man-handles him. Orest pulls a dagger on them and tells them to get out of the store.

Orest is working with Kelson. The PCs rolled a 31 on an Intimidate check; I figured Orest would not talk, so I set the DC at 32 (Will + 10). Almost made it.​

The leave and head into Moonstone Keep. They see the Lord and Lady and an emissary from the Knights of Nerath.

Allende takes them into a private chamber so they can talk. She just wonders if they've had any contact with Malchior - he sent her a message regarding an old family tomb being broken into and she wanted to know if Malchior had discovered anything more. The PCs hadn't heard from Malchior or the rest of the old PCs either, but they all assume they are doing fine.

The PCs ask some questions about the "gang problem" that Fallcrest is having and Allende starts lying. Apothis picks up on this and she finally says, "It's a family issue; please just leave it alone." Which they do.

When the PCs are leaving they spot a guy trying to look too inconspicuous. They head in his direction and he starts walking away; he doesn't get far when Apothis launches some grasping shards in his direction.

This intimidate check goes off with no problem and he says that he's been watching the PCs for Kelson. Kelson has holed up in his tavern while Grug and Vilebrew heal up. The PCs also learn that Kelson has something on Markelhay (that's the rumour); whatever it is, it's locked up in his safe.

The PCs feed him some misinformation - telling him they are going to leave town soon - before they head into the catacombs beneath Fallcrest.

The caverns are pretty big and full of junk from the villagers who sneak in here when they don't want to be seen. After some time they come to a large, windy room; the wind is strong, but Hekubus is carrying an everburning torch and it doesn't go out. Which is what the 3 chokers in the room were waiting for.

Hrogar spots the chokers and some loot all jammed into crevices in the walls. The chokers slip out to attack at this point. A quick fight, the chokers are killed.

The PCs gather the loot; Apothis looks for more loot and finds a set of tracks that he has trouble identifying. Hrogar recognizes some as gnome and elf, and Lendil realizes the other ones are dark creeper tracks.

They follow the tracks to a small room where a pair of elves and gnomes are telling each other stories; behind a curtain, in the dark, the dark creepers are praying to the Raven Queen.

Hekubus joins in the prayers and steps into the room. They parley. The PCs learn that the dark creepers are here to root out any death cult (ie: Orcus) activity. They also have been stealing from merchants (ie: they are bandits) in order to fund their activities.

These are bandits from Raven Roost.​

The PCs aks them about the level; they don't know too much, just that there are some goblins to the north guarding stairs going down, and a long, long stair that leads to a creepy portal. "Nothing ever comes up that way, so we haven't checked it out."

The PCs thank them and head down the stair in search of the chaos tooth.

At the bottom of the stair they come to a small chamber. There is one exit: an archway carved into the likeness of a demon's mouth. In his mouth is a magical curtain of absolute darkness, and runes are carved all around it.

A magic mouth booms out: "Welcome to the Doom of Sarnath!"

History checks are made; Sarnath is the name of an ancient city that was old when the teiflings were still human. The runes around the archway are identified as a magic circle, keeping everything out; going through here is a one-way trip.

The PCs step through.

They enter a dark hallway. Across from the stair room is a door; heading north a bit, they see a 4-way intersection, marked with the gore of a recent battle (fur, limbs, webs). To the north, nothing interesting; to the east, a door and webs blocking the hall; to the west, a door with an ettercap head on a pike.

The PCs head to the first door they spotted, across from the stair room.

It's a cross-shaped room covered with about 5 feet of water. A strange, ancient stone carving - a face with one large eye - stares out at them from the other end of the room. There's a skylight in the ceiling letting in some light, and two rows of pillars, very close together, that run down the length of the room.

Apothis spots two small somethings swimming in the water and a gelatinous cube. Hekubus steps into the water; the ripples he causes wake the cube, and we roll initiative.

The cube swallows Hekubus and Hrogar, the swimmers reveal themselves to be strange tadpoles that shimmer in and out of reality, and the eye in the strange stone face magically compels creatures to move forward. In the end the PCs win, hacking, slashing, and chaos bolting their way to victory.

I didn't run the cube very well, and I forgot to have the eye exert its pull. Oh well. Still a fun fight. The PCs had no idea what the tadpoles were. I also should have given Lendil some kind of "chaos" effect, though I don't know the Sorcerer well enough to know what that is.​

After the battle Hekubus and Hrogar both feel something swimming around inside them. Little tadpoles. It doesn't seem to be a big issue right now, so they ignore it and move on.

[ident]Chaos Phage; from fighting in the water, not the tadpoles. Level 4.[/indent]

The PCs check out the skylights and find that the light just comes from nowhere, very strange. They also discover a corridor up there, so they follow it around.

It leads south, then west, then bends north again. They see a set of stairs going down. Dim light is coming up from those stairs and they can hear noises - screams of agony, wild barking laughter, shouts of ecstacy, etc.

Lendil pokes his head around the corner to see what's up:

The stairs descend to a balcony overlooking a torture room; tied to a rack is a young gnoll being tortured by a larger gnoll and a pair of orcs. Up on the balcony level a gnoll huntmaster is laughing crazily, and a human mage is foaming at the mouth.

The gnoll spots Lendil and we roll init.

The gnoll huntmaster hits Lendil with an arrow and they know it's going to be a hard fight.

The PCs focus on the mage; he gets one attack off (a nice area burst) before he is (mercifully) killed.

The gnoll claw fighter below tries to climb up but doesn't have much luck; the orcs try throwing their axes but can't hit anything. One of them moves towards a door.

The gnoll huntmaster, no allies on the balcony level, tries to retreat but he's held back by some grasping shards; Apothis then summons his angel of fire to block his exit.

The orc opens up another door and yells out: "Fresh meat!" (Uh oh...)

The other orc throws his axe and kneels down; the orc who opened the door runs across the room, leaps onto the back of his friend, and jumps onto the balcony level.

The claw fighter below is finally able to make it up to the balcony level.

Hekubus (just finished killing the huntmaster) charges at the orc with a flying tackle, knocking them both down onto the ground.

Basic attack vs Fort, dealing 1d6+modifier damage and falling damage; Hekubus takes 1/2 the falling damage.​

The orcs get up and hack at Hekubus; one of them nails him with a crit, dropping the Paladin right there.

Ranged fire from Apothis and Lendil takes out one of the orcs and damages the claw fighter on the balcony.

About that time another gnoll huntmaster and claw fighter enter the lower room, and the PCs can hear some hyenas in the other room. They'll be there soon!

Ignoring Hekubus, the claw fighter joins his buddy on the balcony level. The huntmaster keeps sending arrows into Hrogar.

Hrogar is able to get Hekubus back on his feet again and use his spirit companion to block the hyenas from attacking Hekubus before falling to the claw fighters. The hyenas tear into the spirit companion and send it back to wherever it came from.

Apothis feeds Hrogar a potion, Lendil takes out a claw fighter, but Hekubus (trying to extract himself) is taken down by the remaining orc.

And we called the game in the middle of the battle. Things look grim, especially for Hekubus. We'll see who survives!


First Post
Sounds fun! I'm glad to hear that you managed to tie Malchior's message in. It'll be nice when they start turning back in that direction in a few levels. I think the Kelson plot will lead them back that way as well.

As for the fight, it looks like they are in a bit of tough spot. Have you been finding a four person party a bit more fragile? I hope they manage to pull things out!


Hekubus kept asking if there was a message for them in the game before this one, and I knew that there was but I couldn't remember what it was or who sent it at the time. I made a note to remind myself to have Allende send them a message.

Kelson is connected to the Orcus cult. Through Orest Naerumar; he's the one in direct contact with them (though he doesn't really know - or want to know - who they are or what they are doing).

The fight is going to be hard to pull off. They might be able to retreat without any losses. Then again, maybe not. They might all get killed. The gnolls, being gnolls, will chase after them (which could work out in the party's favour).


We played on Wednesday.

First up: the fight with the gnolls. The situation: Hekubus is unconcious on the floor, 20' below the other PCs. Down there with him are 4 hungry hyenas (tearing the flesh off a gnoll tied to a rack in the middle of the room) and a gnoll huntmaster. Up on the balcony level, the rest of the PCs are duking it out with a gnoll claw fighter and an orc. Lendil is the only one out of melee.

The huntmaster was up first, shooting at Hrogar, and what did I roll? A 20. A bad omen! Hrogar would have gone down but there was only one gnoll ally next to him. Lucky dwarf.

Instead of drinking a potion, Apothis stepped back and blasted the orc and the gnoll clawfighter in his face.

I think Hrogar attacked the clawfighter, hurting him.

The orc dropped Hrogar in return.

The clawfighter charged at Lendil and clawed him good, but I rolled snake-eyes for damage. Lendil survived to blast the claw fighter in the face, and that was enough to kill him.

The huntmaster missed Apothis with his arrow, so Apothis fed a potion to Hrogar. The dwarf threw a rope over the ledge to Hekubus, once Hekubus was back up, he tried to climb the rope but failed. Apothis yanked him over the edge.

The orc tried to charge Lendil but was struck down by an OA from Hrogar's spirit dog.

With all the PCs up on the balcony, no bad guys left there, the PCs decided to retreat back to the water shrine room. They barred the doors and waited for the gnolls to come; they heard some demonic voices and the angry laughing of hyenas but the gnolls did not go through. (It would have been certain death for them.)

The PCs took the time to cast Hand of Fate, getting lucky with the wandering monster rolls. The Hand of Fate lead them to the safest way out of the dungeon, through a secret door into a large cavern. They could hear water falling somewhere close by, and they could see a pool that was draining out to somewhere even deeper.

There Apothis spotted a choker. Hekubus tried to parlay with it. It held out its rubbery arm and ask for "shinies". Hekubus gave it 1 gp, then a bunch of copper, and it got pissed off at the meager amount and slinked off into the darkness.

As they crept through the dark chamber, Apothis heard some steps on what sounded like a wooden bridge above them. He blasted whatever it was with lightning, lighting up the room in a flash. Two dark creepers were on a bridge 30' above the PCs and three chokers were closing in on them. At the far end of the room was a waterfall.

And Apothis spotted a big, vague shape lurking in a nearby cave.

Lendil blasted the dark creepers, knocking one of them off the bridge; it barely held on at the last second (otherwise 3d10 damage + an extra 1d8 for being pushed onto a stalagmite). Hrogar summoned his spirit hound and it bit the fingers of the dark creeper, causing the shadow creature to fall to its death.

They fight with the chokers while the dark creeper makes a fighting retreat. One choker gets his rubbery hands around Lendil's neck and plans to throw him into the whirlpool, but he's pushed away before he can try. Apothis goes down (totally out of Healing Surges and HP) but is brought back up to 1 HP as the chokers are being killed off.

The PCs make it to the waterfall, leaving one choker and the dark creeper behind. As they tie their ropes to escape, they see a large black dragon, its mouth a twisted mass of chaos-warped teeth. Ah, there's the chaos tooth. It'll have to wait, though. The PCs climb up the waterfall and back into Fallcrest.

They rest in Fallcrest, levelling up. In the morning, Bairwin Wildarson says that he's leaving and he'd like the PCs to come with him. He'll pay them 5 gp each!

"We're staying until tomorrow," Hekubus responds. "We'll either leave with you then or we'll be dead."

The PCs head back down the waterfall, ready for round 2 with the chaos-tooth dragon. They crack a sunrod and light up the cavern. They spot the surviving choker hiding in a crack in the wall, the dark creeper up on a ledge, and the dragon in the cave.

Apothis thinks there's something strange about that dragon, and there is. It's an illusion. He can see through it and he warns the rest of his companions (who are busy killing the choker) about it. The dark creeper hides and tries to kill Hrogar's spirit companion but fails.

Apothis goes to grab the sunrod from the middle of the room, near the lip of the pool, and the dragon explodes from it and bites him! Oh noes! The fight is on.

The PCs kill the choker and turn their attention on the dragon, ignoring the dark creeper for now. Apothis slows it and it starts to lose its place in the water, slipping down the whirlpool. It gets divine challenged and attacked a bunch of times and is pretty hurt - so it crawls out on dry land and creates a cloud of darkness around itself.

The PCs succeed in pushing it out of the darkness enough to get a clear shot once or twice at it, but it heads back in. The dark creeper, meanwhile, keeps throwing daggers at Apothis (and hitting). Hekubus engages it inside the cloud but it proves to be a hard fight; every time he misses the dragon it whips him and pushes him with its tail.

The PCs decide to focus on the dark creeper while the dragon is in the cloud (Hekubus harassing it with javelins). The dark creeper tries to sneak down from the ledge it's on but falls. It sneaks around using its Dark Step and stabs Apothis, who goes down.

Hekubus doesn't engage the dragon on one turn so it steps out of the cloud and breathes acid on Apothis, Hrogar, and the Dark Creeper. Apothis is burnt to a crisp. Dead-dead.

Hekubus gets into melee with the dragon and hits it, drawing blood; it uses its Bloodied Breath on Hrogar and Hekubus, dropping Hekubus. Meanwhile the Dark Creeper stabs Lendil a few times. Lendil steps back and blows the creeper away.

Hekubus grabs Hrogar's limp body and runs to the waterfall where he washes the acid off his body. The dragon recharges its breath weapon and catches all the PCs, and they fall.

He still had 1 AP left, which he was going to use on any PC who survived that last breath weapon!

That was that, a TPK. The line between TPK and "we're okay" is finer than I thought! Hekubus never did make his final death saves, so he might escape, though Lendil's player is moving away so he's dragon meat. Hrogar and Apothis were both down to -bloodied, so they're gone.

We are making up new PCs (unless Hekubus wants to chance the death save rolls); I'm not sure what the hook is yet, they may be a few River Rats who want to branch out on their own.

I think that fight was tough but fair, 4 level-3 PCs at top form against the lvl 4 solo, dark creeper, and choker (level 6? encounter). They made their choice to face it; they knew what they were facing but didn't make any plans for it (though I don't know what kind of plans they could have made; they did have enough cash to buy some potions of resistance).


wow, another tpk! Brutal. But the neat thing about the campaign you have set up is that the new heroes will be able to follow up on some of this stuff, or at least the players will be aware of it even if they go a different direction. Good stuff. Let the dice fall as they may.


Hekubus lived! Dave rolled the death saves and Hek & Lendil both got 20s! Lendil's player is leaving the game, so he's gone, but Hekubus is still in the action.

I've given Hekubus a facelift using the playtest hybrid paladin & warlock classes. He's got 3 fewer hitpoints, no lay on hands, but he gained warlock's curse (doing extra damage) and a swapped in a couple of warlock powers (eldritch blast and witchfire). He has as many ranged attacks now as he does melee. Actually, he has more; his daily paladin power is radiant delerium. So I grabbed the warlock 3rd level encounter power that lets him teleport, rather than sacred circle, to make him more mobile.

The Hekubus keeps checking for messages because he's hoping to hear from Armok!


I read this thread over the last couple of days, and my hat is off to you, sir. You are an excellent DM, and you've got an excellent group of players. You have given me a number of ideas that I plan to use in my games.


Thanks! We try.

We played again tonight; nearly had another TPK! 3 3rd-level guys went into Kobold Hall and were nearly killed.

I will write more about it later on.

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