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Saturday the 8th

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fred_jaboobi said:
Any word on what we are doing for the Satuday, May 8th, live game?

I can be ready to run an "Undead Hunter" campaign around 5pm.

If there's a consensus of people wanting to do that, I can provide the necessary info for character creation.


I might have to try to talk Mrs. Clark into letting me out of the house for that. "Well honey, it is at 5 p.m. That means we can have all day together beforehand..."

Fyrestryke said:
I can be ready to run an "Undead Hunter" campaign around 5pm.

If there's a consensus of people wanting to do that, I can provide the necessary info for character creation.


First Post
fred_jaboobi said:
Has anything been decided on what we are doing this Saturday? Are we doing Undead? Conan? Zografos?

I know I am logged in as Barb, but I am tired and this will do - since you are travelling the furthest, which would you prefer playing? We can even do an entire day of Star Wars CCG matches if you want.


BADpenguin said:
I know I am logged in as Barb, but I am tired and this will do - since you are travelling the furthest, which would you prefer playing? We can even do an entire day of Star Wars CCG matches if you want.

Hey Fred. Lemme know real soon if you want to start the Undead Campaign, cause I will need to prepare for it and prepare everyone else (character generation).


First Post
I like the idea of playing games on Saturday, like star wars, miniatures and even board games. I will try and iron out some of my decks so I have more than just a couple complete by the time I get there.

Then on Sunday, if you want to Vince, we can playout the battle in the drow city or play star wars some more.


fred_jaboobi said:
I like the idea of playing games on Saturday, like star wars, miniatures and even board games. I will try and iron out some of my decks so I have more than just a couple complete by the time I get there.

Then on Sunday, if you want to Vince, we can playout the battle in the drow city or play star wars some more.

Sounds good to me. :)

Odovacar's Ghost

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SWCCG Multiplayer rules (Unofficial 4 player mode)

SWCCG Multiplayer?

Author: Alex "blueraider0" Maslow (Subscribe to this member)
Date Submitted: December 7, 2003 Do you find the 60 card games too short? Neither do I, but sometimes it's too predictable, especially if the opponent has an objective out. Oh, HDADTJ. better watch out for vader and maul and so on. Uh oh. IO/IC (V). better look out for walkers. MBO, better get my TIES ready. Pretty dull, I'd say. Yeah, the games are still exciting, but...well.....

I'm not sure how much this idea has already engulfed everyone else, but it certainly is big here. Rather than rave about the endless fun, I'm going to try to set some things straight.

First, force loss and retrieval and activation and phases and such nessicities.

Phases: as normal. all players must abide by phases as a team. all must activate, then all force drain, then all deploy, then all battle, then all move, then all draw, then all recycle, you get the idea. If one player goes out of line, that player either:

goes silent for remainder of turn and may not do anything until draw phase.

Loses 2 force (may not be covered by other players

Whole team is automatically brought to that phase and other phases are skipped (all actions in mid way (force was used but character not yet deployed) are cancelled or completed [decided b4 game])

It is reccomended that all players agree on the punshment before the game, not during.

When force is activated. each player activates as normal. each activates on their own. if one would normally activate 15 (normal for multiplayer), all activate up to 15. if, let's say, strike planning is on, and one player occupies endor system, all players may activate for that location.

If Civil diorder (V) is "utilized" and a battle is initated, ONE FORCE IS ACTIVATED on the team as a whole. If beru stew is played, 2 is activated per team.

When force is used, it may be split and shared. If a player plays executor, it may be split 8/4. All force is basically one big force oasis but one player may not use another players force without the owner's consent.

When force must be lost, the total may be split by everyone on a team. If 10 cards must be lost, it may be split 5/5. 10/0. 9/1. any way possible, as long as it is settled.

When force is retrieved, it may be split. If secret plans/aim high is on table, the force usage may be split but does not need to be split according to retrieval (retrieval may be 2/4 but usage may be split 5/1).

Note: Abyysan ornament/ nar shadda wind chimes says that you retireve the amount of force equal to your copies of that card. yes, you total completely. if you have 10 jawas and your partner has 7, you retrieve 7. doesnt have to be 10/7, either.

Destiney's may be split. if three battle destineys are drawn, they may be split 2/1. same with weapon and asteroid and racing and just about anything else requiring destiney.

With 2+ decks per side, things can get confusing. what cards go for what players. Does AOBS restrictions also apply for the other dark side player, who is trying to play HDADTJ? Certianly not. Is scum and villany cancelled if the other player plays vader? No way. So, what ARE the provisions:

Things that do not overlap:
many, many cards are going to be suspended for one or more players, but not all. Keep this in mind: The game is 1 V 1 so it is obviously skewed when more play.

objective restrictions do not overlap. AOBS doesnt prevent a HDADTJ partner from playing non agents, but it OBVIOUSLY prevents the player who played the objective from playing non objectives.

Effects do not overlap, not completely. scum and villany is not suspended for everyone by the partner playing a non alien. Rather, as long as a player has all aliens and independant ships providing ability, the card works for that player. It is not cumulative, though. if a battle is initiated by them, they retrieve 2 force between the 2 of them. Even if both have all ability provided aliens, only 2 force is retrieved.

I'm trying to think about a card that says "if opponents ability is all provided by X, then Y." I can't. But I'm sure there is one. In any event, if a card exists, it is suspended. Let's take a make believe card called "Blue raider rocks"

text: "If opponent's ability is all provided by non unique characters, each of opponents characters power is -1."

Same thing as scum and villany. if a single player has all non unique aliens, all of THAT PLAYERS characters are power -1. but if another player has unqiue characters, then the power -1 doesnt apply to them. Get it? Got it? Good.

Effects that say "is lost if"...ummm...."you have a non imperial character on table." It is only lost if ALL PLAYERS on that side of the force meet the conditions. it's effects are suspended for those who have a non imperial, but activated for those with all imperials (imperial domination (V) is a good example).

Anything that is not cumulative ( both players play "or be destroyed". Force loss is 1 per b-ground occupied by said characters, not 2 cos the objective is down twice. 2 civil disorder is not +4 in deployment cos its not cumulative).

!EXCEPTION! both players play CCT. both get a rebel. the captives are now team owned, not player. One player may escort both captives, it doesnt matter. captives are team controlled, not player.

!EXCEPTION! Both players play hidden base with different bases. if one is probed, THAT PLAYER'S OBJECTIVE is out of play, not both. the objective still flipped may still be used by other player but keep in mind once per turn is NOT ONCE PER TURN PER PLAYER!!!

!EXCEPTION! One hidden base is flipped, one is not. the hidden base of the player whose objective is not flipped is porbed. that objective is not out of play but is as soon as it is flipped. If the hidden base of the flipped one is probed, objective goes out of play and all probes go to used pile, even if on other hidden base. planets may not be probed until the other one is flipped.

Things that overlap
unqiueness, obviously. only one maul per table. not 3 for 3 players. This also goes for effects and interrupts and just about everything except for starting effects (are they unqiue? well, they aren't in this sitch).

things that dont fit anywhere else

Once per turn is once per turn, not once per turn per player. basically change every term "player" to "team" except in special, logical exceptions.

HFTMF means the player who plays the card can play up to three. these effects may not be split. a signal may only be used to go through your deck. "your" is still "your" and not "your team" except in special situations.

a player loses when that player runs out of force. if a player loses, the following happens:

All of their cards on table remain so and may not be moved, but may be battled and participate in all battles. may be forfeited by other team member(s) and satisfies battle damage and attrition. ability may be used for destiney.

Effects of theirs on table may be used by team members (first strike, inserrection, etc) if applicable (if they have a non alien then scum and villany obviously doesnt work for said reasons)

That's all I gotta say. Wow, that took a while. if you have any questions d-mail me and I'll be glad to lend some insight.


Voidrunner's Codex

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