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SCAM - Alert


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Hey just saw this over on the WoTC Community page, and haven't seen anyone post about it, so I thought I should pass it on.

Phishing Scheme

Stay Safe people! :D

Wizards of The Coast said:
Wednesday, June 30, 2010, 11:17 AM PST [General]

Recently some users have reported receiving an email claiming to be from admin@wizards.com. The text of this email indicated that the users account had been blocked and/or accessed by someone else and that the user needed to open an attachment. THIS EMAIL DID NOT COME FROM WIZARDS OF THE COAST. If you received this email, please delete it and any attachments immediately. DO NOT OPEN THE ATTACHMENT AS IT MAY COMPROMISE YOUR COMPUTER.

Phishing scams like this occur frequently, and are a way for people to steal your personal information. You can protect yourself from this type of scam in several ways:

1) Be wary of any email that requests you do something urgently. A false sense of urgency can induce you to click on links or open attachments you wouldn’t open normally. Scammers know this and exploit it in their emails by saying things like “your account has been blocked.” Don’t fall for it!

2) Never open attachments or click on links from unknown sources. If you are unsure of the source, or believe the email may have been spoofed, contact the sender directly. If you believe a Wizards of the Coast email is suspicious or has been spoofed, forward it to spoof@wizards.com

3) Make sure your anti-virus protection is up-to-date. Run a scan at least once a week. While anti-virus programs do not catch everything, they can help protect you against known malware and virus threats.

If you believe you have been the victim of this scam, please contact us via our Report Suspicious Activities link. All reports are taken seriously and investigated.

For more information on Phishing and what to do if it happens to you, visit the Anti-Phishing Work Group at: APWG.

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Thornir Alekeg

This has inspired an idea for a new monster for somebody to stat up:

The phisher is a devious, intelligent creature that can be found most often in dungeons or ruins where greedy adventurers may frequent. An adult Phisher typically appears to be something like a locked chest or sarcophagus containing significant quantities of precious metals and minerals. The adult Phisher lies in wait in this form, and when an intelligent creature removes the riches within, it injects an egg into the unsuspecting victim.

The egg gestates within its host and hatches into the larval stage after about two weeks. In its larval stage, the phisher emerges at night through the mouth or nose and consumes small quantities of precious metals or minerals carried by its host. During daylight the larval phisher observes its host and surroundings, learning as much as it can.

At the end of the larval stage, the phisher will emerge, consume a large quantity of precious metals and minerals from its host, and find a hidden place in which it will metamorphisize into an almost perfect copy if its host. This adolescent phisher will then leave, passing itself off among the general population as its host while continuing to feed whenever and whereever it can.

This continues until the phisher reaches full adulthood, at which time it seeks out other phishers with which to mate, then finds a place to complete its final metamotphasis into the object it feels will lure people into which it can lay its eggs.

There are rumors of adult phishers re-emerging in the form of its host some time after laying its eggs. These post-adult phishers are said to release large portions of the metals and minerals it consumed earlier in life in exchange for luxury items and intimate relations with young members of the host body's race. These rumors are unconfimed but are supported by the finding that the corpses of old phishers rarely contain any significant amounts of the precious metals and minerals it consumed.


First Post

If you believe that you computer has been infected, please click on the following link.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0]YouTube - RickRoll'D[/ame]

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