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Scarab of the Sun (fun with templates)

fnork de sporg

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Scarab of the Sun

Giant Stag Bettle+Warbeast+Chimeric+Fire Creature+half fire elemental+Half Red Dragon+Half-Celestial

Large Outsider (Fire)

Hit Dice 8d12+40 (76 hp)

Initiaitve: +0

Speed: 30ft, fly 60 ft (average)

AC: 34 (-1 size +22 natural + 3 dex)

BAB: +8

Attack: Center Bite +29 melee (4d6+21+1d6 Fire), Left Bite +27 melee 2d6+10+1d6 Fire, Right Horn Butt +27 melee 1d8+10+1d6 Fire, 2 Claws +27 1d6+10+1d6 Fire

Full Attack: Center Bite +27 melee (4d6+21+1d6 Fire), Left Bite +27 melee 2d6+10+1d6 Fire, Right Horn Butt +27 melee 1d8+10+1d6 Fire, 2 Claws +27 1d6+10+1d6 Fire

Space/reach: 10 ft / 5 ft

Special Attacks: Trample 2d8+10+1d6 Fire, Breath Weapons, Heat, Burn, Spell-like Abilities, Daylight, Smite Evil.

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Scent, DR 5/+1, Fire Immunity, Resistances Acid 10 Cold 10 Electricity 10, SR 18,

Saves: Fort +16 Ref+9 Will +9

Abilities: Str 42 Dex 16 Con 30 Int 8 Wis 16 Cha 17

Skills: Listen +16, Spot +16, Climb +33, Jump +33, Diplomacy +14, Sense Motive +14, Surival +14

Feats: Flyby Attack, Multiattack, Dodge, Mobility

Languages: Ignan, Celestial, Common

CR 17

Alignment Always Neutral Good

Large flying three headed beetle wreathed in orange flame. It's center head sports a pair of oversized manidbles, while the left head has a smaller duplicate set of madibles, and the right head is adorned with an intricate pointed horn-like structure. They have been worhsipped by desert dwelling tribes for centuries, dwelling in the giant pyramidal enclosures the tribes build for them and in return defending said tribes from the desert monsters and wandering raiders.


Though big and tough the Scarab of the SUn have a glass jaw and they know it. Thus they seek to avoid melee combat if they can. They prefer to parley and end matters peacefully whenever possible. They have a particular love and fear of spellcasters whom they will go out of their way to befriend and placate. When violence become unavoidable the Sacarab's will take to the air and if possible slowly wear down their opponent with breath attacks and spell like abilities. However when they do enter melee, preferably coming from many directions within the maze-like interior of one their pyramid dwellings, they are quite devestating.

Natural weapons count as magic weapons for purpose of bypassing DR.

Trample (Ex): Reflex DC 35( 10+1/2HD+str) for half damage

Skills: +3 spot and listen checks

Breathe Weapon (Su) Cone of Flame from left head every 1d4 rounds, 3d8 Fire Damage reflex save DC 24 (10+1/2HD+con mod) for half damage. Cone is twenty feet long.

Breathe Weapon (Su): Cone of Flame from center head once per day. 6d8 fire damage Ref save DC 24 (10+1/2HD+Con mod) for half damage, 30 foot cone.

Heat (Ex): Deal additional fire damage with natural weapons.

Burn: Those hit by natural weapons must make Ref save DC 15 (7+HD ) or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds. (See Catching on Fire in DMG). Creatures hitting the with their natural weapons take fire damage just as if they had been succesfully hit in combat and also run the risk of catching on fire..

Immune to Disease, Sleep, Paralysis. + 4 vs Poison

Spell-like abilities (Sp) Unless other wise noted each may be used once per day. Burning Hands, Produce Flame, Flaming Sphere, Wall of Fire, Aid, Bless, Detect Evil, Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralize Poison, Holy Smite, Remove Disease, Protection from Evil 3/day,

Daylight(Su) at will

Smite Evil (Su) once per day as the paladin ability


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A couple of questions...where does the warbeast come in? That's usually used for mounts...does something ride them? I suppose other applications could be legit, but I was wondering...must be immune to fire if they do!

On the chimeric, I'm not sure if it totally works. Mind you - I see no reason to not just adjust the cosmetic details, but chimeric as it stands calls for a dragon head...blah blah blah. Is that what you're doing here? Did you consider the multi-headed, instead? They can get pyro, ya know...it might be cute!

I like the beasties. I ran a short-lived campaign called 'The River', based on my fantasy version of the Nile. Woulda rocked in some of my desert temples!

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