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Scarred Lands: None Dare Call Them Heroes (updated 12/07/03)


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
jonrog1 said:
Walking out of this big-timey Hollywood meeting, I turned to Ross and Andy and asked "Who was the dude with four hit points?"

And we all knew exactly what I meant.

That makes me laugh, Jon. My gaming chums and I are always thowing some D&Dism into our everyday conversations.

Thanks for the gaggle of updates. I'm just getting caught up. I love the shock wave and the gory fight sequences, great mind candy.

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Looks like a very cool campaign. You describe a battle scene better than any other author here, IMO. Your writing really draws you into the action.


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Ch. 4: “Wherein Alec proves his worth, and Taggart’s crotch begins to dry out.”

“GO!” Taggart yelled. Alec laid the whip to the team and the wagon bucked away. Instantly they careened down a steep cliff path. The wagon half-rolled, half-skidded down the narrow cliffside, almost torquing completely over the edge. Alec gritted his teeth and forced the horses back under control. It was a controlled fall, the horses hurtling straight down the ravine wall, the wagon bouncing madly.

Indigo looked behind them. At the top of the ridgeline the monstrous army crested –

-- and was instantly BLOWN AWAY as the cyclone-force of the magic blast WASHED over the cliffs like a crashing tidal wave! Everyone in the wagon bellowed madly as the crash of power and wind swirled down the ravine wall. They gripped the wagon sides. They were just yards ahead of the shock-wave-front!

Alec stood and HEAVED the reins to one side. The wagon spun 90 degrees as the horses hauled them into a sheltered path in the cliffs, almost too narrow for the wagon to pass through. Still moving at full run, mouths flecked with foam, the horses hurtled through the tiny crevasse. The wagon SLAMMED against the crevasse walls, sections of it splintering away.

Kirby managed to right himself enough to look up. High above them, wet THUNKS echoed as the men and beasts caught up in the magic blast bounced off the red-rock cliffs of the Blood Steppes.

Then, as abruptly as it had come, the blast passed. The wagon was so deep into the overlapping rock spires, it was completely shielded from what was left of the arcane explosion.

Alec let the horses run on the momentum for a minute. He slowly hauled back on the reins. The horses yielded gratefully. They slowed to a trot, then to a walk, then to a dead stop. Weirdly, the only sound anyone could now hear was the squeak of the wagon wheels. They stopped when the horses stopped. The group sat in stunned silence. If silence could echo, it would here.

Even the rain was gone. A rain that had fallen every hour for three years, was just … gone.

Alec lay down on the driver’s slat. Taggart popped his head over the edge of the wagon. “So,” he deadpanned, “you any good with horses?”

Alec just chuckled weakly. He slung his legs over the wagon edge, sat up. He ran his hand through his ragged blonde hair, surveying the wounded soldiers sprawled on the wagon floor. His gaze suddenly stopped on the red-headed lieutenant the old soldier had been guarding. None of the others heard his sharp hiss of a gasp. His job was to know stories and recognize people. And he certainly recognized this person.

Kirby rolled out of the wagon, dropped to the rock floor of the canyon. He grunted as one knee gave out, banging his kneecap against the rock. The adrenaline leeched from his system, leaving him a little woozy.

Argent threw a grateful look to his brother and dove back into the wounded. He searched his senses for a spark of the Goddess’ power. He could find none. He knew this was for his own protection – only so much of the gift was given as one learned to channel it without harm. Still, Argent was frustrated at his limitations. He’d have to rely on his skill with herbs to relieve the suffering around him.

Taggart flipped over the wagon edge. Kirby caught him and steadied him. They listened. “Weird, eh?” Kirby whispered. “Quiet for the first time I can remember. It’s a little bloody unsettling.” He whistled. The tone bounced off the rock walls. “I didn’t know better, I’d think we were dead, or dreaming.”

Indigo still sat in the wagon. Her eyes were drawn to the man who’d fought next to Argent for a brief moment, fighting to protect one of his own despite his grievous wounds. Indigo liked three things in this world: drinking, courage, and drunken courage. She liked the cut of this man. She was glad he’d live.

For the first time she could see the Veshian soldier’s ward was a girl. The young red-headed lieutenant was nineteen at the oldest. Indigo jerked as the soldier grabbed her arm and hauled himself up. He gurgled past his broken throat: “… cambragia …”

“I’m sorry,” said Indigo, “I’m not so much with the gasping and the cryptic muchness –“

“… get her …to Rupert … in cambragia … and don’t use magic.
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First Post
Thanks as always for all the support, everyone. I just turned in my last overdue first draft (an adaptation of Rucka's Queen & Country for you comic geeks), and I should be able to stay on a once-a-week update schedule for a while.

A few other updates that may be of interest:

-- The Core opens March 28. Wrote that one, and saw it last week. It's a far cry from the dumbed-down sci fi of late; I think it lands smack-dab between Andromeda Strain and Fantastic Voyage. Hope you like it.

-- Work begins this week on my new gaming website. The Dark*Matter D20 group will be voting on a name, so assume it will involve monkeys of some sort.

When opened, the website will start with "Drop-ins": one-page ideas you can utilize no matter what D20 system you're using in order to add fun and variety.

I love the Spycraft system, so a lot of the first Drop-ins will be utilizing OGL sections from those rules. How to create even pulpier super-science items based on D&D spells but utilizing Gadget Points, a more streamlined requisition system for D20Modern called "What Form Do I Fill Out for the Gym Bag Full of Guns?" (which also shows you how to figure the Budget Points for your D20Modern PC so you can use the many Spycraft expansion books), etc. Most of the Drop-ins assume you have the relevant rules systems, but there will always be copious illustrative examples.

Any Drop-ins will always obey the one-page rule: no new rules should ever be brought to a game so complex they can't be boiled down into one page. GM's need to be able to shove a page to a PC and say "Here. Read."

Reviews of OGL concepts rather than products ("The Psi System you Should Be Using...") and a hit page of media to mine for gaming ideas will follow (comics to read, old movies, etc.).

After that, various free modules as samples (including Story Hour adventures) will lead to .pdf sales of adventures triple-configured for D20Modern, Spycraft system, and the upcoming Savage Worlds system by Pinnacle. (If you haven't downloaded the Test Drive Rules from Pinnacle's website, go now. Bloody elegant)

And then, concept books, taking advantage of the fact that my friends and I are writers first, game mechanics second. We spend our whole day coming up with cool locations to put fight scenes in movies. You GM's already have your plots -- what you need are locations and weird mechanics.

I hope that's of interest to you, and look forward to giving back to the hobby that's, frankly, kept me from killing anybody for the last two years.

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First Post
Quick question -- is Argent a PC? The other four I have figured out, but Argent has me stumped.

Outstanding story hour, as usual.

By the way, you can't see me, but I'm actually rubbing my hands together with glee at the prospect of your new website. Way, way too much potential coolness.

Also quite looking forward to 'The Core'. Best of luck with that.

-- a former football hero that wishes he wrote like jonrog1


First Post
Yes, Argent is a PC. Stephen from the Dark*Matter D20 group. He just seems odd because he's burdened with scruples.

He's a Cleric of Madriel, with the Domain Powers of Sun and Plants.

"Plants? Who the hell chooses that Domain?" I asked the same thing. And damned if it didn't wind up saving all of them just a few beats farther down the line -- much to my chagrin ...


Wow, I'm surprised I missed this back in January. Must use that pesky Subscribe button...

jonrog1 + Scarred Lands = Much action-packed goodness!

Damnation, I've stumbled across this SH just as it's starting out. How am I going to manage?!? I've only read 2-3 posts and BOOM, I'm at the end and in "When's the next update!? Well that's too long!" mode. Well, at least I have that faint hope that there will actualy be a weekly update.

This is nearly as bad as reading the first of a novel set, only to discover that the next book (of 4) won't be out for a year. Agony of the most pleasant sort. I know, it's an odd concept, but we are talking about jonrog1's work here, so I think it appropriate! ;)

Hatchling Dragon

Voidrunner's Codex

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