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Scarred Lands: None Dare Call Them Heroes (updated 12/07/03)


yay! update!! good stuff, as always. a little on the short side, but hey, we'll let that slide for now. here's hoping the next [and darkmatter too] isn't far behind....

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"You see," Jo explains, as the character Ross is playing for the evening sets about chopping our dead enemies into bits, then burning the bits, then scattering the ashes, "in our game, if we don't make really sure someone is dead, John will bring them back as powerful maniacs determined to kill us all."

jonrog1 said:
It was the missing Hucrele boy and the paladin of Corean, Sharwyn.

Each of them bore a helmet of wood; a twisted root system erupted from the skullcaps and burrowed into their living flesh, behind their ears, under their jaws...[/I]

I understand now.

Great update. :)


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jonrog1 said:
“How about we go get you some more victims?”

As one, the party sloooowly swiveled their heads to stare at Kirby. He gave them a cheerful thumbs up and a grin. He silently mouthed: ”Best. Plan. Ever.”

BWAAHAAHAA! I love it. Reminds me of my group - all set up for some noble a$$whoopin' when suddenly fludogg comes up with some wicked idea sending us snowballing on some weird tangent.

Oh, and: Woo hoo! Update!!


jonrog1 said:
Taggart and Kirby shifted from nonchalant to chalant-and-yet-still-cooler-than-most.

This story hour is full of great quotes, but this one has to be one of my favorites.

. . . . . . . -- Eric


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Mmmm. Evil Georgia O'Keefe tree by way of Geiger and Norman Bates. Nice image.

How many of the descriptions you use here are directly (or directly-ish) from the game? I know the cool player quotes are exact, because you don't waste dialogue that good.


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Jon, when you get a minute, I would love to see the stats on the tree-born template. Maybe post that in the rogue's gallery somewhere, and link from here? That would be cool... and keep up the good work!



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Wow! Excellent story! I'm really enjoying reading this storyhour. It's given me a ton of ideas for my own game, though I'm going to have to "step it up" if I want it to compare to your story!

Two questions:

1.) I'm curious as to how many episodes comprise each actual gaming session. From reading this, I can't tell if the 10 episodes posted here occurred in 1 session or in 10!

2.) How much of the dialog was actually said by the players, and how much are you writing in later? How different is the story you are posting here from the actual game you run? Are you taking any "artistic license" to make it read better? (Ok, that was really 3 questions. Sorry!)

Thanks for the great story. Looking forward to reading the next episode!

Voidrunner's Codex

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