joshwitz said:Wow! Excellent story! I'm really enjoying reading this storyhour. It's given me a ton of ideas for my own game, though I'm going to have to "step it up" if I want it to compare to your story!
Two questions:
1.) I'm curious as to how many episodes comprise each actual gaming session. From reading this, I can't tell if the 10 episodes posted here occurred in 1 session or in 10!
Hmm, never really keep track of that. I tend to structure the Story Hours based on the best possible cliffhanger or image rather than sessions. To the best of my recollection:
Session 1: Escape to Cambragia
Sesson 2: Accept the job, clean out the Charduni ...
Session 3: Deal with Belloc, etc.
I think it average out to about 3 posts a session. Not always -- each of the DarkMatter adventures were one-offs, and each consumes multiple postings.
2.) How much of the dialog was actually said by the players, and how much are you writing in later? How different is the story you are posting here from the actual game you run? Are you taking any "artistic license" to make it read better? (Ok, that was really 3 questions. Sorry!)
Thanks for the great story. Looking forward to reading the next episode!
As much diaolog as possible is real. It's a room full of writers, and each character is laden with attitude. Even if it's a tweaked joke, the base comment was always there.
Thanks for the compliment. Now that I think I have some time during the holidays, I'll try to catch up. I'm a year and two new players behind!
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