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Milo Taproot

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A quick question.

*stands up*
"Hello I am a enworld lurker."

As you can see from my post count, I dont post much. I do visit the site as often as I can, when real life allows, and I find much to read (so many story hours) but I usually dont have much to say; that is until now.

A little over a year ago I picked up the Creature Collection and RR and discovered the Scarred Lands. I found the world very interesting, and was hoping to use the it as the setting for a campaign. Of course real life had to go and get in the way and the game never got going (plus the game I was playing in got put on hold). Now it looks as if in a few weeks I will be able to begin running a new campaign, and since I have been out of the gaming loop for a year I was pleasantly surprised at the number of products available now for this setting.

Of course my shopping list is a bit bigger than I thought it would be :) I want to buy and read everything, but I need to pace myself or else fear the wrath of the "great wife". I already have CC2, RR2 the Ghelspad HC, and the DM Screen on order.

In an attempt to best spend my cash I have a couple of questions and this looked like the best place to ask.
Once I have the Ghelspad HC do I really "need" gazetteer?
Is there any gazetteer info that is not in the HC?
Of the other products what would be your next purchase?

I apologize in advance if these questions have been answered elsewhere on the forum but without access to the search (will be signing up once a new system is in place) its hard to research things.

Milo Taproot


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Greetings Milo. :) No that's fine for asking here. I'm here, there and everywhere. However you have a REALLY pressing questions, concerning a Scarred Lands Product, a clarification on existing Scarred Lands Product or just want to bug me about starting a game, feel free to email me. San does. ;) nighttfall@yahoo.com

anyway to answer your questions in order:

The Ghelspad Gaz is useful but not always necessary for most Dms. It's more of "primer" than an addition. What it DOES have that the SLCS doesn't cover is societies and a few secrets that might get mentioned in that book. My own personal feeling is, get if you want a large map but it's not as good as the interior cover one. Also if you want something for your players that might not know the setting, it's a good way to introduce them without giving a lot away. (Course doesn't mean you CAN'T let them look at the SLCS:Ghelspad, just save a few suprises is all)

As it stands now, I try to put about 50% of my purchase into SL stuff. However with the catalog being pushed back, means I have to wait for stuff I REALLY want. If you have an idea of where you want to run based off the SLCS, then you might not need the various regional suppliments. However I do recommend them if you want a greater depth for some parts that are now covered. If all you want is a great adventure cycle and good way to introduce your players to the Scarred Lands, (plus find out some neat stuff about the Scarred Lands) then by all means, start with the Serpent Amphora Cycle. (Make sure you download and print out the PDF. It's a lovely introduction.) The first two parts are already out and should be available at most gaming stores. If however you want more stuff on just strange and unusual, Wise and the Wicked, Secrets and Societies are some ways to go. (If nothing else the revised Incarnate is available from Secrects, but I can post you the link that has it so you don't have to if you don't want to.)

If you want more stuff for your players, the upcoming Player's guides should be a great way to go. (R&R2 offers a good introduction for some of this.)

For myself, I'd go this way: CC Revised, Player's Guide with Wizards, Bards and Sorcerers, Hornsaw, The Penumbral Pentagon (I love Dar'Tan. Sue me. ;) ) Then later on Shelzar and probably the Player's Guide to Fighters and Barbarians. But that's only because I have just about every other book save "The Serpent and the Scepter". For you I'd say go with Divine and the Defeated (nice bet for a guy wanting to understand the gods AND the titans), then CC Revised. Then you pick and choose.

Milo Taproot

First Post
Wow, thanks a bunch for the quick reply Nightfall. I am always impressed with how fast questions get answered on these boards.

I did not know that the Gazetteer had a map in it, that alone will get in my shopping cart. Plus you just gave me a great idea!

Since my players no nothing about the world I planned on making sure their characters also know nothing, and then having NPC's fill them in on the basics. I think I might be able to use parts of the gazetteer to help me do that. Just a little cut &paste and I should have an instant hand out. *sold*

As for the other products I love reading about "worlds"; I am a campaign setting sponge. Buying more books than I will ever probably use just to read more about the world, is a habit that is not easy to break. After I flipping through a few of the new books at my local library, ooops I mean Barnes and Noble, I knew I would probably end up with them all. (*shakes head* I need to start working the explanation to the wife.)

The Hollowfaust and Calastia books both got my attention, because they are a bit different than my players might expect find in such places. I can not wait to check out the players guides and the other upcoming products.

Thanks again.


First Post

darn, your list doesn't have any mention to Darakeen or Albadia, two of the coolest regions in the world (I think anyways). I was wondering, though, if anybody has done any work on the fighting colleges and go really in depth about them, prestige classes that would come from each college and possibly fighting tactics or art forms similar to those like in Mongooses Quint Fighter.

Also, about the third continent, is that the one where there are supposed dragon-lords that rule the land and it didn't get touched by the Divine War?


First Post
creative block

Oh yeah, I am having a bit of creative writers block in trying to come up with a good (I mean really really good) hook for my group of players. Basically, some of you already know this I think, I am having them create characters from other worlds and then get transported to Ghelspad and then 'appear' in the same area. I want to focus in the Albadia region and then they can spread out from there, but college just started again a week ago so I am having some difficulties coming up with a really good story arc.

Plus, not having the first CC doesn't help any (and I held off buying it because I heard about the revised one, and now that that is delayed, I'm having a little bit of a struggle). Any help would be appreciated?

Red Baron

First Post
Nightfall said:
Red: That might be so, but I'm sure it's something unrelated to the actual book, which I believe has been done and ready since December. (At least I believe it was. Joe will have to confirm or deny that...)
Nightfall, apologies. I just reread my earlier post and it struck me as being pretty snarky, when what I actually meant was I happen to know what the delay on CCRev is, but I'm afraid I don't know whether I'm at liberty to say.
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First Post
Red Baron said:
Nightfall, apologies. I just reread my earlier post and it struck me as being pretty snarky, when what I actually meant was I happen to know what the delay on CCRev is, but I'm afraid I don't know whether I'm at liberty to say.

You aren't at liberty to say a thing about the delays, sorry. Until Joe, Anthony or Ari decide to speak up about this whole thing none of us can say word one. NDA's are nasty and Whie Wolf will make them stick. Actually I am suprised they haven't said anything, under the original schedule CC revised was supposed to be out by now, and it has to be confusing the heck out of the fine local gaming stores.

<sigh> I wish I could say more but I still want to work for Sword and Sorcery.

<i>edited for spelling</i>
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First Post
Fevil: Wait 'til you see the new p-class in Serpent and the Scepter...

Theres a PrC in SatS? :goes off to check: Nope, couldnt find it.

Fevil, nice blade.

Thanks Nightfall :)

Fevil-is the enchantment cost the same as normal or do you need to overcome the +4?

Im not sure what you mean by this, any magical bonus would start at +1 as the blade is not magical. To make this a +5 you would need to spend the amount of money it takes to get it from a nonmagical blade to a +5. The only real reason to make this magical would be to be able to hurt incorporeal creatures or to increase its enhancement bonus.
Does that answer your question?
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Sage of the Scarred Lands
tabrumj said:

You aren't at liberty to say a thing about the delays, sorry. Until Joe, Anthony or Ari decide to speak up about this whole thing none of us can say word one. NDA's are nasty and Whie Wolf will make them stick. Actually I am suprised they haven't said anything, under the original schedule CC revised was supposed to be out by now, and it has to be confusing the heck out of the fine local gaming stores.

<sigh> I wish I could say more but I still want to work for Sword and Sorcery.

<i>edited for spelling</i>

Don't worry guys. I'm under the same gun in some ways but I can't say what just yet. Anyway, I'll just be patient until I hear otherwise. Red, you weren't snarky. Just vague. And that's fine. :)

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