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Sceadu-Vanqyr -- a warrior PrC


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The Sceadu-Vanqyrs are an organization of dark knights in service of King Lucien Drake of Tarinia. They are, on the whole, great warriors and loyal to a fault. Their tactics are merciless and brutal. For a quarter of a century they have been at constant war with the Divinates of Grager. This war has created a region known as the Redlands. There, the very ground is stained with the blood of the fallen. The Sceadu-Vanqyr have studied the ways of magic users to the end of becoming less prone to the spell casting abilities of their enemies. It is the sole goal of the Sceadu-Vanqyr to conquer the lands that are around them. To the Sceadu-Vanqyr there are two chief virtues, strength and cunning. More than anything else it has been their cunning that has granted them their success and also caused their success to falter. Internal conflict is quite common and many within the Sceadu-Vanqyr numbers are more concerned with upward mobility within their ranks than with the success of Tarinia. Sceadu-Vanqyr take the field of battle without hesitation, their black plate armor polished to perfection; few in the lands of Idmyr doubt their individual combat prowess, fewer still do so publicly. The Sceadu-Vanqyr are a blight on the land and they are cruel and unforgiving, but they are not without their own sense of honor.

“Death is upon you,
Meet it with open arms”​
‑‑ An ancient proverb adopted by the Sceadu-Vanqyr​

“Jael closed his eyes and breathed in deeply.
When his eyes flashed open,
the hate and rage within them had been replaced by emptiness,
cold and efficient.”​
--Excerpt from an account of Lord Jael Ahariah​

To become a Sceadu-Vanqyr, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria:
Alignment: Lawful Evil, or Lawful Neutral
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Feats: Heavy Armor and Shield Proficiency, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave and Weapon Focus (any).
Skills: Intimidation 4 ranks, and Spellcraft 4 ranks

Hit Dice: d10

Class Skills
The Sceadu-Vanqyr’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Ride (Dex), Knowledge:Arcana (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Base Attack: Full
Saves: Good Fortitude, Bad Reflex, Bad Willpower

Level Chart
Level Special 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 Detachment 0* - - -
2 Spell Resistance 1 - - -
3 1 - - -
4 2 0* - -
5 2 1 - -
6 3 1 0* -
7 3 2 1 -
8 4 2 1 0*
9 4 3 2 1
10 4 3 2 1

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Sceadu-Vanqyr.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Sceadu-Vanqyr are proficient with simple and martial weapons. They are also proficient with all types of armor and shields, except tower shields. This ability does not extend to exotic armors and shields.

Detachment: The Sceadu-Vanqyr are trained to be as inhuman as possible. They are cold, efficient, and emotionless killers. This training has a beneficial effect on the Sceadu-Vanqyr as they are immune to fear, and emotion based effects. This also means that they are unaffected by a bards inspirational songs and taunts.

Spell Resistance: The Sceadu-Vanqyr study the arcane for two reasons, one is to wield it in battle, and the second is to understand how to best survive it. In their studies they have uncovered the secrets of spell resistance. This resistance does come with a price however, for as they become hardened against magical attacks they also cause their own arcane skills to deteriorate. For every point of class given spell resistance a Sceadu-Vanqyr has, his arcane spell failure chance increases by one. A Sceadu-Vanqyr’s class given spell resistance is equal to his 10 plus his class level.

Spells: The Sceadu-Vanqyr may learn spells in a fashion very similar to wizards. Sceadu-Vanqyr may learn a number of spells per spell level equal to 4 + intelligence bonus, if any. At each level a Sceadu-Vanqyr learns up to 2 new spells of a level he can cast just as a wizard does. Sceadu-Vanqyr receive bonus spells for high intelligence just as other casters would. They may learn spells from the following list.

1st Level: True Strike, Cause Fear, Shocking Grasp, Magic Weapon, Chill Touch, Floating Disk, Protection From Good, Endure Elements.

2nd Level: Protection From Arrows, Chromatic Orb, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Endurance, See Invisibility, Scare, Resist Energy.

3rd Level: Magic Circle Against Good, Greater Magic Weapon, Keen Edge, Dispel Magic, Shatter, Death Knell, Hold Person, Aid.

4th Level: Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Fire Shield, Fear, Slow, Displacement, Crushing Despair, Magic Vestment, Lecherous Bond*.

*Indicates a new spell.

Lecherous Bond
Level: Shade Knight 4
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft + 5 ft./2 levels) (See below)
Target: One Creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a magical bond between you and the target creature so that some of your wounds are transferred to them. You take only half damage from all attacks (including those dealt by special abilities) that deal hit point damage. The target creature takes the amount of damage not taken by you. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, temporary ability damage, level draining, and death effects, are not affected. If you suffer a loss of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, the reduction is not split because it is not hit point damage. When the spell ends, subsequent damage is no longer divided between you and the target of the spell, but damage already split is not reassigned to you.
Even if you and the subject of the spell move out of range of each other, the spell continues for the length of its normal duration.
Focus: An adamantium ring worth 250 gp.

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Spell Resistance 12 at 8th level is not all that special. By comparison a drow with six levels has a 17 spell resistance, so I don't think its unbalancing.

Balancing a race to a class is wrong I know but here, A 13th level monk would have SR 23 while a sceadu-vanqyr with 13 levels (going in at 7th) would have only a 17. Because it's based off of class level in a PrC, its actually much weaker than other level depend SR. Add that to the fact that thier SR adds to thier arcane spell failure chance and you make the ability much weaker. At least that's my thought...


And a normal 8th level human fighter - or rogue or cleric or mage - has a spell resistance of zero. Spell Resistance is one of the big oogies.


First Post
We may have to agree to disagree here. I don't think making an equal level caster roll a 4 (without feats) to overcome your spell resistance is all that powerful. Normal levels of spell resistance (which make the roll roughly 50/50) are much more powerful. The difference between a 20% failure rate and a 50% failure rate is huge.

Even if the class got the ability at later levels, the failure rate would be the same, and any lower spell resistance has little point, if any.

Did you have any other thoughts? I really am interested in what you have to say and am keeping an open mind. I just don't happen to agree with you here. How else would you accomplish a similar feel?

Land Outcast

I think it fits nicely... but having SR 20 at level 20... is like.. well, you know...

I like the idea behind the class... but I think it needs something else... (OR bumping the SR to be equal to PrC+10, and at level 8th make it equal to Lvl+10)


First Post
Looks kind of underpowered. Well if casting some spells is a big feature of this class but it is Arcane and they are known for wearing full plate and they get more for their measly SR. It seems a little weak. The idea behind them is definately doing it for me though.


First Post
Any suggestions?

I agree that they seem weak especially in later levels, but I just don't know what else to do with them and I want to shy from the "ooh this is weak, give it bonus feats," thing.



Land Outcast

Heavy Armor Proficiency and Arcane Spell Failure?
Please, tell me they don't get to apply ASF from armor. If not, no Sceadu Vanqyr would ever attempt to cast a spell, knowing the possible futility of the act... they want efficiency, and they are pragmatic, they won't play a game of chance.

Possible Powerups:

Cold Soul (Su): At will, as a swift action, a Sceadu Vanqyr can infuse with freezing cold a weapon he is holding and has Weapon Focus with.
Dealing additional cold damage upon touch to anyone other than the Sceadu Vanqyr of 1d4 cold damage per every 2 Sceadu Vanquyr levels. The effect receeds a round after the Sceadu Vanquyr ceases contact with the weapon or when the Sceadu Vanqyr wills it (as an immediate action).

Pragmatic Soul (Su): The extra damage from Cold Soul is not cold damage anymore but raw magical energy, and therefore not subject to Cold Resistance or Cold Immunity.

Numb (Ex): The Sceadu Vanqyr gains DR 1/- per every 2 Sceadu Vanquyr levels.

Cold stare (Su): As a standard action, same effect as Daze (No HD limit), 30 ft Range, DC = 10 + PrC level + Int.

Freezing stare (Su): As a standard action, same effect as Hold Monster, 1d4-2 rounds duration (minimum 1), 30 ft Range, DC = 10 + PrC level + Int.
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First Post
Actually they do apply the ASF from armor in addition to thier SR...poor odds of succesfully casting a spell... I like your suggestions particularly the stares....hmmm

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