• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Scheduling for IRON DM 2015

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Once A Fool
Last year it was held on because of my schedules. I will not interfere this year.

To be clear, it wasn't the time-zone issues that held things up; we can accomidate those. It was the other scheduling issues that kept it from working. If those have been resolved, it might all work out. And I wouldn't have pinged you if I was worried about you "interfering."

At any rate, perhaps you'll consider signing up as an alternate, which would make you the first person we ask to jump in if someone drops out (because Life). At which point, you can accept or decline, as your schedule allows.


First Post
IF there's still room, I'd love to get in on this. I did it a few times, and had a lot of fun each time.


First Post
OK, I'll play. At worst y'all can laugh me out of the place. :)

It's usually not much like that. I've done a few of these, something like five or six years ago, and they've consistently been one of the most enjoyable - and positive - experiences on ENWorld.

A few tips:

1. Watch your ingredients. Be clever with them - the cleverer, the better. But don't try and change the ingredient or stray too far from it in the name of cleverness. For example, if your ingredient is "an intelligent zombie" and you make the villain a sage ghoul, you'll be asking for trouble.

2. Connect your ingredients. As in, don't just have six ingredients floating in the adventure alone. If you can try and tighten your adventure so that, ideally, all ingredients connect to one another to form a coherent whole, you'll be doing great.

3. Edit, edit, edit. I write mine in notepad, go over the word limit, and edit down. As with all writing, the better you edit, the better you'll be.

4. Time Management. Write as soon as you can, after getting your ideas out on pen and paper. Then, let the idea sit for a bit before you submit. This time around, I plan on writing as much as I can as soon as I get the idea, and then submitting just before the deadline so I have time to think about it. I work a buttload of hours, and volunteer, so personally, I think this might be what kills me. It's what killed me before, too.

Basically, keep those in mind, and always ask "is it fun?" and you'll do great. It's fun to look at RPGs from a different perspective! And I guarantee, you'll have a barrel of laughs.


Another tip: try swapping an ingredient with something else and see if the adventure still works. If it works fine, you haven't tied the ingredient in well enough.

For instance, if you have a town being menaced by a basilisk, is there a reason it couldn't be a medusa? Or wolves? Or a ghost? If swapping the monster makes no difference, consider ways you could tie it into things more effectively.


Once A Fool
Lets get started!
[MENTION=34958]Deuce Traveler[/MENTION]
[MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION]

Please post your availability for the first round matches. Does anyone want to start today?

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