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Scorpion King: Verdict?


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I liked it, it was a good d&d style movie, and I liked that it didn't take itself seriously at all, but hey that's just me. (and we did go the bar before hand... :p )

Also the trailers for reign of fire and undercover brother were awesome! :D

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A Review.

I finally got to see it here, last Friday and I absolutely enjoyed it.

The Scorpion King is a good low fantasy action film, much like D&D is low fantasy. I had to force myself from trying to work out classes and levels...etc, though.
I would have liked a bit more of the fantastical in it, like the Mummy films had, but it was no loss really.

When it comes to a film like this, I find most people are too critical about acting and accuracy. It's a film, a means of escapism, and people should just watch it for that reason.

My girlfriend made the same comment. The sad part is I thought up an explanation. The pyres he stuck his swords in were probably filled with some sort of oil that was burning. So if the weapons got coated with the oil they might burn for a few seconds at least.

The Kender said:
And the fact that that the bad guy made Flaming Scimitars without magic. I've put a knife in a very hot fire before. Metal does not light on fire!

Reign of Fire did indeed look awesome. I am afraid though that B.A.D.D will start marching in protest since some of the Dragons will probably die way too easily.

Undercover Brother looks like someone was on crack and decided to make a black Austin Powers movie. I think I will wait on this movie for about ..... forever. Then again I have refused to see either Austin Power movie so I fully admit to being biased.

novyet said:

Also the trailers for reign of fire and undercover brother were awesome! :D

Did anyone else recognise the voice of Memnon's chief guard? I am talking about the one that stabbed the Rock with the poisoned arrow.

I could be wrong but I am fairly certain the guy is the former Mr Universe who was playing Conan in that really bad TV show that was on channel 26 (ie lower than UPN). I don't know if the show is still on or not. I saw it a couple times and it was pretty bad.


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Doc M:

yup, I checked good ol IMDB.com and Thorak, was played by Ralph Moeller, the same guy who played Conan in the bad series of the same name.

No the series isn't on any more, he was also in Gladiator, had bit part on Andromeda and Mutant X

so, consensus, see or don't see Scorpion king?

Gladiator, I knew there was a better movie I was remembering him in.

pat_b said:
Doc M:

yup, I checked good ol IMDB.com and Thorak, was played by Ralph Moeller, the same guy who played Conan in the bad series of the same name.

No the series isn't on any more, he was also in Gladiator, had bit part on Andromeda and Mutant X

so, consensus, see or don't see Scorpion king?


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Originally posted by pat_b
Doc M:

yup, I checked good ol IMDB.com and Thorak, was played by Ralph Moeller, the same guy who played Conan in the bad series of the same name.

No the series isn't on any more, he was also in Gladiator, had bit part on Andromeda and Mutant X

so, consensus, see or don't see Scorpion king?
I was right! I won the bet yet again!

I gotta agree about the Undercover Brother..."Blackness confirmed!" is one of the funniest line I've ever heard.

DPG Darrin

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I went to see this movie about a week ago. I rarely get out to see the movies because I am so busy, but this one I had to make time for. Going in I wasn't sure if I should expect a prequel to the Mummy movies, or something more along the lines of Conan. By the end of it I was still expecting to see pacts with evil gods, but it never materialized... and despite this, I was not disappointed.

I am not a pro wrestling fan, and I can't even say that I'm much of a Rock fan, but I really enjoyed this flick. Compared to the 2 Conan movies, I place the quality somewhere higher than Conan 2, but lower than Conan 1. It completely blows the D&D movie out of the water, but then that's pretty much assumed. Between this and Kull the conqueror (which I enjoyed), SK wins hands down. Yes it was more sword than sorcery, and some of the Rock's acting was a little cheesy, but overall it was a fun romp.

I think that the comment about how the men felt after Memnon lost his sorceress is completely accurate. The movie makes it plain that the secret of this guy's success was the sorceress and without her he had very little other than sheer combat prowess. I think this was intentional. If this guy was actually a good leader, he wouldn't have been so hung up on the sorceress, and maybe he would have made a good leader that most people don't want dead. It made sense.

Biggest gripes: They didn't show how the sidekick made it out of the sand when the ants were coming towards them. The sidekick was a little too much of a weasel. Noscenes involving giant snakes about to eat a bare breasted sacrifice (oops, wrong movie series on that last one).

Biggest smilies: The part where The Rock and the resistance leader's swords shattered when they met, the fact that they killed The Rock's brother within minutes of saving him from the barbarians, and the final scene.

My recommendation: don't see it if you plan to overanalyze it and tear it apart. Do go see it if you enjoy fun kick-butt action movies with lots of fight scenes.

One last comment is that Conan, Crown of Thorns is supposedly in the works (finally) and the rumors are the Vin Diesel of Pitch Black will be playing his son. I'm going to be so happy if ths movie gets made and they actually do it right.

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