Scotley's Tomb of Horrors 3.5

Mista Collins

First Post
Disappointed with the turnout, Logan proceeds to give his sermon to the thin crowd. If time permits after the will reading, maybe he will be able to give another sermon tomorrow to a house with more attendees. Logan mentions Jason's offer of combat instruction.

Once finished with his sermon, Logan retires to his bed and gets some sleep before the morning.

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Cathedral of Pelor

The sermon is well received and neither priest nor paladin notes anything unusual with the congregation. Several people express and interest in the practice session on the morrow.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
The Lizard's Boat: Harrison Jakes

harrison takes the two apples, thanks the vendor and continues toward the Inn's door. he looks for a street urchin and gets his/ her attention and hands the other apple to the child with a friendly wink. continuin to the door he sees the inside as a patron is leaving, caatching the door as it was being closed. Upon entering he walks ito the commen room takeing note of all who are in there, where they are seated and if they seem to pose a threat...old habits never die. the front dest is peoped by a pretty half elf, or is that a full elf

'hard to tell with that one' thinks the fighter. He smiles pleasently as the fey folk were always easy to like. "Good day to you m' lady. I am in need of a room for some time...perhaps a seekIi would say. This Inn was recommended to me and spoken highly of. I see they under stated this fine establishment. " offers Harrison in as diplomatic of a statement as possible.

( look out tennisee, it seems the weather we just had is headed right for you!)
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First Post
Jason stands silently by during the service. Focusing on being a silent reminder of Pelors strength. The worry he feels over the small service supplanted by the reaction of the people to the sermon. With luck and a bit of guidance from Pelor perhaps they can turn the situation around.

If anyone attempts to engage him in discussion of the training he will be polite but encourage them to show on the morrow. Making an early night of it Jason will wake shortly before dawn. He wont put his armor on this morning, feeling that most who attend will be in light or no armor, and will, if possible, borrow some weapons and armor from the church for training purposes.

At 10 till dawn he will be found on the steps of the cathedral, from their he will leave with anyone that has shown up for a nice open area where he will spend the next 30 minutes greeting the dawn and praying.

Jason will make an effort to memorize the face and name of anyone that shows, feeling that those who show faith in such an hour are the kind of people that can truly be counted on.

I'll post a description of what he looks like this morning and more details on the setup of everything when/if I have time tonight.


Scott DeWar said:
the front dest is peoped by a pretty half elf,

OOC: My initial post describing the woman was in error. She is an Elf, rather than a half-elf. My appologies for the error. For the sake of DM pride you can pretend that it was difficult to tell if she were elf or half-elf. :eek:

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Scotley said:
OOC: My initial post describing the woman was in error. She is an Elf, rather than a half-elf. My appologies for the error. For the sake of DM pride you can pretend that it was difficult to tell if she were elf or half-elf. :eek:

it is listed in post 24 if you wish to know where it is origanlly posted as such...btw, 1) did you get any bad weather and 2) will the simple psot i did do for your delicate ego (*snicker snicker*) and 3) if you want i can pick on tennesee as well as canada(eh)! and last but not least, 4) how are the Predators (hockey team) doing?


The practice session attracts a few locals, but none are really a challenge for the Paladin. That doesn't keep them from giving it a good try. The local followers of Pelor seem as devote and devoted as any you've seen. There just don't seem to be as many of them as you would expect in a town this size with such a large Cathedral here.


Scott DeWar said:
it is listed in post 24 if you wish to know where it is origanlly posted as such...btw, 1) did you get any bad weather and 2) will the simple psot i did do for your delicate ego (*snicker snicker*) and 3) if you want i can pick on tennesee as well as canada(eh)! and last but not least, 4) how are the Predators (hockey team) doing?

OOC: Okay, I made a correction of sorts. I think the weather either hasn't made it yet or somehow missed us. It has been very mild. If you can't think of any good Tennessee jokes, note that I grew up in Arkansas--that should make an easy target. I prefer to focus on the Tigers these days (basketball--final four here we come!)


OOC: Sorry things have been a little slow the last couple of days. RL issues have been really sapping my energy. Finish up any details for your characters and I plan to move ahead to toward the reading of the Will tomorrow.

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