• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Sealed Pages in Dragon--Contents inside!


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Xaylen, How exactly am I over-reacting to what isn't? What, someone did not say that the contents of the magazine contain the two spells in questions? Was I imagining the staement that said the spells involved magically raping someone and the baby tearing them up or raping a corpse? How am I over-reacting? How is my concern anything but genuine?

How do you find these things to be so mainstream? The very concepts are repellent! Just go ask anyone on the street. I said you find it totally normal and mainstream because you equated it with 'boobies' and 'dancing.' Your words, used to mock my concerns.

And for your info, the magazine goes to all of the subscribers, not just those who pick it up at the store. And no one said anything about leaving out subscriptions to minors or preventing minors from picking the magazine up on their own. And the point is that the material is bad publicity even if it isn't bought. You folks need to realize that the world IS concerned about things like this, for good and bad. We're not the secluded little group some of you think we are...

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First Post
Nathanael said:
How am I over-reacting? How is my concern anything but genuine?

By hypothosizing that this is the end of D&D? That this is going to get a hellstorm of flames from everyone and everywhere?

How do you find these things to be so mainstream? The very concepts are repellent! Just go ask anyone on the street. I said you find it totally normal and mainstream because you equated it with 'boobies' and 'dancing.' Your words, used to mock my concerns.

Well, for starters, there are many movies which these take place. Deliverance and Pulp Fiction features butt-rape. It's Alive features a baby which tears its way through it's mother, and kills people. Heck, Legend of Sleepy Hollow had the Headless Horsemen stab a pregnant woman in the gut. As for the Boobies and Dancing, I'm trying to show how unneeded, and over the top it is.

And for your info, the magazine goes to all of the subscribers, not just those who pick it up at the store. And no one said anything about leaving out subscriptions to minors or preventing minors from picking the magazine up on their own. And the point is that the material is bad publicity even if it isn't bought. You folks need to realize that the world IS concerned about things like this, for good and bad. We're not the secluded little group some of you think we are... [

Which, it's sealed in a pack. That has a warning label. Legally binding, that. Frankly, I'm not concerned about minors. They can play video games where zombies gnaw on their flesh, little child-like things in schools attack them, or they shoot people randomly. I don't think three sentences which describes what happens, followed by game mechanics, of rape is going to warp their very being.

Is it needed? Not really. Is it gratitust? Yeah. But it's not going to scar children for life.
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Until now, the only negative reaction I've seen to the BoVD has been by gamers themselves, concerned with the general public's opinion.

I find it somewhat ironic that they have become the very problem they are afraid of. "Don't do it, or else someone will want you not to do it!".

Besides, some good flaming, arguing, bigotry and burning-BoVDs-in-town-square is the best advertisement you can get.


First Post
Nathanael said:
Xaylen, How exactly am I over-reacting to what isn't? What, someone did not say that the contents of the magazine contain the two spells in questions? Was I imagining the staement that said the spells involved magically raping someone and the baby tearing them up or raping a corpse? How am I over-reacting? How is my concern anything but genuine?

How do you find these things to be so mainstream? The very concepts are repellent! Just go ask anyone on the street. I said you find it totally normal and mainstream because you equated it with 'boobies' and 'dancing.' Your words, used to mock my concerns.

And for your info, the magazine goes to all of the subscribers, not just those who pick it up at the store. And no one said anything about leaving out subscriptions to minors or preventing minors from picking the magazine up on their own. And the point is that the material is bad publicity even if it isn't bought. You folks need to realize that the world IS concerned about things like this, for good and bad. We're not the secluded little group some of you think we are...

Personally, I find it amusing that people are alright talking about wholescale torture of a race and subsequent genocide, and controlling people like toys..

And then balk at a single four-letter word and what it means.

Actually, it really is pretty localized to the U.S. and maybe Canada. There is some serious stigma about sex here, and it's thankfully eroding.

Comics in Japan are sold to children that go over this topic repeatedly.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Wicht said:
it seems like [un-nice political stuff] has been in numerous threads here lately. ...
Then use the "report this post to a moderator" button, please.

Tsyr said:

I think the "Kindred: The Embraced" TV series was FAR better than either the DnD movie or the DnD cartoon. Sure, they got a few details wrong, but it WORKED. ...
Yeah, you can like or dislike what Aaron Spelling does, but he's certainly good at it...

Nathanael said:
...As I've said, not all gamers find this material harmless... or are a member of B.A.D.D, although I checked and saw that Monte Cook is. Which could explain why you lot loudly decry opinions against this material.

Wait a minute there! B.A.D.D. is merely about helping DMs thinking up tactics for dragons, in case you don't know.
For more information, please check out our web site. :)
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First Post
Zappo said:
Until now, the only negative reaction I've seen to the BoVD has been by gamers themselves, concerned with the general public's opinion.

I find it somewhat ironic that they have become the very problem they are afraid of. "Don't do it, or else someone will want you not to do it!".

I don't think that is quite correct.

There are some who are afraid of public-backlash. I don't blame them- some people have some bad experiences with public distaste for gaming and they don't want to go through it again.

There are others like myself- who is concerned that the BoVD will be done in bad taste, similar to the corpse copulation spell in the article.

If this was to become a popular trend and enter the mainstream of d&d books, then I would no longer be interested in playing it.

Yes. A lot of if's. That is why I am on the "wait and see" band wagon.

Monte Cook has written some great stuff and I don't think I have found any works of his in bad taste. I am giving him and the book the benefit of the doubt until the reviews are out.



First Post
Re: Yeah

jasamcarl said:
This is always an interesting discussion. I love those arguments which call for a system of community honor. (deleted) would be wrapped in such a state of victomhood to believe that anyone gives a damn about this hobby or that there is a nefarious 'enemy of dnd' worth a damn. Please, invent more drama.

Are you for real? I mean, do you really believe this? A lot of people give a damn about our hobby. Wake up, look around. Maybe you are too young to remember the tirades and marches and book burnings over DnD. I voiced a legitimate concern and get this juvenile tripe thrown at me? I live in no state of victimhood, I just remember family members giving up on me over this game back in the 80's. There is no nefarious enemy of DnD, that is absurd, but there are many large organizations and individuals that look to champion causes. It doesn't take a large amount of brains to realize this.


(Note: Just edited out the part in the quote that I also edited out in the post that it's quoted from. :)
- Darkness)

Thanks, I do appreciate that. The least seen of that post the better.
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Princess of Florin
Furn_Darkside said:
Splatterpunk is lazy writing.

Yeah. It's also quite boring. I like to have extremely evil villains, but I probably wouldn't use necrophilia in my game. It just isn't my style. I liked the rest of the spells in this section though. The prestige classes were of no interest to me, but then, nearly all prestige classes that I've seen can be described that way.

I suppose I'll just have to continue waiting for the book to come out, as will we all.

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