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Sean Reynolds Let Go


According to his website, Sean Reynolds was one of those let go from Wizards' R&D department today. He says it's all part of "his plan" (with more info to follow). He says not to be maudlin, but he was one of the few Wizards designers whose work I'd buy sight unseen.

Given the OGL, I don't think the D&D community is going to lose Sean's talents anytime soon.

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First Post
Interesting I had expected to see some of the core development team laid off and I wondered if we were going to see alot of recognizable names in the most recent batch. The fact that the cuts include the core FR team does concern me, not so much from the perspective of FR surviving or dying but that if the people developing the strong sellers are getting cut I fear for the less well known designers.


First Post
That is pretty heavy. I am not a fan at all of S.K. R., and I avoid buying material with his name on it, however, I find it shocking that he was let go as he does do work that many people admire and he is a very creative person. That is really too bad and I do hope he finds a creative outlet that his fans will continue to support.



Well, I'll be darned.

In my opinion, the man can come off rather imperious at times, but he is a damned fine game designer. I certainly hope he has a plan to ally with someone like Malhavoc Press (or even start his own company) and continue producing game materials.

If not, I wish him well in whatever he pursues.


Wielder of the Power Cosmic

crazy he just said yesterday on the FR list that the cuts hadn't gotten to the RPG side of WoTc and there didn't seem to be anything to worry about. I wonder if more is going on than meets the eye.



Damn me.

I'm surely not with Sean on all terms, but I liked most of his D&D work when we still played FR.

I mean, from the "original team" (2E and 3E), there's not many left now (Big Names)... and Ed Greenwood, for example, just finished Geanavue for Kenzer&Co, a (very decent, I might add) Kalamar city sourcebook.

...cause the times, they are a-changing...



First Post
Interesting some of the Nutkinland Intelligensia and I were discussing WotC's condition last night and there seems to definitely be a major cutback in R&D coming tomorrow. I have a definite feeling that SWRPG is going to be cut to the bone and that there might be substantial changes to the Core production and Release schedule.

These cuts also seem independent of any potential WotC retail cuts which many people have been expecting for quite sometime now.

Aaron L

Starting to look bad. I didn't realize they were even going to cut game designers, but S.K.R. gets loosed, that's not looking good at all.

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