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Sean's Picks of the Week (0323-0327) - Lots of Pathfinder, plus Icons and Lovecraft!

Not entirely by design, I ended up picking a lot of Pathfinder stuff this week. There's also a great Lovecraftian game that ties into the OSR-driven Stars Without Numbers game system and a pretty interesting ICONS campaign setting. Onward!

Not entirely by design, I ended up picking a lot of Pathfinder stuff this week. There's also a great Lovecraftian game that ties into the OSR-driven Stars Without Numbers game system and a pretty interesting ICONS campaign setting. Onward!

The Sinking: Doom Golem Rising

OK, wow. I remember when this series of modules first started. I was still working for DriveThruRPG at the time, and I was very impressed with the sheer scope of this thing, not just the quality and unique aspects of the campaign. 0one Games pulled together their map-making expertise with some fantastic setting creation and adventure design to craft their Great City urban adventure line (which also ties into their incredible Dungeon Under the Mountain series), and The Sinking series launched as a non-linear series of adventures that act as a backbone arc of stories to found a very long-running campaign upon.

Like a television series, The Sinking had a very successful first season, and now we come to the end of the second season with Doom Golem Rising, which also marks the series finale itself. For me, this a momentous event in gaming; I was there to promote and support their efforts right at the start, so it’s my pleasure to present this last episode with an encouragement to check out the entire product line from 0One.

The PCs delve back into the Dungeon under the Mountain into the fabled Panopticon. There they uncover one of the Malchort’s most deadly secrets, a colossal biomechanical death-machine in the shape of a great prehistoric beast known as a Doom Golem. The PCs must figure out how to reactivate the machine and return to the surface through the Sink. Emerging in the center of the Great City, they face off against the Trypus Academy’s own mecha-kaiju death-machine in an epic battle that threatens to smash the city to rubble

This adventure ends The Great City: The Sinking series. It can be played as part of the series, or as a stand-alone adventure. It was designed using the Pathfinder RPG System and intended to be played with a group of 11th-level Player Characters.

The Construct Companion

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” – Michelangelo

They open with this quote, and I felt compelled to do the same. Monster Menagerie: The Construct Companion is another gem from Owen K.C. Stephens’ house, Rogue Genius. Crafted by the “The Four Horsemen,”including RPG Superstar winner Steve Helt, it’s a book all about constructs in your Pathfinder game. Scarily enough (sorry GMs), this includes playing a construct.

In this book you will find:

  • New constructs to use as both antagonists and resources including animated objects, colossi, golems, and constructs.
  • Rules for customizing existing constructs, and for creating them from the ground up, including new animated object abilities and complex modifications, rules for reanimated objects, animated traps, animated vehicles, templates for creating construct and golem versions of other monsters, and optional rules for expanding the animate objects spell.
  • New paths for building characters including class archetypes, prestige classes, construct animal companions and familiars, new feats, new magic items, and two playable construct races.
  • Mythic tier options including templates that bring sentience and power, on a more cosmic scale, to standard golems using themes such as artifice, death, love, madness, space, and time.
  • Four new encounters featuring several of the unique creatures presented in the Bestiary chapter, complete with stats and treasure.

Extreme Earth

It’s no secret I’ve been a fan of what Steve Kenson gave us with ICONS (especially the Assembled Edition). Here’s a very different take from the core themes – Fainting Goat’s Extreme Earth: A Dystopian Superhero Setting.

Extreme Earth is a supers campaign setting inspired by the Iron Age of Comic Books. With eye-popping art by Jon Gibbons and evocative writing of Joe Bardales, Extreme Earth will transport you to a dangerous, dystopian world that can be described as 24 meets Heroes by way of the Iron Age of Comics.

Extreme Earth will present information about the history and current state of affairs of this dystopian world, background dossiers on major players and organizations, rules for character creation, campaign advice for game masters to help bring the EXTREME EARTH setting to life, and a full introductory adventure.

Note from Joe Bardales - "We also have versions of EXTREME EARTH for Savage Worlds, Mutants & Masterminds, and SUPERS! available now too, as well as upcoming versions for BASH!, Bulletproof Blues, Cold Steel Wardens, Fate Accelerated Edition, and HERO Champions."

Silent Legions

Fully compatible with Sine Nomine’s free Stars Without Number d20-driven sci-fi game, this very successful Kickstarted product isn’t “just another Cthulhu game.” In fact, it’s both a horror game of its own accord and a tool kit to inject both utterly new terrors into your horror campaigns as well as make the job of throwing together a night’s investigations really easy for the GM.

Silent Legions isn’t just about traditional Yog-Sothothery. Silent Legions is a creation kit, a toolbox in the Sine Nomine style for creating your own Mythos, with all-new deities, alien entities, foul magics, accursed artifacts, unaussprechlichen kulten, and diabolical dream-worlds to bedevil your players. These tools are system-neutral, so even fans of other Lovecraftian gaming systems can scoop them up to add a splash of fresh horror to their more familiar tentacular abominations.

Not only that, but Silent Legions is built to help the GM create investigative adventures with minimal strain. Within these pages you’ll find a modular set of templates and adventure guides that help you snap together an evening’s intrepid investigation and fit it neatly into your campaign setting. Like the Mythos creation tools, these guides are system-neutral and can be exported for any occasion when you need something wicked to this way come.

Deal of the Day: Spellstaff

DriveThruRPG started up a new idea called the Deal of the Day. Every day, you’ve got a new thing on special for usually around 50-60% off, found right there at the top of the home page. Today, it’s the Spellstaff: The Magic User’s Weapon –

The staff, be it topped with a skull, gemstone, or crystal ball, has long been a symbol of the magic user’s power in classic fantasy literature. In roleplaying games, however, a staff is often nothing more than a glorified walking stick. Even those staves with actual power hold only a limited amount of charges before they are depleted, and recharging them costs the magic user precious spells. The spellstaff changes all this, giving magic users a ranged weapon that uniquely suits their mystery and power.

Inside: Rules for the spellstaff. Also included are traits, feats, archetypes, and plot hooks for the spellstaff!

Archetypes: Serpentstaff Witch (Witch), Spellstaff Adept (Wizard), Spellstaff Channeler (Sorcerer), Spellstaff Dancer (Bard), Spellstaff Disciple (Fighter), Spellstaff Healer (Cleric), Spellstaff Scrapper (Brawler), and Spellstaff Shepherd (Priest)!


Tonight it's board and card games for my Friday Night Gaming Crew. Tomorrow, I launch a new Shaintar campaign for some folks - the Rangers of Tarrow. As always, I'd love to hear what gaming you're up to this weekend.

As for the latest round of news and discussion regarding Gen Con and Indiana, let me just share this. I've been very proud at the overwhelming outpouring of support for those of our tribe who are gay, trans, or otherwise walking paths that still suffer struggles in matters of equality and acceptance. Well done, gaming fans!

For us all - The Adventure Continues!


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Staff member
Dude: don't comment on moderation in thread! If you must respond to a mod for something like the above, shoot them a private message.

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This interests me greatly. Thanks for the heads up!

I agree, though for different reasons. I know you love HERO. I just want to see how rpgs would handle a dystopian super genre. I have little interest in the 4 color comic style for an rpg, but this caught my interest.


Staff member
I actually own a half-dozen supers games, maybe more. HERO is my fave, and- presumably since the M&M version will be for that game's most recent iteration- the only one on that list I know I have.


Color me a tad confused and bemused by one Fergurg, but I make no apologies for complimenting most of our tribe for showing excellence towards their fellow human beings in light of recent events.

At any rate, if you ~really~ want to have a go at my "politics," you'll have to do that on Facebook. Fair warning - fail to be a decent human being and face the ban hammer.

I will continue to celebrate gaming here on ENWorld, and thanks for your support!


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