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Sean's Picks of the Week (0511-0515) - D&D, Savage Worlds, Cartoon Action Hour, More!

I was in Arizona from Tuesday to yesterday, working very closely with some RPG luminaries and awesome people on the Savage Rifts project, which put me completely behind of my Picks. Thus, the formatting below may be a bit different, but you get five Picks, just like always!

I was in Arizona from Tuesday to yesterday, working very closely with some RPG luminaries and awesome people on the Savage Rifts project, which put me completely behind of my Picks. Thus, the formatting below may be a bit different, but you get five Picks, just like always!

Codex Celtarium

Last week was a look at the brand new and shiny, so this week I’m going to look back at some stuff you might have missed. Troll Lord made the first entry easy by putting Codex Celtarium on sale for 50% off. Anyone wanting to tap Celtic mythology for their games should have this one on hand.

More than Myths and Gods

The Codex Celtarum contains a veritable host of gaming material. Built around the complete mythological cosmos of the Celts, in it you’ll find new spells for your druid, cleric, and illusionist. New monsters, including mountains of fey. New magic items. For the very bold, there are new powers for your characters, allowing your characters to become fey!

  • 190 new spells
  • 90 gods and monsters from the Celtic mythos
  • 150 powers for the fey monsters & characters (optional)

(And now comes the more rapid-fire list just created today...)

First, more Savage sci-fi action!

Nemezis: Galaxy is a companion for Savage Worlds: Nemezis, presenting in further detail the worlds of the Horizon System – and beyond, to the colonized planets of the Saggitarius Arm.
– survive in the freezing hell of Ash thanks to secrets of the Syndicate, and learn new rules for improving your guns
– learn more about the glorious (and not-so-glorious) past of Bariz
– join the elite troops of Cor, from the iconic Red Devils to undefeatable Golden Eagles
… and much more!

(Note – If you got the Ash, Cor and Bariz sourcebooks, some of the material appeared there; you should receive a discount purchase option for this book).

Next up, Cartoon Action Hour celebrates Mad Max: Fury Road with the Cartoon Action Hour: S3 Post-Apocalypse Kit!

The release of the long-awaited Mad Max: Fury Road has put all of us at Spectrum Games in something of a post-apocalyptic mood. To these ends, we’re offering a new PDF bundle that offers the Cartoon Action Hour: Season 3 rulebook and the Wasteland 2010 series book for only $11.99. That’s a 32% discount!

And now something a good bit different – gaslamp fantasy with a living document for a rules set!

Eidolon is a 366 page full colour book. It is entirely dedicated to bringing the campaign setting to life, and the rules are made available for free through a link you will receive upon purchase. The rules are meant to be a living document, meaning that there will be no more editions and erattas, but rules will be updated as players break and make the game.

Eidolon: the Electrodyne Opera is a gaslamp fantasy setting, set in the year 1900. It is a world where stories focus upon the nobility and the affairs of state. Herein, the eight great nation-states of the Realm and the alien powers of both the hinterlands and antipodes acknowledge the sovereignty of the imperial Coronal. A celestial family of puissant nobles leads the Imperium, each of whom has attained near-immortality and stand at the centre of the Realm’s web of intrigue. The emperor is none other than Friedreich Münchausen, known better by the title of the Invictus…

… Thus, the Electrodyne Opera is a drama of politics, a game of thrones, and a work of blood and thunder. It celebrates the lives of the nobility in romance and tragedy, exalting their best and revelling in their worst. For each noble contends with his or her own fate, bound as they are to the mythic force known as the skein, making their life a passion play striving for immortality and apotheosis.

Finally, we now have the 3.5 edition of the Dungeon Master’s Guide is up!

The revised Dungeon Master’s Guide is an essential rulebook for Dungeon Masters of the D&D game. The Dungeon Master’s Guide has been reorganized to be more user friendly.

It features information on running a D&D game, adjudicating play, writing adventures, nonplayer characters (including nonplayer character classes), running a campaign, characters, magic items (including intelligent and cursed items, and artifacts), and a dictionary of special abilities and conditions. Changes have been made to the item creation rules and pricing, and prestige classes new to the Dungeon Master’s Guide are included (over 10 prestige classes).

The revision includes expanded advice on how to run a campaign and instructs players on how to take full advantage of the tie-in D&D miniatures line.


So, as promised, five Picks for the week, even though I made four of them just today!

The Savage Rifts playtesting and design summit was amazing. John Wick, Shane Hensely, Ross Watson, Michael Conn, Jimmy Macias, and myself had some amazing fun, some impassioned arguments, some intense discourse, and a lot of beer, cider, and incredible chili.

We also worked to make sure you're going to absolutely love Savage Rifts!

Hope you've had a good week and are looking forward to an even better weekend, because...

The Adventure Continues!


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Von Ether

Phhhft! You all are simply not gifted enough to see SPF's wisdom like I do.

So for those who can see it. I really have high hopes for that cool project, but that other one. Man, what a fantasy heart breaker.


Here's the actual post. Hopefully, an admin will fix it. Until then ...


I'm intrigued by the Cartoon Action Hour book since it's an obvious homage to Thundarr, one of my favorite shows growing up (you can't beat Alex Toth designs).

I'm currently playing in a roll20 Hoard of the Dragon Queen campaign and my character is an amalgam of all three Thundarr leads in one character. He's a half-orc (Ookla) barbarian (Thundarr) who just multi-classed into Druid (Ariel). He's played as the "stupid good" alignment, just like Thundarr. Can't wait until he gets the Flame Blade spell so he can yell out "Demon dogs! Feel the bite of my Sun Sword!"
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