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Search for d'em Gnolls!


First Post
While on the way back to the manor Tormal takes some time to discuss his feelings about our situation and to reflect on his statments before.

"I've been thinking...."

He stops talking momentarilly as he almost trips over himself. He kneels down and ties his boots then stands up and continues walking.

"I've been thinking about what I said earlier regarding Marckus (sp?). A part of me still feels the way I stated earlier. I believe, especially in his case, that it would be better to end his sufferings now rather then prolonging it and having him die anyway. On the other hand, I... I also feel that you are not misguided with your determination to keep him alive. You caught me off guard... "

He looks at Oceas and Tyrm

"I hadn't had time to think about my answer or the true way I feel. I tend to speak a bit more spontaneously at times. However, before I begin, the only thing I have to get off my chest is the fact that you made my point of view look cowardly. I do not appreciate that especially since I did not do the same to you. If you truly think death is a cowardly alternative to suffering, I will certainly keep that in mind."

He raises his eyebrow to both Tyrm and Oceas.

"An intersting thing to me is the fact that you indirectly stated that once Marckus dies he would not continue to stop the spread of evil. I'm not the religious one here and I know that is not true... in any way. In reference to the argument you gave to Ceru, Tyrm, couldn't it be possible Xanthos calls upon Marckus's soul for a greater purpose - elsewhere? You call me selfish, yet it could be that your just as selfish in saying he should stay here. Perhaps his knowledge and skills are needed in something greater. You may think we're number one here but evil exists and needs to be corrected... Everywhere. Our existance here is but a grain of sand upon an endless beach. In any case though," He shakes his head " the decision cannot be made by any of us. Which is where I made my mistake before. I should not have been so quick to decide upon another's fate. Instead it's up to Marckus himself."

He stops talking for a moment. You note the frustration and sincerity both, on his face.

"I believe, regardless of the situation, it should be up to a person to decide their own fate. The only exception to this would be situations where they are unable to make such decisions. This is where I would agree with you and why I revoke my arguemnts from earlier. Unless Marckus asks for it, I agree with the fact that we should try to save his life. We should try to save his life or restore him to a condition in which he could make that decision."

He stops for the moment.

Later that evening...

"There is one other thing I would like to address regardless of your positions on the matter. I have a hard time comprehinding the reasoning behind killing that gnoll. I understand the gnolls are our enemies and the atrocities they have commited are horrific, but that certainly does not produce a solid argument for killing a defensless creature. The only thing that disturbs me is that this group would trade a creature's - any creature's - life for convienence. Self defense is one thing, but there are other ways to solve problems.

I don't appose fighting evil especially when it threatens me or those I care about, but If I have a chance to try to change evil to good I feel I need to try and take that step. I believe in mercy because as far fetched as it may seem, it's possible for most beings to change. I suppose I misjudged the lot of you. Don't take that as an insult i'm just simply stating that we have different beliefs. Much like I try not to offend each of you I ask you do the same for me. If you wish I continue to travel with this group I ask that you please show a bit more respect to life of all kinds."
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Returning to the Manor

I'll post this here since this thread mentions some of the issues brought up in the last game session. We need some decisions made here so we can determine the odds of survival for Brother Marcus.

It would also be quite useful for the folks that weren't present if somebody did a session summary. As always, if it isn't up at least 1 day before gaming, then it doesn't earn any exp.

For all of you to make it back to the manor as quickly as possible, you will need to be doing some forced marches. For the record, the rules on Force Marches are as follows:

Forced March: In a day of normal walking, a character walks for 8 hours. The rest of the daylight time is spent making and breaking camp, resting, and eating.

A character can walk for more than 8 hours in a day by making a forced march. For each hour of marching beyond 8 hours, a Constitution check (DC 10, +2 per extra hour) is required. If the check fails, the character takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. A character who takes any nonlethal damage from a forced march becomes fatigued. Eliminating the nonlethal damage also eliminates the fatigue. It’s possible for a character to march into unconsciousness by pushing himself too hard.

Keep in mind that Fatigue can lead to exhaustion.

Fatigued: A fatigued character can neither run nor charge and takes a –2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. Doing anything that would normally cause fatigue causes the fatigued character to become exhausted. After 8 hours of complete rest, fatigued characters are no longer fatigued.

Exhausted: An exhausted character moves at half speed and takes a –6 penalty to Strength and Dexterity. After 1 hour of complete rest, an exhausted character becomes fatigued. A fatigued character becomes exhausted by doing something else that would normally cause fatigue.

While you guys try to retrace your steps to the town, you will need to move slower than normal. I think I will rate it as 3/4 speed instead of 1/2 speed since Ayla is mostly retracing her previous tracking work. (Surely there must be a way the Gnolls are moving through this area without getting lost? I wonder what that is?) Once you return to the place where you found the woman and boy, getting to the town will be easy. Then you need to retrace your movements down to the road that leads back to the manor. It is going to be tough and take longer than you would like to think, but forced marching can shave some time off of the travel. That time might be crucial to Brother Marcus' survival.

I will start checking numbers tonight, but I won't be able to post up an entire summary until I know how hard you can/will push it. Remember, collapsing from exhaustion won't be helpful if you haven't made it to the manor yet.


First Post
Tormal said:
While on the way back to the manor Tormal takes some time to discuss his feelings about our situation and to reflect on his statments before.

"I've been thinking...."

He stops talking momentarilly as he almost trips over himself. He kneels down and ties his boots then stands up and continues walking.

"I've been thinking about what I said earlier regarding Marckus (sp?). A part of me still feels the way I stated earlier. I believe, especially in his case, that it would be better to end his sufferings now rather then prolonging it and having him die anyway. On the other hand, I... I also feel that you are not misguided with your determination to keep him alive. You caught me off guard... "

How would it be better to take is his life from him? Would that not be the same me taking your life because I feel as though you are suffering?

Tormal said:
He looks at Oceas and Tyrm

"I hadn't had time to think about my answer or the true way I feel. I tend to speak a bit more spontaneously at times. However, before I begin, the only thing I have to get off my chest is the fact that you made my point of view look cowardly. I do not appreciate that especially since I did not do the same to you. If you truly think death is a cowardly alternative to suffering, I will certainly keep that in mind."

So you felt cowardly. Deal with it. You made me feel as though I was a torturer of the most vile kind. You assaulted my morality and made it seem as though I wanted Brother Marcus to suffer! How dare I make you feel cowardly you say! More like how dare you so flippantly decide that a mans life is forfeit just because he is suffering! Life is suffering at times. Yet we do not walk around killing every person we meet just because to us it seems as though they are suffering.

Tormal said:
He raises his eyebrow to both Tyrm and Oceas.

"An intersting thing to me is the fact that you indirectly stated that once Marckus dies he would not continue to stop the spread of evil. I'm not the religious one here and I know that is not true... in any way. In reference to the argument you gave to Ceru, Tyrm, couldn't it be possible Xanthos calls upon Marckus's soul for a greater purpose - elsewhere? You call me selfish, yet it could be that your just as selfish in saying he should stay here. Perhaps his knowledge and skills are needed in something greater. You may think we're number one here but evil exists and needs to be corrected... Everywhere.

I think that we are number one?!? When did I say this? For that matter when in the nine hells did I even imply that? First you assault my morals and call me a torturer and now you are calling me selfish? I take great affront to this sort of slandering!

Tomral said:
Our existance here is but a grain of sand upon an endless beach. In any case though," He shakes his head " the decision cannot be made by any of us. Which is where I made my mistake before. I should not have been so quick to decide upon another's fate. Instead it's up to Marckus himself.

He stops talking for a moment. You note the frustration and sincerity both, on his face.

"I believe, regardless of the situation, it should be up to a person to decide their own fate. The only exception to this would be situations where they are unable to make such decisions. This is where I would agree with you and why I revoke my arguemnts from earlier. Unless Marckus asks for it, I agree with the fact that we should try to save his life. We should try to save his life or restore him to a condition in which he could make that decision."

He stops for the moment.

I know not what the gods have planned for anyone after they have passed from the mortal realms. Perhaps you would care to share your insight into such matters after you confer with the gods and see what their plans are? I am not saying that he must stay here. If it is his time it is his time and Xanthos will make that decision. Xanthos could call Marcus to his side at anytime he pleases and if Xanthos wants Marcus there now nothing any of us could do would stop that from happening. So Xanthos will have the final say in the matter even if we try. Yet if we don’t then we are condemning him to death. As for Marcus deciding if he should live or die right now I am not sure he is in a state of mind to make that decision. As such the decision should be deferred to his brethren, namely Brother Oceaus, until a time that Marcus is of mind to make such a decision. I am sure even such a wise and knowledgeable person as yourself must see the wisdom in such a decision. Or am I misguided is giving you such credit?

Tormal said:
Later that evening...

"There is one other thing I would like to address regardless of your positions on the matter. I have a hard time comprehinding the reasoning behind killing that gnoll. I understand the gnolls are our enemies and the atrocities they have commited are horrific, but that certainly does not produce a solid argument for killing a defensless creature. The only thing that disturbs me is that this group would trade a creature's - any creature's - life for convienence. Self defense is one thing, but there are other ways to solve problems.

I don't appose fighting evil especially when it threatens me or those I care about, but If I have a chance to try to change evil to good I feel I need to try and take that step. I believe in mercy because as far fetched as it may seem, it's possible for most beings to change. I suppose I misjudged the lot of you. Don't take that as an insult i'm just simply stating that we have different beliefs. Much like I try not to offend each of you I ask you do the same for me. If you wish I continue to travel with this group I ask that you please show a bit more respect to life of all kinds."

I belive that it was you who said

Tormal said:
He has also told you he has little tolerance for organized evil. He "adamently" opposes such motives - he also states "what has to be done to stop evil, has to be done

Are not the Gnolls evil and are then most deffiently not organized?
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First Post
BardStephenFox said:
I will start checking numbers tonight, but I won't be able to post up an entire summary until I know how hard you can/will push it. Remember, collapsing from exhaustion won't be helpful if you haven't made it to the manor yet.

Tyrm is all for force marching as far as possible and resting for a little time as needed.


First Post
Taken back by Tyrm's response Tormal gains a rather stern face.

How would it be better to take is his life from him? Would that not be the same me taking your life because I feel as though you are suffering?

"Quit acting like a fool. Like I said before you understand the situation Brother Marcus is going through and you can certainly see his pain. It's not a matter of wise decisions anymore but, instead, of moral standing. You know how I want you to deal with me if I am suffering as such. Or perhaps I am mistaken. Is it that you lack the ability to understand the tangible difference between missing 3 limbs and a simple cut? Do you know what kind of life Brother Marcus is most likely going to lead after this? Do you lack the intelligence and wisdom to make a real assessment of suffering? Obviously. If you stand by your response to my statement then I say it is, at best, a reflection of your lack of common sense."

So you felt cowardly. Deal with it.
"I will and I'd suggest you do the same."

You made me feel as though I was a torturer of the most vile kind. You assaulted my morality and made it seem as though I wanted Brother Marcus to suffer! How dare I make you feel cowardly you say! More like how dare you so flippantly decide that a mans life is forfeit just because he is suffering! Life is suffering at times.

"Interesting. I never called you a torturer in any way. I was simply saying by keeping him alive you prolong his suffering to, most likely, no avail. If you feel you are being a torturer then that comes from your own mind and level of understanding. Interesting that came up. Even 'you' feel like a torturer because of the decisions you have made.

In any case I already told you how I truly feel about the situation. I do not think ending his life is the wisest and most moral action at this time. Like I said, it should be up to him. Since he can't make that decision it is up to us to keep him alive until he can. In any case I would respect his decision as soon as it is made regardless of how fit you think he is to make it."

Yet we do not walk around killing every person we meet just because to us it seems as though they are suffering.

"Ahh, so you do show some level of common sense. Why is it that we don't kill everyone we believe is suffering?"

I think that we are number one?!? When did I say this? For that matter when in the nine hells did I even imply that? First you assault my morals and call me a torturer and now you are calling me selfish? I take great affront to this sort of slandering!

"Deal with it."

I know not what the gods have planned for anyone after they have passed from the mortal realms. Perhaps you would care to share your insight into such matters after you confer with the gods and see what their plans are? I am not saying that he must stay here. If it is his time it is his time and Xanthos will make that decision. Xanthos could call Marcus to his side at anytime he pleases and if Xanthos wants Marcus there now nothing any of us could do would stop that from happening. So Xanthos will have the final say in the matter even if we try. Yet if we don’t then we are condemning him to death.

"First you know I have no such capability. Yet, i've seen you pray many times. Why is it you don't use your abilities to do the same? Second we are not condemning him to death we would be leaving him at the hands of his god. Certainly you couldn't argue your power over that of Xanthos?"

As for Marcus deciding if he should live or die right now I am not sure he is in a state of mind to make that decision. As such the decision should be deferred to his brethren, namely Brother Oceaus, until a time that Marcus is of mind to make such a decision. I am sure even such a wise and knowledgeable person as yourself must see the wisdom in such a decision. Or am I misguided is giving you such credit?

"Do your ears work? What did I just get done telling you?"

I belive that it was you who said

Originally Posted by Tormal
He has also told you he has little tolerance for organized evil. He "adamently" opposes such motives - he also states "what has to be done to stop evil, has to be done

Since that was before Tyrm was in this group I suppose i'll work around it...

Are not the Gnolls evil and are then most deffiently not organized?

"I see you've been talking to the group. That is good to hear. Yes, I said something along those lines awhile back. Yet i've changed much since then which you should have already noted. In any case I've matured enough to see the good in all forms of life. While killing the evil rids US of it what good does it do for the cause? That creature will most likely return somewhere else and continue his reign of terror. If we have the capability why not try to change the beings' point of view so that it favors good? Or, in worst case, leave it where it was while we make our escape. If it returns to its master or confronts us again then we get that second chance to rid this world of it. There is no reason for us to kill a defenseless being. It's called mercy.

The way I see it, I doubt you would expect mercy from a demon. So as a moral counter to that I will give mercy when I can. Certainly you see the good in such a decision. Or am I misguided in giving you such credit?

In any case I am done with the argument. If you must have your last word then fine, but I will no longer dance around a decision that has already been decided by most of the group. If you wish I will carry Brother Marcus since I have little equipment. I will just need somone to carry my backpack."


Back to the Manor?

The group crafts a stretcher, of sorts, for Brother Marcus and departs with haste to return to the Manor.

After travelling roughly 23 miles, over 10 hours, Tyrm is falling behind in exhaustion. Of the group, only Tormal seems to be travelling without feeling too much fatigue. It is a rough nioght trying to recover enough to march as well as recovering your spells.

Early the next morning, after Oceas and Tyrm complete their morning meditations, the group is off again. Brother Marcus seems intent on babbling at Tyrm. He is running through tough moments of his life and questioning some of his decisions.

Early in the evening, the group collapses in exhaustion and fatigue once again. Even Tormal is not immune to the difficult pace through the grasslands. Ayla estimates that you have made roughly as much distance as the day before.

You repeat your watch cycle and struggle to find the motivation to keep going. When Brother Marcus coughs himself awake and spits black blood out of his mouth, you all find your motivation. A few hours after you leave, Marcus lets loose a piercing wail. Stopping to see what ails the unfortunate man, he finally calms down. As Oceas approaches, he notes Maruc's blackened, bleeding gums. With a difficult to hear whisper, MArcus instructs Oceas to check the bushes near an odd looking tree about a quarter mile away. The gnolls brought him past that tree and they tossed his rifled pack into the bushes. It takes about 10 minutes for Oceas and Ayla to make it to the tree, find the pack, and make it back to the group. (For now I will move the narration forward. We can talk about anything left in the pack tomorrow night. I promise you that there isn't anything in it that will help Marcus. His fate is entirely in your hands and his diminishing luck.)

Tormal is the first to feel the affects of weariness. Soon the fatigue is affecting everyone. Oceas, alone, is feeling driven and does not want to stop. But as Tormal is quickly falling behind, Oceas' drive meets the harsh realities of life. He could continue further tonight, but he would be doing so alone. Ayla thinks you have made it roughly halfway back.

Fearing that you are losing Brother Marcus, the motivation of the group seems to lift you to further effort. Blowing past the burned village a few hours after daybreak, you manage to force march an additional hour the following day and cover somewhere between 25 and 26 miles. Soon you should be coming back to the road that leads past the manor. Then, you will be able to make much better speed since you won't need to worry as much about losing your way or backtracking to follow the path you made on the way from the manor.

Alas, by daybreak Brother Marcus has left this realm. Hopefully to something better. His remains in this world will do you little good and Oceas estimates that they are a health risk as it is.
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