Second Darkness [Pathfinder] IC


I am the mysterious professor.
Welcome to Riddleport!

All of you have journeyed here for one reason or another.

The whole city is abuzz with talk of The Blot. A blemish on the sky that appeared one day. Many scholars were here already to study artifacts like the Cyphergate that sits in the harbor. Word of The Blot brought many more.

The other big news is that of The Gold Goblin and the "Cheat the Devil and Take his Gold" Tournament. After spending some time closed this event is marking the grand reopening of the gambling hall.

It is the 22 day of Lamashan. It's early afternoon and the busy city goes about its day around you.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Lyra sat at the table and ate her lunch, watching the people buzz around. She had arrived a couple of days earlier and was already somewhat familiar with the patron, so she idly chatted with the fellow while waiting for the half-orc druid. Judging by the route and travel plans that the elder druids had told her, the man should be arriving today. It shouldn't be too hard to recognise him once he did...
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Walking Dad

First Post

A half-orc arrives at the Golden Goblin. Seeing the long line before the entrance he grumbles a bit and takes the last place. He wears heavy hide and fur and carries a backpack and some weapons.

[sblock=OOC] everyone. Picture of Rorgar is in the RG.

AC 17 (T14, FF13), HP 21/21, F +6,R+3,W+7

Spells prepared
o - Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Purify Food & Drink
1 - Cure Light Wounds, Longstrider, Shillelagh - Obscuring Mist



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
As the half-orc enters Lyra is quick to greet him. The only half-orc dressed like the druids couldn't be anyone but her mark. Rorgar of the Grove, I assume? The woman was impressive. Tall and muscled as an orc but nothing alike by looks. Her hair braided in the style of the barbarians from the hills and her clothing telling the same tale, it was obvious she was a stranger to the city.

Walking Dad

First Post

ooc: I thought he was still waiting outside.

Rorgar musters the strange woman. She was as tall as him, maybe even a little taller. He didn't expect much from an obvious shoanti, as they tend to shun someone of his heritage. "And who are you? And make no mistake."


AC 17 (T14, FF13), HP 21/21, F +6,R+3,W+7

Spells prepared
o - Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Purify Food & Drink
1 - Cure Light Wounds, Longstrider, Shillelagh - Obscuring Mist



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
[sblock=OOC]Heh, I thought it wouldn't take too long for him to get inside...[/sblock]

I am Lyra Wailwind of the Skoan-Quah. A Skullwarden. I heard from your elders that you are on similar mission to mine and decided to seek you out. There is strenght in companions and this mystery is dark indeed. The woman sounds like she has practised the little speech in ahead.

Walking Dad

First Post

Rorgar shrugs. "There is an old saying about gifts and sudden friends... Any way, do you know more? Our visions were strangely vague."


AC 17 (T14, FF13), HP 21/21, F +6,R+3,W+7

Spells prepared
o - Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Purify Food & Drink
1 - Cure Light Wounds, Longstrider, Shillelagh - Obscuring Mist



I am the mysterious professor.
OOC: If it's okay with you guys I'm okay with speeding up the waiting so you may continue with the interaction.

You may use knowledge rolls to see what else you know.

Tinker Gnome

Claud walks into the Golden Goblin. He has heard it is a good tavern. He is worried about the "Blot" in the sky, but at the same time curious. He runs his hand throught his short brown hair and wonders if he should get anything to eat. He is not that hungry or thirsty at the moment and he is looking for some work to do so he can gather more funds to help with his traveling.

He notices that there are a lot of people in the tavern, but two in particular stand out. A nearly seven foot tall Shoanti woman, and a Half-Orc are talking with one another, together they look to be quite an intimidating pair. Claud decides to ask the Shoanti woman if she knows who to talk to about finding work. It is really just an excuse for him to practice his skill in the Shoanti language, which he took an interest in, as he found it to be a fascinating language. He had spent many hours back home in Jula studying the language, but he had no one to really practice with.

Excuse me? Claud says in the Shoanti tongue to the woman. I am sorry for intruding on your conversation, but do you know of where I could find some good paying work around here? And do you know anything of this "Blot" in the sky?


I am the mysterious professor.
Rolling for Rorgar
Geography 1d20+4=21 Nature 1d20+4=22

You learn that the blot moves erratically. It follows an elliptical orbit traveling north over the town and south over the gulf, shifting north and south as the tide shifts. It's closest to town at high tide.

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