Second Darkness [Pathfinder] IC

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First Post
Chan Ti looks over at the equipment that was brought in. He is not really interested in the armor but the bracers catch his eye. "Anyone object if I have these bracers? he says, picking them up and examining them closely.


First Post
Nakeb Gutterik, dwarven ranger

Chan Ti looks over at the equipment that was brought in. He is not really interested in the armor but the bracers catch his eye. "Anyone object if I have these bracers? he says, picking them up and examining them closely.

Nakeb shrugs. "No objection from me, though we might want to give this stuff a good going-over before we don any of it; make sure there's not pesky magics going to cause us trouble."

Tinker Gnome

Claud takes a look at the wand and the scroll.

Anyone mind if I take these? Claud asks.

I may not know what these do, but I am sure I can figure it out. Claud thinks.

Walking Dad

First Post

Looking form Chan Ti to Cloud, Rorgar adds: "Good, I will just take the gold... or perhaps we should wait, sell the stuff we don't need and try to share the rest equally.... Perhaps with counting the stuff you two take in."

I'm for equal share, with half the cost of taken items paid to the 'group pool'.

AC 17 (T14, FF13), HP 21/21, F +6,R+3,W+7

Spells prepared
o - Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Purify Food & Drink
1 - Cure Light Wounds, Longstrider, Shillelagh - Obscuring Mist

Bolts remaining: 2/7



He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
If you want, I could try to determine their properties. Lyra says to Ti about the bracers.

[sblock=OOC]I have the researching campaign trait which allows me to use spellcraft to identify magic items. How'd that work again?[/sblock]


First Post
"Rorgar. I don't really need many possessions except where they improve or enhance my skills, hence the bracers. So I'm happy with any system you think is fair. As long as the others agree, that is." Ti says. "Lyra, if you could identify the bracers, I would be grateful."
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Tinker Gnome

Claud overhears Lyra offering to figure out what the bracers do and decides to ask her about the wand and scroll. Claud puts on his best smile.

My dear, would you mind trying to find out what this wand and scroll do? I am sure I could find out myself, but if you are already skilled in doing so, then I see no need in spending time doing so myself, at least right now.


I am the mysterious professor.
Saul says. Once you've completed your discussion we can move on to investigating who was behind the attempted robbery.

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