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"Second Son of a Second Son" - An Aquerra Story Hour (*finally* Updated 04/19)


First Post
And yet another duel...

Perhaps Telie was jealous that Tim got to go first. Hopefully these things can be resolved without too much drama, but I doubt it with you as a DM.


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First Post
And yet another duel...

Perhaps Telie was jealous that Tim got to go first. Hopefully these things can be resolved without too much drama, but I doubt it with you as a DM.


Neither I nor TK wanted to duel, but once TK believed his name would be mud if he didn't accept, he felt he had no choice, if for no other reason than to avoid the scorn of his father.

Was it a scenario like this?

And Scene…………..

DM: The demon attacks

PLAYER: I Will Attack with my magic rapier

DM: OK and you hit………mumble mumble

PLAYER: I Will Attack again with my magic rapier

DM: OK and you hit…again……mumble mumble

PLAYER: I Will Attack again with my magic rapier

DM: OK and you hit…again……mumble mumble

Later on

DM: (To himself) how can I prize that magic weapon away from my player? …..Hmmm…….. A Ha!!!

Much Later on

DM: so you are in this Inn and this guy says that your rapier rightfully belongs to him and he would like to challenge you to duel for the rapier

Player: shucks that’s our only magic weapon

nudge nudge say no more

not that I realy think el-remmen would be so petty


Moderator Emeritus
not that I realy think el-remmen would be so petty

He don't know me very well do he? ;)

But seriously,

1) The association of the sword with its former owner was emphasized right from the beginning, and there were warnings along the way (for example, see InterSession #21.1)

2) In my campaigns a magical item is just another tool for the plot and not something you are entitled to as part of your character's abilities/power level as the 3E default suggests.


Moderator Emeritus
Session #26 – “Challenges, Trials & Tests” (part 3 of 4)

Anulem, the 28th of Ese - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

The days grew cooler, and Ra’s Glory was obscured by clouds at noontime as the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland made their way to the appointed place where Timotheus Smith would duel with Floris Tenbrook. There was a crowd of townsfolk trailing them, and as they passed the tents where refugees were still crowded after the fire’s destruction, it swelled to twice its size to merge with some people already waiting there with Floris Tenbrook.

Word of the duel had spread quickly around town, aided both by Floris’ general reputation and Tim’s nightly carousing, playing up his origins as ‘a simple soldier’, and being free and easy with his coin, buying drinks and wooing ladies of questionable repute.

Victoria Ostrander of Anhur had joined her companions to watch over the proceedings and bless them in the name of her god, as her mother had headed back to Schiereiland earlier that same morning. 1

The agreement had been made ahead of time that the two combatants would fight until one of them yielded and would try their best to avoid blows to the head or other vital areas, and Victoria reminded them of this as she called them over and had everyone bow their heads while she gave a prayer to Anhur.

The opponents shook hands. “We shall be fighting with rapiers,” Floris said with a smile.

“Huh?” Timotheus was confused.

“I challenged you. You set the terms of defeat as whomever yielded first, and now I get to choose the weapons. I choose, rapier,” Floris explained.

Timotheus nodded.

“And remember,” Victoria said to Timotheus immediately after, as Floris looking a bit hungover, did some exaggerated stretches, as the crowd looked.. “How you acquit yourself will reflect on our entire band…”

“And remember there is no dishonor in yielding,” Telémahkos chided his cousin. “Don’t get yourself killed… Remember, you’re supposed to be protecting me!”

“Gee, thanks…” Timotheus looked sour.

“And you know I’d miss you, you lug!” Telémahkos gave Tim a playful slap on the chin. “I want you to be my second in my duel…”

“I always wanted to go to Lilly City!” Timotheus cheered up. He stripped off his shirt, preferring to fight without any hindrances, and wanting to show off his well-muscled chest and arms. Telémahkos handed him his spare rapier after reminding him that honor in dueling generally refrained from either opponent using a magical weapon.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right…”

“Does not custom also dictate that you stand with Floris, since you are his second?” Bleys asked. As Timotheus’ second, the watch-mage was standing beside him.

“Oh yeah!” Telémahkos jogged over to Floris.

There was a murmur in the crowd. They were growing restless; someone was making a killing selling ladlefuls of sour beer from a cracked cask rescued from the fire.

“Shall we begin?” Floris asked. He was wearing his usual yellow billowy shirt, but his long hair was pulled back tight and tied in a close knot to his scalp. He had a large skin of wine and took a long slow sip, and then threw it over to Timotheus who did the same. Floris took one more short sip before passing it to Telémahkos to hold.

Timotheus raised his rapier in salute to Floris, and the swordsman returned the greeting with flair, his own blade humming in the air.

The two warriors came at each other. Timotheus bounding with heavy purpose, as Floris skipped in, moving rhythmically from side to side. He must have underestimated the brawny veteran of House Briareus, because no sooner did their swords meet when Timotheus muscled forward, driving Floris off balance as the former’s blade punctured the latter’s neck and flicked off to the right, drawing a gout of blood. Only Floris’ quick leap back and hurried awkward parry kept Tim’s blade from puncturing his larynx and ending the duel with the first blow! 2 Floris danced back and his hand went reflexively to his neck, risking a peek at his now bloody off hand. Timotheus moved back as well, a look of concern on his face as he wiped a fleck of his opponent’s blood on his sweaty chest.

“Uh… I’m sorry…” Timotheus said, nearly dropping his guard. He raised his rapier in time to block a blow, but Floris was a practiced swordsman, and he used the momentum of his blade bouncing off Tim’s to riposte. Timotheus felt the flick of the blade across his fingers, drawing a painful welt. Again, acting with pure instinct, Timotheus drove his blade forward with great strength, and again, Floris could not keep the blow at bay. He jerked away as the blade sunk painfully into his shoulder. The yellow shirt grew a dirty brown as it absorbed blood. 3

“Ready to give up yet, Briareus?” Floris mocked, and then winced from the pain. His blows were being easily blocked by Timotheus, but his own movement was pained. The crowd was hooting with animalistic excitement. Someone in the back of the crowd yelled, “Kill ‘im!” And it was echoed by a few other voices. A brawl began somewhere in the mix, and some of the town-watch began to drag away the drunken brawlers.

Timotheus stepped in again hoping that one more hard blow would end the fight, but this time, Floris danced and spun to his left and Timotheus felt the blade smack him across the belly and then back side, painfully. He turned around himself, having to step back to make room to defend himself against Floris’ quickening blade. “You’re as good as they say,” Timotheus complimented him.

“I know…” Floris replied with a wink, and then his sudden flurry of cuts and scratches forced Timotheus further back as he scrambled to defend himself. The crowd ebbed to give them room, as Bleys and Telémahkos made sure to keep close. Victoria and Laarus helped to hold the other side of the crowd back as they moved in, and Markos echoed every solid blow with a tittering laugh.

“Give up!” Floris demanded. There was an edge of nervousness in his voice that bloomed in a cough of blood he spat out. The momentum of the duel had turned his way, and Timotheus had countless little cuts and bruises, but those two hard blows Floris had received were making him flag as much as the heavy-footed Tim.

“Umm… Well, how about just a little more?” Timotheus gave a weary smile.

“Finish it, Tim! We’ll heal you!” Telémahkos cried out, letting the excitement of the fight carry him away.

“Hey!” Floris complained. “You’re supposed to be my second!”

“We’ll heal you, too!” Telémahkos replied sheepishly.

Encouraged by the crowd and his cousin, Timotheus came in aggressively again. Floris’ rapier danced around Tim’s, knocking it this way and that, until it moved wide enough for Floris to leap in and drag the thin sword back under Tim’s arm. He raised the basket-hilt of the rapier to block Tim’s heavy retaliatory blow, and then deftly flicked the point up under his opponent’s chin. Timotheus winced with pain and stumbled backward. He tried to raise his sword again, but fell to one knee, and then collapsed.

Floris raised his sword in the air and let out a yell of victory, and then almost fell over himself, but Telémahkos and someone from the crowd held him up.

“Someone had better help him,” Floris grumbled, gesturing to Timotheus with his chin.

Victoria of Anhur kneeled beside her bleeding companion and laid a hand on his forehead, calling to her god to heal him enough to keep him from dying. “Let him sleep off the rest of his wounds and bruises that he might contemplate the consequences of battle…”

“He acquitted himself very well,” Floris Tenbrook called to the crowd, gesturing to Tim. “So let me not hear even one voice say that Timotheus Briareus is not a good swordsman. He is at least half as good a swordsman as me!” There was polite applause from the crowd, but mostly it was already dispersing.

Telémahkos and Victoria carried Timotheus back to the inn, steadying him on a borrowed mule, but Floris protested. “You are my second! You must come with me immediately to celebrate my victory! You!” He pointed at a random townsperson walking by. “Help this fine militant bring her companion back to Death & Taxes, and be quick about it!” A moment later, Floris and Telémahkos were walking off through the crowd, with Bleys following. Laarus helped Victoria bring Timotheus home. “Did I win yet?” he murmured, rolling in and out of consciousness.

“Joining us, Bleys?” Floris Tenbrook asked the watch-mage. He leaned heavily on Telémahkos, who tried his best to look like he didn’t mind. “I did not think you were the revelry type… We’re going to a private party in honor of my victory that a friend arranged, knowing that I of course, would win…”

“I actually wanted to take the opportunity to ask you as I walked with you about the circumstances of Barakis’ death,” Bleys replied. “There are conflicting stories about what happened, but most versions I’ve heard put you at the scene with him…” 4

Floris Tenbrook took a long time to reply. He stopped and drained what was left of the wine in the skin Telémahkos carried for him. “Aye, I was there… At his side… It was a hard fight…”

“Where did it happen?” Bleys asked.

“On the Beach Road…”

“And whom or what were you fighting? Who else was there?” Bleys continued with his questions.

Floris face took on a pained look. “This is not a pleasant memory and now is a time for celebration, not mourning,” he said. “I am still sorely wounded from the fight with Timotheus… I would rather not talk about this now…”

“Very well…” Bleys replied.

“Speaking of Timotheus,” Floris said, turning to Telémahkos. “I have to admit, I underestimated his strength and prowess… That is quite a warrior you have among your ranks…”

“Well, he also underestimated you,” Telémahkos replied.

Bleys the Aubergine left them to their revels and made his way back to Death & Taxes, where Markos awaited him in the common of one of the suites to give the matter of access to Jakos’ tower one more try. The day before he had finally gotten a visit with Jakos, but the old wizard had been uncooperative, and a subsequent visit to the tower itself found it under guard by soldiers from Havesting.

“Not now…” Bleys was dismissive.

“I just worry that some of the stuff in there may fall into the wrong hands,” Markos brought up a point he had made several times.

House Tenbrook shall determine what best to do with property and its contents in order to help fund reconstruction of the burnt part of the town,” Bleys explained.

“Yeah… right…” Markos smirked.

There was a knock on the door. It was a messenger from New Harbinger with a letter for Bleys from young Lord Septimias Giaus Swann.

It read:

The messenger said he was returning to New Harbinger at noon the next day and was a guest at Havesting, if the watch-mage wanted to send a message back with him. The watch-mage thanked him and tipped him.

“What is it?” Markos asked.

“Something has gone wrong with the negotiations with the lizardfolk,” Bleys said. 5 “Oroleniel has been arrested, but I cannot leave here until I have been replaced by the Academy.”

“We can go without you,” Markos suggested, but Bleys shook his head.

Isilem, the 9th of Keent - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

Late morning found Bleys and Timotheus walking back from some sword practice at the temple of Anhur. Victoria had joined them, but remained behind with her fellow militants, while her companions returned to Death & Taxes. As they approached the inn they noticed a wagon parked in front of Barakis’ house. It was full of bags and crates. The house door was open. A woman in bright purple watch-mage’s robes appeared at the door. She was petite, with short brown hair cut in a style very different from most Thricians, though her fair complexion did give away her Thrician origins. Bleys the Aubergine recognized her as Laurie the Purple from reputation alone

“You must be Bleys the Aubergine,” She hurried forward and leaned forward for a kiss. “We have never had the pleasure of meeting but I already feel like I know so much about you!”

“Well met…” Bleys replied.

“And who is this?” She looked over at Timotheus, and Bleys introduced him.

“Oh! One of the infamous Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland!” She tapped his forearm with a finger.

“Infamous?” Timotheus asked.

“Everyone knows you were involved in whatever happened in Kraken’s Cove,” she replied. “Now be a dear, and use those muscles for good and carry something into the house for me while I talk to Bleys here for a moment about some watch-mage business. And maybe later we can find another use of them…” She gave Timotheus a wink and he went and hefted a crate out of the wagon and lugged it into the house. Laurie took Bleys by the arm. She led him in a quick walk around the house, and explained that she had been sent to be the permanent replacement for Barakis the Bold. She was to be the new watch-mage of Sluetelot. She had him brief him about the state of the town and tell her what he knew of the fire, the recent plague of insomnia and Jakos’ experiments. 6

By the time they came back around the front of the house, Tim had finished moving all her stuff inside. Laurie stepped over to him and gave him a peck on the cheek and led him by the arm to the garden gate as she continued to talk to Bleys.

“I shall tell the members of the council of your arrival should I see them,” Bleys said. “Darbold, Leisel, Floris…”

“Floris?” Laurie’s voice grew tight. “He is still in the watch-mage’s council here? I would have thought he would have taken his leave after Barakis died… Well, it matters not. I plan to dismiss him.”

“Can you do that?” Timotheus.

“Honey,” She winked. “I’m the watch-mage of Sluetelot. I can do whatever I want!” She slapped Timotheus on the rear end as they bid her goodbye and returned to the inn to clean up.

That evening, the young nobles had dinner together in one of the suites and discussed their plans and information. Tymon had returned from visiting his family in Azure, and he informed them that his brothers were working on a detailed map of the area of the King Stones and the route through the Disputed Territories to the lands of the Ray-Ree based on his sketches and notes. Timotheus showed off his recently completed heavy shield made from the hide of the landshark. It was designed to resemble the wedge-shaped head of the beast, with engraved eyes painted black, and encrusted with shards of the thing’s teeth. Telémahkos expressed his eagerness for his masterwork chain shirt to be completed in a few days. 7 Bleys informed the others that he was now free of his responsibility as interim watch-mage of Sluetelot, which now allowed them to travel as a group to Lilly City in order for Telémahkos to fight his duel against Danser Von Huet Blued.

“Which brings us to an important point,” Telémahkos said. “When we get to Lilly City and register at some inn we should not register as the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland. We need a name that is better than that…”

“We should sign in as Timotheus Smith and his Mystery Men!” Timotheus laughed, but no one else did. The group fell into another long discussion regarding a name, with both Laarus and Victoria still being against the party naming themselves at all. 8

…to be continued…


(1) While Victoria’s player was still not at this session, it just did not make sense that she would miss the duel.

(2) Timotheus scored a critical hit on his first blow, getting this result: Struck in Neck. Apply Crit Multiplier +1 to Damage Roll (and armor DP damage )– Fort Save (DC 10 + ½ damage) – Fort Save vs. Attack Roll (+15 to save if full helm) or Larynx Punctured, 1d4 bleeder, Die in CON rounds if not repaired. Luckily for Floris, he made his saving throw. Tim’s player also threw in an action die towards the resulting damage.

(3) Timotheus scored a second critical hit on his second contact, getting this result: Apply Crit Multiplier +1 to Total Damage. Once again, Timotheus’ player threw in an action die to the damage.

(4) Bleys has asked several people about Barakis the Bold’s death, but most recently he had gotten this bit of information from Cwell the Hawk.

(5) Oroleniel the Salmon agreed to accompany Sir Septimias Benedict Swann to the Crossroads Bog to negotiate with the Goldstraw Lizardfolk. (See Session #5)

(6) See Sessions #23 to #25

(7) The masterwork heavy shield made of the landshark hide grants an additional +2 enhancement bonus to armor class. The chain shirt would be forged to grant a +1 to armor class, and reduce the armor check penalty by 1. (See Masterwork Weapons & Armor)

(8) The group has had many discussions about naming themselves with a great deal of disagreement (what a shocker!), both in and out of character.


First Post
What a great job Tim did. It sounds like picking the rapier didn't help Floris after all with all of the crits. Too bad Tim couldn't get one more solid hit in. Now that Bleys is no longer the "LAW!" I wonder if he will continue to pursue the passing of Barakis. I guess all will be revealed in due time.

One duel down, one to go.


honor and chivalry

Since when does the challenger in a duel get to decide what the duel will be fought with?

What happened to honor and chivalry and all that?

I look forward to your next post


never mind i got my duels mixed up and also i am begining to sound like a heckler

my bad
Last edited:


Moderator Emeritus
InterSession #26.1 – “Timotheus & Floris in Sluetelot” 1

Later in the evening, the day before the Signers planned to travel to Lilly City, Timotheus Smith sat in the common room of Death & Taxes with a mug of ale in his hand. Sharing his table were a pair of iron merchants, with whom he was amiably swapping travel tales.

Timotheus was raising his mug for another hearty swig when he saw Floris Tenbrook enter from the main square. "Hey, Floris!" he called. "Over here!"

"Greeting Timotheus! How is the mighty Bastard of Briareus, greatest warrior of the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland?" He waved to Barton Digits, who quickly filled a mug and two shots of dwarf spirits for him. Floris raised two fingers and pointed to the table, and the innkeeper set up another.

"Those are some mighty ugly ladies you are chatting up," the noble duelist said with a wink, gesturing to the iron merchants. "Go away now…" He said to them. "This is swordsman talk, not about pinching coppers or mining iron…"

The merchants left grumbling as Barton brought over the drinks. Timotheus was momentarily nonplussed, but then waved a friendly farewell to the merchants. "See you around, Gavin, Miles! Give my regards to my Da next time you're up Chalkour way!"

Knocking back his first mug, Timotheus set it aside to make room for the new drinks that Barton brought. "You're looking good," he said to Floris, picking up one of the shot glasses; it looked tiny in his grip. Floris handed his long woolen brocaded coat to Barton, and he straddled a seat, he wore black leggings beneath his kilt. "Throat's healing up good, yeah?” Tim asked. “Soon you'll be ready for another go! Though maybe a friendlier one this time." He grinned and took the shot

"It's fine…" Though his hand went reflexively to his throat. "I don't have time for these friendly duels… I did it to humor you, my friend…to give you and your group a little boost. . There is not much reason to keep dueling someone if there is no issue to be resolved…" There was an underlying menace to his words, though his smile never died. He took a shot and followed it up with a long slow sip of ale. "Where's your cousin?"

"Not really sure where he is," Timotheus replied, the joviality of his voice making his obliviousness to Floris’ tone obvious. He threw down the second shot and followed it with a mouthful of ale and smacked his lips. "But you know him, he's probably off with a girl somewhere. Maybe with this new watch-mage Laurie… She's certainly pretty enough for his tastes. Speaking of which…" Tim lowered his voice. "Do you know her? Because she sure seems to know you, and I think she has some pretty strong opinions."

"What?" Floris put down his mug of ale heavily and a bit came splashing out onto the table His tone grew even more grave. "Laurie? Laurie the fncking Purple? Is taking over for Bleys?" He looked Timotheus right in the eye with such intensity as if to pierce through it and read his mind.

Tim grinned nervously. "Uh, yeah. That's the one… I guess you know her, huh. Old girlfriend or something?" Floris upset the table as he stood, the drinks spilling and the glassed scattering on the warped wooden floor as the table teetered back to stillness. He turned and began to storm out, but stopped and walking back and leaned on the table, putting his face right in Tim’s and whispering, his demeanor completely changed.

"Tell your fncking cousin that he had better not have forgotten what we talked about when he first got back into town.2 I can only protect him for so long…" Floris hissed, at the edge of restraint. He turned, and this time, did stalk out.

Timothes stood and followed Floris out onto the street. "What the hell are you getting angry at me for?" he demanded. He put a hand on Floris' shoulder, and said more quietly, "And I'm not done, I heard something I thought you should know. So can we go somewhere and, you know, talk for a minute?"

Floris turned, fuming. "I don't have time for this bullshlt right now…" he looked around and seeing the street mostly deserted walked across it and to the corner of the alley that led behind Barakis' house, but then noticing light coming through the curtained windows, walked back across and signaled Tim to follow.

"What is it? Hurry with it…" He asked quietly.

"She said she's gonna kick you off the council. Dunno if you can do anything about it, but I thought you'd want a bit of warning, you know?" Tim was uncomfortable. "But you didn't hear it from me, okay? I really don't need that kind of trouble."

Floris sighed with exasperation as if Tim just said the most obvious thing in the world. "Don't forget to tell your cousin," is all he said in reply and walked off, trying to end the conversation once again.

"Uh, okay, sure." Timotheus raises his voice to add, "Catch you later!"

Later that night Timotheus went about town to do some more carousing and ended up being kicked out Laurie the Purple’s bed just before dawn. 3

End of InterSession #26.1


(1) This InterSession was played out on messageboards after Session #26, but before #27. Since it goes chronologically in this part of the story hour, I chose to put it here.

(2) See InterSession #21.1

(3) This event was actually mentioned during the session, but it made more sense here than with the way I broke up the actual session installments, so I stuck it here.


Moderator Emeritus
Session #26 – “Challenges, Trials & Tests” (part 4 of 4)

Osilem, the 10th of Keent - 566 H.E. (637 M.Y.)

The next afternoon they headed out to Lilly City. They took a galley that took passengers from Sluetelot to the ‘City of Flowers’. Timotheus sat near the stern strumming his lyre poorly, and the rest of the group kept their distance from his painful strains, talking quietly and observing the high battlement-topped walls that lined the canal in many places on the south side, and the rolling green landscape to the north. Ahead of them to the west they could see the blue-green sheen of the Captured Sea growing larger and brighter as they approached. The green landscape grew dotted with white buildings and scattered forms of herds of sheep and other domesticated animals.

The galley rowed out into the Captured Sea where surging fresh water roiled with the dirtier water of the canal, and then turned through large gates into Lilly City itself. Sometimes called ‘the Drowned City,’ the city was made of islands with platforms of wood and stone built upon them. It had broad avenues of water that wound its way through the city, flowing in and out a moat-like trench that surrounded the immense area. The ferry let them off at the top of large protrusion of earth and rock that served as the city’s harbor. The galleymaster referred to it as ‘Island Port.’ Two squat towers defended the passage beyond here into the city itself. The Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland waited in the shadow of one of the towers, at waterside, looking out over the city in rare silence. They could see the central tower of House Roorback’s citadel, http://aquerra.wikispaces.com/Terrapin]Terrapin[/url], at the center of the city, dwarfing everything but the spire of the High Temple of Ra not far from it.

“You folks looking for a gondola?” A voice called up from the docks below, and they saw a long narrow shell with a partially enclosed cupola, and a long pole for propulsion and steering. At its helm was a young man dressed in a vest and a dark blue kilt. He hopped off his boat and walked up to the young nobles, and then stopped in a sudden and exaggerated manner when he saw Bleys the Aubergine.

“Ah! Noble watch-mage! Allow me to bring you and your companions to your destination this dimming evening,” the gondolier said. He bowed deeply.

The man’s name was Peter and the party asked him to bring them to an inn. “The Gold Arch Bridge and Inn,” he told them as they climbed on. “Not far at all!”

“How much will it be?” Bleys asked.

“It such a short trip!” Peter protested with humor. “You are obviously fine and gentle noblemen and women visiting our fine city. Pay in advance for my being your gondolier on the morrow and the rest of tonight is free. There is no need quibble over coppers for each trip.”

Bleys agreed.

As Peter poled them to the inn, they could see that the islands of Lilly City were connected in clusters by bridges, but a gondola was required to traverse the entire city, and with the most convenient mode of travel in most areas. The buildings and islands were covered in fragrant flowering creeping vines, and anyone who smelled the polluted canal water understood why the plants were ubiquitous

The Gold Arch Bridge & Inn was indeed a bridge, or at least it was built as part of an immense bridge that crossed the Grand Canal that led into the center of the city and under which most boat traffic had to pass to enter or leave its boundaries..

“How convenient! You can puke right out the windows into the canal!” Timotheus joked, and his cousin glared at him.

The gondola was moored at a small island that held a support for the great bridge. The architecture was impressive. The inn was a long sprawling building with one whole level beneath the span of the bridge, and partially enclosed staircases led up to the inn within the frame of the supports. Peter was told to wait around as they would be visiting somewhere else after checking in, and he gladly agreed to wait. They noticed nearly a dozen gondolas moored on the other side of the canal at the other support, and a small cottage that looked like was a place to hire passage around the city.

Porters appeared to take their packs and gear and carry it upstairs for them, though the young nobles were allowed to ascend first.

The Golden Arch Bridge & Inn was startling in its quality. They stepped into a sitting room decorated with a plush carpet, bright paintings of the Captured Sea and scenes from the Lilly City canals and bridges in gilded frames. The chairs were plush and wrought with decorative black iron, and the tall desk of the clerk was a deep beautiful mahogany. A low fire crackled in a hearth in the cozy room. Peter Van Durant, the fancy inn’s host greeted them with quiet respect, addressing most of his comments to Bleys. The inn was owned by different branch of the Winter family.

They were shown to two suites on the lower level that hung beneath the bridge. They each had common room with a large window looking out onto the city, and two separate smaller bedrooms. Bleys and Markos shared one suite and Timotheus and Telémahkos the other. A cot was carried into the suite common room for Tymon. Markos tipped the porters generously when they carried his things into the rooms. Laarus and Victoria, however, were put in a suite up on the bridge level, as that was the final vacancy.

After dropping their gear, they hurried back down and had Peter pole them over to the Silver Harbor, the place Danser Von Huet Blued had said he could be found in order to arrange for the time and conditions of the duel itself. The tavern was well-named if it were a tarnished silver harbor it were named for. It had swollen and warped moors, and the building itself listed, with a half-collapsed sealed-off porch that was slightly more than half under water.

The inside was dark and dingy, and there was Danser bouncing coins on a table top in some elaborate drinking game he and a group of dirty looking men in frilly shirts and tight pants played for money, as some well-endowed wenches looked on.

“Ah-ha!” Danser Von Huet Blued stood suddenly as soon as he noticed Telémahkos and the others. “So you decided to actually show up! Excellent! It is always more honorable to face your defeat with courage and magnanimity.”

“We shall see who will defeat whom,” Telémahkos replied. “And yes, I have arrived for our duel… Now we only need decide when and where and by what terms.”

“Go and sign us up for a time to use the arena in the Duelist Market Square. It can be arranged for at the temple of Fallon,” Danser replied.

“The Temple of Fallon? Really?” Victoria was confused.

“The Fallonites take small donations in return for the service of keeping track of the duels and administering over them so that fewer are killed or gravely injured than would otherwise be,” Danser explained. “As for the conditions, we already know that when I win I shall take back my rightful possession, the sword of my former master, and if you… ahem… win, then you shall have proven yourself a worthy enough swordsman to wield it – though, there are few I think, perhaps, including yourself? Heh… Few who think you have any chance of defeating the student of Kilgante Valeros!”

“Yeah… Yeah…” Telémahkos was dismissive. “I get to chose the conditions of victory, and the first of us to yield or fall unconscious shall be declared the loser.”

“Those terms are acceptable, and we shall fight with rapiers,” Danser replied.

Telémahkos told his challenger that he would return with the time of their duel (aiming for the next morning), and he and others got back on Peter’s gondola and headed out to the Duelist Market Square, not far off the center of the city, and often in the shadow of the spire of the High Temple of Ra when the sun was shining. As it was, Peter lit a small lantern he hung from the prow of the gondola, and poled carefully in the darkening waterways of Lilly City. The square island had several buildings on it, but the vast majority of it was given to dozens of stall for merchants and peddlers to hawk their wares. The vast majority of them were already closed and the rest were closing. There was a recessed area where the duels took place and perhaps a hundred people or more could squeeze into the three-tiered stone levels overlooking it. As the young nobles made their way across the wide plaza, they noticed a large weapon smithy, another place where gondola service was rented, a message post noted for its pen of pigeons and its faultless on wooden perches, and finally the white stone of the long temple of Fallon. It was built low to the ground, and the front doors were down a short and wide set of yellowing marble steps.

The Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland were greeted by Felix of Fallon, who gladly chalked in the name of Danser and Telémahkos for an hour after noon the next day in return for a silver coin for the temple.

“While we are here, we also have need to speak with the ranking Medicus here,” Bleys the Aubergine said to Felix. “It is regarding a matter that we believe is of some importance to your order…”

“Certainly,” Felix gave a shallow bow and had them wait in a sitting room outside of the of the inner temple chamber where the altar was. The portion of the temple dedicated to the recording and arranging of duels was in a narrow wing just off the entranceway, far from the sacred chambers and hospital itself.

Phaedra was the high priestess at this healing house. She was approaching middle-age, but her hair was already graying, she had a hard face, but kind eyes, and listened patiently as Bleys told the story of the recovery of the Amulet of Fallon from the Tomb of Dalvan Meir. 1

“Do you know Leisel of Isis? It was she who told us we’d be best served bringing it here,” Laarus of Ra said. 2

“Oh, Leisel! What a lovely woman she is!” Phaedra’s face lit up when the priestess of Isis was mentioned. “You do our temple and Fallon great honor to return to us this ancient item from the days before our order even existed!”

“We did not know if it would be right to keep it, but agreed that your wisdom on this matter would be the best followed, if you said we could keep it we would…” Bleys said. Markos leaned in, eager to hear the answer to this. He had spent a good deal of time back in Sluetelot and on the journey to Lilly City trying to convince his allies that they should make an offer to the temple in regards of some kind of favor or reward for it return.

“This shall come into the hands of the Church of Fallon and be sent on a pilgrimage around the world to heal the sick and wounded,” Phaedra replied. “Such relics are best not kept unused in one place, or used by the same people for too long… Fallon’s favor is meant to be shared. It shall travel from temple to temple and we shall be sure to let everyone who hears its history know that it was the Signers of the Charter of Schiereiland who retrieved it from a tomb of darkness and evil…”

“Also know as the Sons of Thricia…” Telémahkos added. “If you could also let it be known that our charter would be open to having one of your order accompany us on our adventures as we seek to aid the people of Thricia and right more wrongs, we would really appreciate it…”

Phaedra of Fallon agreed to do so.

On the way back to the Silver Harbor, Peter decided to bring them the long way around, past the impressive walls of the High Temple of Ra and the towers of Terrapin, in order to get a view of the Theatre of the Fire Gods. It was huge impressive building of three crenulated spires and long wide steps that led up to a broad open patio from which the inner theatre was reached. It was constructed of red and brown stone, and decorated with long narrow tapestries of yellow, red and gold, that ruffled in the wind and were lit up by the flickering lights of reflecting lamps.

“This impressive theatre is really the jewel of Lilly City’s architecture,” Peter told them. “It is the home to the renowned Rainbow Garland Players, and once a month Ataro the Olman Princess sings a special performance… I have never been able to go, but I hear it has people falling into the aisles, weeping from the sadness or joy that her divine voice evokes…”

After a quick stop at the Silver Harbor to let Danser know about the arranged duel, the young nobles returned to the Golden Arch Bridge & Inn to eat and rest before the next day’s activities; that is, except for Markos, who was making plans to go back out again…

End of Session #26


(1) See Sessions #17, 19 and 20.

(2) Actually, it was Amarantha Roorback of Isis that told them to bring it to a temple of Fallon, though Leisel was present. See Session #22

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