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"Second Son of a Second Son" - Bleys' Journal

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First Post
24 Sek, 637 M.Y.

Laarus would be walking the prow of the ship about now were he not so hastily moved. As it is, my best hope is that he may recover his relapse in injury on the morrow. Tymon fares only slightly better. He is a courageous young man. And bright, Telemakhos was right to bring him along. He has temerity in a fight and is intelligent. I suspect that since he is not a pleasure to look upon, his father uses him as a pawn in his mercantile game. I wish not to see Tymon sacrificed so.

I do not entirely trust Markos alone with Harliss, especially after his appalling display in the cove. Too many times has he besmirched his cousin, disgraced the gods and longed for the better days of piracy. Rather than allow Telemakhos to aid me, I asked him to remain above deck, monitoring the two unsavory characters.

Timotheus at least recovers quick enough; he is made of stern stuff. And Victoria, while able-bodied, will require attention beyond what I can lend to mend that leg.

As I pass the time in this cramped hold, I try to recall the lessons of the Master of Wards and the Master Seer. The folios which I have recovered tempt me. I can detect the presence of a magical aura emanating from within all three. I believe this will aid me in unlocking their secrets. Within. This property is significant in comparison to the folios appearing entirely magical, or holding some dweomer which is wholly undetectable. Within. Could they be false holds for some other magical item? A dagger, vial or medallion perhaps? The folios appear old, so I would not wish to risk their physical harm, but that could be the ruse, a façade to cleverly disguise the true treasure within.


First Post
25 Sek, 637 M.Y.

The sails are slack and for our want of haste, we drift aimlessly. There is no way of knowing how long this journey shall take and this ship is small and entirely too cramped. One can not even stand properly in the hold below deck. I wished to stretch my legs a bit after tending to the recovery of Laarus and Tymon, so headed to the deck with Timotheus hoping to spar a bit. I thought the salt air and exercise would be welcome. We were quickly shooed from the deck as there was scant room for us to maneuver and it would not do to have sharp blades flailing about the rigging. I know naught of sailing or I would lend aid. As it is, the best I can hope to do is remain from underfoot and allow Markos to do what he does best. I admire him for that, sailing is ever the noble pursuit. Perhaps some day he could show me the ropes.

As best as I can recall from my lessons, were these folios warded by some glyph or rune they would have been activated when I initially handled them. Because of my limited abilities, I am unable to detect any other immediate clues.


Moderator Emeritus
Perhaps Bleys was confused, but Harliss never said Vanthus stowed away on her ship.

“Vanthus Vanderboren contacted me through means of his girlfriend, Brissa Santos. That little bitch has been trolling ports for a merchant’s son for years, and slitting the throats of others on the side, and I figured he was just another of her pigeon’s, but then seemed to be genuinely interested in acquiring… special goods from exotic locations… Let’s say… And then all of a sudden, the two of them are up on the deck of The Eastward Brother spilling whale oil everywhere and setting fires. By the time I got there, they had fought their way onto my ship, The Fast Facet, and made straight for a chest where I kept an item I was transporting… a black pearl bigger than your fist…”


First Post
26 Sek, 637 M.Y.

If it is a glyph I should be able to read it before doing myself any harm. I suspect that it may indeed be a wizard’s mark. Though there is the possibility that it is instead enchanted with a glamer to make one suspicious, as I am, stalling a swift theft; but I believe then the entire folio would detect as magical. My hope is that the detection of magic alludes to a secret page. I must be sure not to read any text inside upon opening, as this will cause any warding rune, sigil or glyph to activate. Should it prove to be trapped with fire though, I risk losing the ledgers and my life.


First Post
26 Sek, 637 M.Y.

As I look back on it now, I see how I was blind to the motivations of others. In my own self-wallowing I assumed that my companions were all on a course of their own design. But as Telemakhos confided in me, he remains assigned to the Charter only to please his father. His cowardice is merely a manifestation of his desire to live life as he would wish, as my self-pity is for mine. Is it the same for Markos? Perhaps he too does not wish to be a part of our group. Such a fool am I, acting the spoiled brat; my hubris forbid me from allowing for others pains. Do the pressures of familial obligation may weigh more heavily on those of noble blood than those of us who are not?

‘You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.’


First Post
26 Sek, 637 M.Y.

We are running out of water, food will follow on the day after the morrow. We had better hope that Markos knows how to fish from one of these ships without line or net.


Registered User
I'm certainly liking this as I feel I get to better understand where Bleys is coming from. Lately Telie seems to be taking a majority of the stage, as is to be expected with a personality like his.

Look forward to the journal entry after the Sepia Snake Sigil :)



First Post
3 Ter, 637 M.Y.

Maeve Vandermok. I could love her would that I could trust her surname. Our time apart has done much to clarify my thoughts on our former relationship. Should I accept it for its face value and assume no subtlety of intrigue, spy, or manipulation, then I must assume that her aloof demeanour and tepid affections are only a learned defense after having growing up in Vijand. I suspect that she really wants nothing more than to be known as Maeve the Mauve, adopting her new moniker and a new reputation with it. To do good as only she can, and to be loved wholly as one desires. This requires leaving the name Vandermok behind, and by marrying into a family of a less malevolent character, by finding a hero to rescue her from herself she goes a long way toward achieving this goal. I realize now that she wished me to be that hero.

But did she ever love me? Or again, is it some subtle manipulation where I happen to be the proper suitor at the appropriate time, possessing of the qualities that serve here own purpose?

I will go to her. Ask her. Perhaps I can save her tonight.
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First Post
4 Ter, 637 M.Y.

Timotheus and I are two entirely different people. It is as if we speak separate languages. I truly do not understand him. Is it possible for people to be so simple? He is possessed of a singular purpose. Hobgoblins. He finds offense where I offer none and makes playful insult. Is this an attempt to goad me? Perhaps bearing witness to the demise of too many comrades has made him linear-minded. I could not imagine having to remember the names and faces of so many fallen heroes in the name of a cause never won.

I have stumbled upon a treasure far more rare than coinage or jewels. With the aid of my brother-in-law’s coin, I am able to commission a suit of armour crafted specifically to aid in my particular skill sets. I am thrilled with the prospect of beginning to meld my martial training to those of the arcane art.

Markos has my sympathy, but still must earn my respect. I shudder to think what he must have had to endure: having been stripped of his family, held a captive aboard a nefarious pirate vessel, obeying all bidding of the captain as his cabin boy. I had heard horrible tales of such slavery aboard vessels of extended sea journeys, but to be forced into such terrible service with no prospect for escape, knowing not whether you will see a new dawn. The injustice would certainly harden you to the world. But he is fortunate. He was cast adrift as he grew to be too mannish, not killed. He was rescued and returned to his rightful family, recognized as a noble, given coin, influence, power, reputation. He has been gifted of an education and contacts to aid in any endeavour he should so choose. He has been offered an opportunity to do great good in Thricia, make a name for himself, and perhaps even prosper. I will no longer abide his boyish immaturity, self-pity and wallowing, nor his over-exaggerated omniscience. Henceforth he must learn to compose himself as a man of respect, such that he may receive the respect of others. Only then will the world soften itself to him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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