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"Second Son of a Second Son" - Bleys' Journal


Moderator Emeritus
I don't know if anyone else is reading, but I sure am and am still enjoying the insight on Bleys Winter (called, 'the Aubergine').

Also, as DM it helps to remind me of stuff sometimes. ;)

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First Post
24 Ese, 637 M.Y.

Yesterday may very well have been the longest day that I will ever live through.

Sleeplessness gripped Sleutelot causing her citizenry to behave most peculiar. Laarus killed two people in the inn, a fire threatened to consume the city, a nightmare demon was unleashed on the populace, and some reclusive wizard was to blame for it all. We are fortunate that we brought an end to the circumstances as swiftly as we did. Had it even persisted another day, the consequences could have been much more dire indeed.

My only concern is the conflict that emerged with Laarus. I do not pretend to be a religious man, but I believe that I understand the basic tenets of Fallon’s philosophies. And yet, it took physical force for us to receive her mercies and compassion. It just does not make any sense, why would a priest of Ra attempt to thwart the efforts of those seeking to do good?

‘I distrust those people who know so well what their god wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.’
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First Post
25 Ese, 637 M.Y.

Timotheus has accepted a duel with Floris Tenbrook. Apparently, during the tumult of the previous day, he had done something to offend our host. Apologies would have been gracious and acceptable but he relishes the challenge instead. Should the rake’s reputation prove even half true our own stout warrior will be hard-pressed. I hope he did not let his mouth sign a marker his blood cannot pay. Should Bes smile upon him, we may be relocating to Moon City sooner than we would had considered.

‘Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.’


First Post
26 Ese, 637 M.Y.

Today I met Holy Captain Esperson Wetherwax of Tefnut. He bears more than a passing resemblance to myself. I always knew Winter blood to be thick in House Wetherwax veins but still the similarity was unnerving. Having been sent by his cousin Lord Falkoner Wetherwax in response to our warnings of a potential threat against the Royal Margrave’s Navy, we yielded all we knew in confidence. I did not divulge all my secrets, but the timing did not seem appropriate. Perhaps when I receive an audience with the Lord of House Wetherwax alone, then I may feel secure enough to capitulate my honour to duty.

Charlotte the Bronze is leader of the Firebrands. She brings us news that the Sea Wyvern is ours. Unfortunately, it has been impounded by House Devenpeck, apparently circumstances are that it was in transit without appropriate papers, a fact that certainly does not go unnoticed. Would House Devenpeck be so bold were they not in play for power of the RMN? I do not relish the trip to Weispeirogen. I hope that we need not leave the harbour except aboard our vessel.

More to my chagrin, my fellow Academy alum informs me further of Markos and his sordid past. As she knows it, he is the bastard son of a man named Phineas Winter – a known pirate, pillager, and murderer in the area around the Hammer. And this is the true purpose behind the abduction of the child from House Raymer, this cutthroat was merely taking what he saw as rightfully his. If such is the case, Markos must surely have been aware, if not complicit, of many of the nefarious deeds that occurred aboard his father’s vessel. Could this place him in the Charter as some sort of spy sent at his father’s behest? Little is known or revealed of the boy’s sudden escape from his captors. And immediately after his vanishing many powerful divinations and magicks were used by both those of the cloth and the arcane to learn more of his disappearance. All attempts failed, or were thwarted. The natural conclusion is that someone, or something, of some great power and control endeavored to do so. Can I trust him? Only time will tell. The next time he begs to trade spells with me I shall use the opportunity to begin my inquiry.

‘The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.’


First Post
28 Ese, 637 M.Y.

With all else that I was considering I had forgotten, Charlotte the Bronze warned me that young Lord Swann intended on issuing me a summons to his court. And now that it has found my hands I cannot avoid it. Of course, I never would have done so, as she suggested, but that same simple parchment still weighs heavy in my hand.

My concern is that perhaps in some way, something that I have done in earnest has earned Oroleniel the ire of young Lord Swann. Could he be falsely accused and imprisoned, knowing that word of such occurrence would eventually reach mine ears and force me to respond to my fraternal fellow’s aid? Could it therefore be some nefarious trap by young Lord Swann, for some offense or slight that he feels has been committed against him in dealing with the Gold Straw tribe?

My fellow alumnus needs me and it is my duty to fly to his side, to aid him in whatever capacity I can.

‘There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.’


First Post
9 Syet, 637 M.Y.

Laurie the Purple has arrived as the more permanent replacement to the watch-mage post in Sluetelot. And she could not have come too soon. I must only tarry here a few days longer before I can tend to the needs of Oroleniel the Salmon. For fear of the worst, I have been certain to tell Laurie of my anticipated progress and have asked her to inform Cwell the Carmine of Oroleniel’s predicament as well. He being the most senior amongst us around the Drei-Hoek Bay, it is prudent to keep him informed.

Now, it is my earnest hope that Telemakhos can win his bout. For his hubris has allowed him to jeopardize our grasp over the one tool that serves our charter best. The rapier is not solely his by right of claim. He seems concerned with the besmirching commentary of this Lilly City fop, when instead it his very actions that he should allow to propel his name and reputation if that is what he is so concerned about. And if he loses I shall be sorely disappointed.

‘Only mediocrity can be trusted to be always at its best.’
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First Post
10 Syet, 637 M.Y.

It has been long since I have last seen the City of Flowers, it is as rich in history as it is in personae. I suspect my time here will not be near half as pleasant as some of those that I have shared before. We have secured suites at the Golden Arch Bridge and Inn, an establishment finer than any I have ever seen, everything I had always heard it was and more. I am reminded of a lavish wedding I attended here years ago, Lieutenant Commander Noah Winter married Isabella Swann and somehow I made the guest list. I attributed it to the machinations of my Aunt Custacia, though it is not impossible that my old mentor did not also have a hand in the manipulation. Raphael Winter must certainly be a wealthy man indeed, curious that he seems to have no design toward nobility or the recognition of a family House.

We have returned the Amulet of Fallon to the temple, the Medicus Phaedra is in receipt of the relic and has vowed to see it to good use. I am glad to see it gone as it sowed the seed of dischord in our group, a fact that us wholly against everything that Fallon represents. Most ironic that, and fitting, how items of such magical power, no matter how intended or benevolent can always be manipulated or become contentious. Let that be a lesson to us all, one that we learn well, for I fear otherwise.

‘As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow.’
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First Post
11 Syet, 637 M.Y.

Telemakhos has dueled Danser von Huet Blued and lost. I am disappointed to say the least. The most powerful magical item that we had in our employ for the purposes of our causes has been lost. The Steel Whip belonged to Timotheus or myself as much as it did Telemakhos; there was never a discussion, permission given, or opinions asked, an arbitrary decision was made, one that affects us all.

On the morrow Markos is due to duel the same flippant fop. His over-large mouth and ego promptly earned him an appointment to duel as well. To believe Charlotte the Bronze pains me, but I have no reason to suspect her of deceit. Upon reflection I realize that it is a lofty ideal of mine own - to expect the most, the best, of Winter blood – that holds me in such contempt for the young man. And there is nothing worse of potential than when it is not realized. But in the end we are Winter. And we, above all, claim strength in alliance.

‘Strength in Alliance’


First Post
Bleys Winter






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