Secret Theatre underneath Paris in Catacombs


Maybe it's me, but this story sounds like something ripe for use with Call of Cthulu, Mutants and Masterminds, Spycraft or d20 Modern.

I mean, that's just freaky.

You've got to wonder what they were watching.

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First Post
That is such a great story. 100% Call of Cthulhu. If it was a Call of the Cthulu game .. maybe they were watching a film noir version of the "King in Yellow".

It makes you wonder what else is down there. You could set a really creepy modern day dungeon crawl in it.


I think that it would be an underground interdimensional tournament where groups of people (wizards/witches/aliens/demons/whatever) watch multiple dimensions in some weird reality show. They may even compete on the show.


[A group,] identifying itself as the Perforating Mexicans, last night told French radio the subterranean cinema was its work.

That is the most humorous name for a secret society that I've ever heard. :lol:

Hand of Evil

See, there are secret still left to be found in the world! Bet they were watching amine! :p

Does make you wonder what is going on under your feet and around you that you do not know of.


First Post
Hi all, I'm pretty damned new here so don't be too harsh on me if this post doesn't quite fit in :D

Have any of you seen the few items on the web about the Moscow group 'Diggers of the Underground Planet'? The first article I ever read about them got me intrigued and the next one I found just fired up my gaming imagination... anyways, here's the links to the two sites: -

Hopefully this stuff will give you some ideas!


First Post
Howdy Piratecat, thanks for the welcome,
I hadn't seen the webring before but I have been to a number of the sites there, originally to locate photos of damaged or ruined buildings etc to help illustrate a homegrown post-apocalyptic gameworld. After a while I just ended up visiting the sites because they were so damned interesting!


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