Secret War - Pt 1 - Escape From Zanzer's Dungeon


Farim Rubyheart, Cleric 1, L/G, 28/28 HP

"We are not the ones who first suggested that our relationship should be anything other than one of friendship! It was that...that...person who degraded himself and us by first bringing payment into the conversation."

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Axel takes the bone away from his teeth and tosses it back into the hay. Vondal's words begin to make him angry. Axel pounds his fist into his palm and says, "I'm going to pound you all into the floor!" Morrim's demonstration, on the otherhand, convinces him otherwise. "Magic-user, huh?" Then Thorfin's words produce a point and a nod by Axel as he agrees with the warrior. "That one agrees! So let's be 'friends'... but I am still the boss inside of this cell!"

The hallway door cracks open and the hobgoblin carrying a basket of bread peeks through. He tosses ten small loaves into the cell. "Enjoy your meal," he chuckles. "It will be your last for a while." Jerj leaves immediately and shuts the door.

Axel leaps infront of the pile and yells, "Stay away from my bread!" Your stomaches begin to growl as you realize how hungry you are.


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You go too far, Axel. The steel-hard tone of Rangok's voice once again carves its place in the discussion. That food is for all, and you have no more right to it than we. We will divide it with you, and do so fairly, but if you do not move out of the way, you will force me to use Moradin's strength against you. With that, he steps toward the strangely tall dwarf, fist clenched at his side.


Farim Rubyheart, Cleric 1, L/G, 28/28 HP

Farim is instantly at Rangok's side glaring at Axel, his fists clenched and death in his eyes.


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Axel crouches down over the bread and stares at the two dwarves before him. He picks up four loafs out of the ten, and tosses two of them to Rangok and two of them Farim. "There you go. Enjoy all your bread guys." Axel takes the other six loafs and sits in the corner.


Farim Rubyheart, Cleric 1, L/G, 28/28 HP

Farim exchanges glances with Rangok, nods, and then hands his two loaves to Vondal. To Axel he says, "Now, let's talk about those other loaves that you are hoarding, you spawn of a kobold!"
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Thromb, distracted by staring around the cell, has his attention pulled back by the loafs of bread.

Give me my two, or you'll regret it.


First Post
Rangok nods in agreement with Farim's response, hands his two loaves to Thorfin and steps closer to Axel. I count seven dwarves and ten loaves. You keep one of those, and half of another, and hand the other four and a half over to us, he says slowly and carefully. If we keep this reasonable, we can get back to negotiating for the information you say you have.


First Post
"Hmph!" Axel throws the rest of his bread at the others, picks up the pile of hay and begins throwing it across the room. "I'm not gonna stand for this!" he yells out.

His tantrum escalates as he begins to pick up the rat and halfling bones and throws them hard at the hallway door, one at a time. "We need more bread!" he yells out some more. "We need more bread you imbeciles! Get in here Jerj and give us more food you cockroach! We need food!"

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