Secret War - Pt 1 - Escape From Zanzer's Dungeon


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"Well, hurry up with your plans knuckleheads," inputs Axel. "We probably don't have much time until that cockroach returns with his goons. Jerj won't hesitate to throw a pack of rabid dogs in here if he even senses revolt."

[sblock=Rangok]As your group discusses your plans to escape, you notice one of the halfling femurs next to you against the bars from when Axel was throwing things at the door.[/sblock]

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Farim Rubyheart, Cleric 1, L/G, 28/28 HP

"Let's try it Morrim's way first. If it doesn't work then we can still do like we originally planned, but if it does work then we'll all be much better off."

The Digger

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"That's a very good idea. The less fighting we have to do before we get out of this cage the better it will be for fighting outside the cage. I say go for it!" Thorfin thumps his hand down in agreement.

"Oops! Sorry Axel! Didn't see you there!"


First Post
Your group's discussion comes to an abrupt end as the hallway door's handle turns. In comes a goblin followed by Jerj, with some more goblins behind him. The horizontal rods begin to move into the walls once again and lock into place.

Slung over the hobgoblin's shoulder are the shackles. On his right hip Jerj carries a whip and the key ring, and on his left hip Jerj carries a wooden club. Each of the other goblins that you see hold their bows and arrows in hand, eyeing you all with vicious smiles. Their quivers are on their hips.

"Stand back!" Jerj gruffly orders. He takes the key ring from his side and puts a key in the keyhole. Axel moves up to the cell door. The hobgoblin pushes open the door and stares at Axel in front of him. "What are you smiling at dwarf?" he asks in reply to Axel's stupid smile. "Guess we'll have to rub it off while you're diggin' all day!" Jerj shoves the dwarf onto the ground to the side of the jail door and steps into the cell. "I know you'll survive Axel. You've been to the salt mines. Your companions here... we'll see if they'll live beyond the day or not!" He follows with a menacing laugh as he kneels down before Axel and takes a shackle off of his shoulder. Jerj begins shackling Axel's feet.

As the hobgoblin concentrates on Axel’s feet, his guards notice Vondal's and Morrim’s hostile intentions. As Morrim prepares to attack, one of the goblins yell out, ”Jerj – watch out!”

[sblock=OOC]Time for some action, but the goblins have sensed your actions! Below is the combat sequence:

1. Morrim (MI)
2. Vondal (VD)
3. Thromb (TL)
4. Rangok (RA)
5. Goblins (G1-3)
6. Farim (FR)
7. Thorfin (TH)
8. Jerj (JJ)
9. Axel (AX)[/sblock]


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Thromb sticks to the plan, charging Thorfin's simple robes with thundering armor; the energy provides some defense to the fighter [+1 AC] but is too feeble to harm anyone [MISS].


Farim Rubyheart, Cleric 1, L/G, 28/28 HP

Farim casts Lance of Faith (at-will prayer) at the middle goblin.

Attack: Wis vs. Reflex 1d20+5=6 1d20 5=6, 1d8 2=9

A brilliant ray of light springs from Farim's hand toward the middle goblin. It does not hit him, but sparkles of light linger around the goblin to guide other attacks. OOC: Bummer!

Walking Dad

First Post
Vondal uses his signature spell to attack the left goblin, summoning gaping maws.
Cloud of daggers (1d20+3=11, 1d6+3=9)
on the square of G1

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 13 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 13 Fortitude 14 Reflex 13 Will 15
Hit Points: 29 / 29 Bloodied: 14
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 10 / 10
Encounter Powers: Force Orb
Daily Powers: Flaming Sphere

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First Post
WD, you might want to rethink CoD. Don't forget, we need to get through that door, and you would be effectively blocking it.

***Edit: Thanks for shifting targets. It keeps the goblin busy and doesn't hurt us as we charge them.***
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First Post
Morrim growls in frustration that their plan has been found out, but continues with his actions.

He reaches into himself and feels the cold, chill of the power dwelling in his soul and thrusts his hand out towards Jerj, squeezing it shut. A claw of darkness bursts from the ground, enveloping the hobgoblin.

After completing this, Morrim also points at Jerj and a blast of flame strikes the hobgoblin.

Standard - Cast Diabolic Grasp on Jerj - if hit, slide him just south of Morrim's position. Attack (vs. Fort); Damage (1d20+3=16, 2d8+3=15)
16 vs. Fort, 15 damage + 5 curse = 20 damage
**Forgot Curse Bonus Damage - Curse Bonus (1d6+3=8)* Shizer added +3 (ignore)

Use Action Point - Cast Hellish Rebuke on Jerj
Atack (vs. Ref); fire damage (1d20+3=18, 1d6+3=4)
Rebuke damage if I'm hurt (1d6+3=4)
Move - n/a
Minor - Curse Jerj

HP: 29/29, AP: 0/1; Surges: 9/9
AC: 13; F: 13; R: 13; W: 13
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