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Seeking Skilled D&D 3.5 Players - The Redemption of Baron Constantine


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This is an advertisement for an online game over at Myth-Weavers.com. If you're interested in what you see, check out the main recruitment thread for the game.

Hmmm. That song you’ve just heard is of course, the Blight of Estervale. You’ve traveled many leagues since you were young, but I expect you’ll remember. Yes, you’ll remember the Estervale. You’ll remember the sundry folk who once called it home.

Esterwode, they call it now. Esterwode, and no one lives there. It is but a dark tangle of undergrowth, and gloomy copses, fit only for the wild, creeping things of the wilderness.

Ah, but when you were young - and not the great adventurer that you have become - you called the Estervale your home, and weren’t ashamed of it. I could sing you a song - so sweet - about it’s fertile soil and the fecund warmth of the land. Every road an apple grove, every stream crystal clear, and jumping with fish large as your leg! Yes, that was the Estervale…until the Baron came. Baron Aiden Constantine, that cavalier of justice...paladin of the Sacra Lumis and champion of his own pride.

The Baron came - you remember - in the days of King Aenir, when the Shadow Crusade threatened from distant lands to the North. His soldiers came one night, and drove us from our lands. A great evil, they said, was about to break-out upon the Estervale. The Baron had come to save us.

A few of our stout men – perhaps your father among them – fought beside him on that night. Meanwhile, we all waited, camped among the Halfling folk in the Peak Land. Soon, the sky turned black, the stars raced from the sky and at last a plume of brimstone descended upon the Estervale. We huddled together, gripped by a black fear. When at last the elders climbed to the heights of Peak Land, and looked down upon the Estervale they found the lands were scorched and smoking. Our brave few fighting men, along with three-hundred and twelve of the Baron’s men-at-arms lay dead. The Baron, well, he rode away head hung low, with scarcely a tenth of his force intact.

They say he went on to fight against the Shadow Crusade, across the channel, in the souther lands.
Fought them and came back a hero, beloved, honored, decorated by Bishop and King.

But the Estervale, after all the dead were buried, never recovered. Many of the families tried; they gave five years of sweat and blood to the land, trying to revive it. But whatever evil was vanquished on that day had poisoned the land. Season after season, crops failed and the stout people of the Estervale slowly drifted away.

The Baron has hidden himself away all these many years. He rules his Barony with an even hand, but he is rarely seen and seldom heard from. A prior of the local temple visits him monthly, and returns with wealth of the distant lands -- donated by the Baron for the needy in the land.

Some say he carries a grievous guilt, for all his deeds done in the name of the light.
Some say he remembers every innocent life that has ever fallen in his sight.
Some say he would do anything to take his wrongs and make them right.

But he sends none of his wealth to these lands – you say.
Aye, no songs are sung in his honor here – tis true.
Does he remember, you ask, the people of the Estervale?

Here…read this brave one, and tell me yourself… Four heralds have travelled near and far to find the remnants of Estervale. Alas, I am too old to travel…”

The Engraved Invitation:

Lord Aiden Constantine, Baron of Taeg invites 4 sons or daughters of the Estervale to a feast in honor of the lost.
One the twenty and ninth day of Faebruar,
At Constantine Keep in Canysfane Moor.

~ A meal will be had, your grievances heard and amends will be made. ~

”You will go? Well, I assume you have your reasons. Yes! Go with my blessing, and if amends be made…do find me. I want no wealth, but I would like to die knowing that this wrong has been repaid.”

The Game:
The Skinny: My first stab at DM’ing a pbp game, so... A short adventure, just a few encounters in one locale, strung together with a short story, with room for characterization and maybe a surprise here and there. This is a game for 4 players, able beginners welcome. Hoping to cover the standard adventurer slots. I’ll hold applications until December 6th.

Setting: (D&D 3.5) All PCs would originally hail from Estervale, story takes place 10-15 years after the Blight of Estervale. Estervale, and the Barony of Taeg are in the realm of Umbria, basically a pseudo-England. Otherwise, feel free to dream up a fun background to suit your pleasure. The PCs will begin this tale together. Once players are chosen, we can decide whether you’ve ridden together for long, or just now converged on the road to Constantine Keep.

Character Name: (knock yourself out)
Sex/Race/Class: (Core races and classes in PHB 1 & 2 only)
Background: (Aside from setting basics, knock yourself out)
Physical Description: (what you were like in Estervale, what you look like now.)

Characters: PHB Base classes & races. ECL 5, 32 point-buy, starting gold 9000 gp, no more than 2250 gp on any one item.
Sources: DMG, PHB 1 & 2…that’s it. (I Love the other stuff, but in the interest of simplicity…you understand.)

Haven't heard of Myth-Weavers before? Simply put, it's a site for playing RPGs online using forum-posting with help from specialized gaming tools like built-in dice-rolling, digital character sheets, and advanced Game Master capabilities. Go here to learn more, browse through the full list of currently-recruiting games, or just hang out with an open-doored game-centered community.

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