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Clockwork Golem
Tuesday, August 22nd, 508 AF, Continued

Calmert of Heironous walks purposefully through the rain. He keeps the radiant orb from his light spell floating a foot before his head, the glow lighting the muddy path towards the ruins the townsfolk told him about.

Two things run through Calmert's head as he walks. The first is a curse on the name of Ezekial, the cousin he was sent to fetch. The second is a prayer to Heironous that the wayward kinsman be in one peice when Calmert finds him. If he isn't, Calmert's family won't be pleased.

The steady alternation of prayer and curse lends his gait an easy stride and ready rhythm. He almost manages to avoid slipping in the mud. He's walked for the better part of the night, sustianed by prayer and willpower. The townsfolk had told him a fit man could make the Ruins in the space of a day and a half if he moved fast. With his heavy armor, Calmert wasn't fast, but he was determined.

He spat a mouthful of rainwater at the side of the road. Trust Ezekial to be in the middle of no-where, getting into trouble, during the summer storms.

Then Calmert hears the howl of something savage and angry on the wind, followed by the clash of steel on steel.

"It's probably Ezekial," Calmert mutters wearily. He draws his longsword from the scabard, it's radiance bolstering the light from his spell. "And he'll probably need help."

His armor clanking softly, Calmert sprints to the top of the hill. As he crests the peak, he gets his first site of the ruins. In a flash of lightening he can make out two combatants, gnolls most likely, fighting against two smaller combatents. He hairs the faint hiss of arrow fire, and the air is lit by the amber glow of two magic missiles. In the aftermath of the lightening, someone screams "Light on the hill. Someone's coming in fast."

Calmert shrugs. He's been spotted. No point trying to hide now. He holds his sword before him, it's light showing a possibly safe path towards the gateway into the ruins, and he charges down as fast as his armor will let him.

"Heironoussss!" he screams, his war-cry introducing him to all involved as he half sprints, half slides down the hill.
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First Post
Great ambiance (sp?) Arwick. It gives a feeling like we're in a movie theater. I can almost hear the squishing sound of his boots.


Clockwork Golem
Tuesday, August 22nd, 508 AF, Continued

Durhon struggles to free himself from Yip's carelessly thrown bola, tearing and gnawing at the rope as he clumsily avoids attacks by both gnolls standing over him. It doesn't work. Several deep gashes are opened beneath Durhon's armor, blood seeping out from the rents made by the gnollish blades. Yip dances back and forth behind the gnolls, trying to distract them, but he's simply to small and ineffective at hand to hand combat to truly command their attention. At best, he draws arrow fire.

Durhon swears. Then the thin viel of sanity he's been holding onto snaps and his mind is filled with a bloody rage. He lets out an roar as bestial and gutteral as the gnoll's battle cry, and his viens visibly swell beneath his skin. The cords of the bola are shredded like twine as he struggle back to his feet, the gleaming edge of his great-axe ready.

"Arright ye mangy ball's of fur," he snarls, "Let's go."

The axe swings out in a deadly arc, cutting down the weaker of the two gnolls. The one-eyed leader yells out a short, sharp command, and instantly the number of arrows drops in half. Durhon's to enraged to notice, but the keen senses of Yip and Warwin pick it up immediately. Yip does a quick flip, landing behind the one-eyed gnoll where he can provide a distraction and hamper defences while Durhon attacks. He keeps half his attention on the doorway, waiting to see who comes out.

Warwind takes note of the decreased arrow-fire, and looks towards the armored figure charging down the hill. By now he's on the far side of the drawbridge, only twenty feet or so from Warwin's position. There's only one way into the moat-house, and that's through the gate he's using for cover. Warwind makes out the lightening bolt symbol of heironous on the figures shield, but decides not to trust in appearances. If its a ruse, there's little chance Warwinds allies could help him if it came down to a hand to hand fight.

Warwind decides to take his chances with the archers, moving out of his hiding place and scuttling behind some fallen stones in the near the wall farthest from the melee. He casts a flaming sphere, centering it on the one-eyed gnoll, but the large brute evades the worst of the flames. He draws a quick hail of arrow fire, but the low rocks and his magical protections stave off the worst. With only a few spells left, the elf draws his bow and watches for the newcomers entry.

The Heironous warcry echoes through the ruined courtyard as Calmert charges through the gateway. He quickly takes in the situation, noting the crouched elf, the melee in the centre of the courtyard and the snipers. The cleric makes a snap decision and picks a side - the one without fur. He rushes through the words of a spell, and summons a the Blade of Valor. The shining weapon of pure force appears before one of the arrow slits, stabs in and skewers the gnollish archer on the far side in a single, smooth blow. The gnoll is so surprised by the blades sudden appearance that he doesn't cry out before the weapon cuts through his skull. The cleric feels a momentary rush of satisfaction, one that quickly fades as another pair of gnolls swarm down the stairs towards the dwarf and his kobold ally.


Clockwork Golem
Not quite as fast as I'd like, but it's coming along. I start teaching again this week, which means it's suddenly easier to fit gaming stuff into my life again because my focus is already distracted. This I'm very happy about.

The fact that I'll be paid enough to buy gaming books is just icing on the cake :D


First Post
arwink said:
Not quite as fast as I'd like, but it's coming along. I start teaching again this week, which means it's suddenly easier to fit gaming stuff into my life again because my focus is already distracted. This I'm very happy about.

You'll have to explain that a bit more for me. I got lost somewhere.


Clockwork Golem
Tuesday, August 22nd, 508 AF, Continued

With Calmert's arrival, the momentum of the fight swings in favor of the vetrans. With his spiritual weapon spinning from arrow slit to arrow slit in search of prey, Calmert leaps at the gnolls surrounding Durhon. His glowing sword lashes out, drawing blood, while Durhon concentrates his attacks on the one-eyed leader. Warwind contines to fire arrows at the archers, directing his flaming sphere back and forth through the rain to scorch gnollish warriors as they emerge from the door to the ruined keep. Yip takes advantage of Calmert's arrival to fall back and drink a healing potion, then launches a bola attack at the gnoll leader that tangles him to the ground. Calmert's blade lashes out again, slaying a gnoll. Durhon smiles down at the entangled gnoll at his feat. Cold bloodlust runs through him, and it swells the beserking dwarf's heart to see his enemy helpless.

In the corner of his mind that was still rational, there's even a momentary thought that he should forgive Yip for leaving him in the same situation with his earlier missile.

Then the thought is driven away by bloodlust, and Durhon's axe swings down to cleave the trapped gnolls head from its shoulders. Blood fountains into the muddy courtyard, and Durhon screams his joy as he whirls in search of more gnollish opponents.

By now, there are no gnollish archers left. At the death of their leader, they have all started swarming from the ruins with axes at the ready. Warwind watches the melee before him, his bow readied. His flaming sphere still leaps around the courtyard, but the rain has taken it's toll and it will soon fizzle out. Warwind curses at the realisation he is without spells, but it's a half-hearted curse. Things are definately looking better.

Then Warwind notices a void just to his left, a place just behind some rocks where the rain doesn't fall. The elf frowns staring hard at the space. He knows it bodes ill, struggling to remember where he has seen this arcane effect before.

The shape rises, man-sized, and lurches towards him in a silent sprint. Warwind hears the soft rasp of a blade being drawn, and a harsh whisper of "Die." A short, lean man appears next to him with a rapier already mid-plunge towards Warwind's chest. The elven wizard retreats quickly, stuggling to clear his longsword from it's sheath, but the rapiers point punctures a lung as he does so.

"Of course," Warwind thinks, cursing himself as an idiot. "Invisibility." Then he coughs up blood as his blade leaves the sheath. His lungs are on fire, the pain travelling throughout his body, but the elf holds on by force of will and training. He even manages a hoarse scream of "Assasin" to alert the others as he struggles to get away from the now-visible killer. His movements are slow and awkward, but he manages to parry the killers second blow. It wont last. Warwind knows if the fight continues, he's doomed.

"Assasin," he tries again. "Help."
The others are still struggling against the gnolls, slowly coating the courtyard with bestial blood. Warwind lashes out with his sword, a desperate swing that catches his opponent on the arm. It isn't much of a blow, but it's enough for the assasin to cry out in pain. An amaturish move on his part, to be sure, but as a bola comes flying through the air at his opponent Warwind is suddenly aware that his weak blow may have saved his life.

"Warwind need help," Yip screams desperately. He sprints accross the courtyard and lashes at the assasin with his paws, delivering a stunning fist that shakes the imprisoned killer. Durhon is still to lost in his battle rage to notice the kobolds cry, but Calmert quickly decides the dwarf is more than capable of mopping up the handfull of gnolls that remain. With a heavy clank, the cleric of heironous charges the trapped assasin.

From there, things end quickly. Durhon mops up the gnolls in a matter of seconds, his heavy axeblows downing them one after the other. Calmert and Yip hammer the assasin as he struggle to free himself, then keep the wounded man off guard and away from Warwind as the wizard searches through his depleted stock of healing potions. In the end it is Durhon, looking for another enemy after finding himself without gnollish opponents, that drops the man.

Silence settles accross the courtyard, the echoes of combat fading until all that can be heard is Durhon's tired breathing and the rain rattling on Calmert's armor. Everyone gathers around the dead man clad in black, looking him over. They know without question that it's the assasin that killed Taranos. The clothes, the weapon and his assult on Warwind more than give him away.

Durhon spits on the assasins corpse.

"Reckon we hurt 'im good enough?" Durhon asks. Warwind gives him a thin grin, wincing at the pain from his lung. Yip nods seriously.

"Right then," Durhon grunts.

He cuts the head off the assasins corpse.


Clockwork Golem
No poles. Human heads aren't all that impressive when stuck on a pole, particularly when placed next to a dragons. From my understanding, Durhon's happy he killed the dragon because it makes him look tough. He's happy he killed the assasin because the bastard deserved to die. There's a slight shift in reasoning there that makes all the difference.

Now, if it was Blarth, he'd have lopped off the head and hung it outside his hut faster than you can say "Yip, go hold off that platoon or guards" :)

No update this week as I'm trying to get the attrociously behind Copperheads storyhour up to date, but we'll be playing Megamodule on Sunday so I'll probably do another one then. To tide you over, though, I figured I'd suggest this link: http://arwink.themadship.dhs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=50

It's the draft of a short story Khynal wrote while he was recovering from surgery in the last two weeks, which he then posted on the Campaign Boards. It isn't officially a story hour, and it doens't involve any of the characters, but it does offer a little insight into the Trollmist Wars our heroes are the vetrans of.

If I can't pimp my friends work in a storyhour, where can I pimp it :D
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