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Selm's Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

Diane Derwyn

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I pass for a toon now with all your comments about my supposed fleeings attempts !

I can't help it if I find a much better interest in disengaging from a fight to go stab at someone's back :D

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Rousing Fox

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Diane Derwyn said:
I pass for a toon now with all your comments about my supposed fleeings attempts !

I can't help it if I find a much better interest in disengaging from a fight to go stab at someone's back :D

But you are a toon, aren't you ? :D :D :D


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Nice use of time for the villians - setting up traps and such. That is something most players don't realize. If they leave to regroup in town, the bad guys also get a chance to regroup and prepard defenses.

Rousing Fox

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Dawn said:
Nice use of time for the villians - setting up traps and such. That is something most players don't realize. If they leave to regroup in town, the bad guys also get a chance to regroup and prepard defenses.

Well, we do think about it, but most of the time we don't have really any other choice : staying here and dying, or reassemble in town... and retrying to finish this evil place later.

Rousing Fox

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Diane Derwyn said:

You're just jealous, conceed it ! :p

Jealousy is a human emotion. As you know, I try to forget all human emotion to concentrate only on body perfection: it's the only possible way of life for a monk.


OK, I'm not 20th level yet, so maybe I'm a bit jealous :D

BTW, jealous of what ? Being a toon ? LOL


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Dawn said:
Nice use of time for the villians - setting up traps and such. That is something most players don't realize. If they leave to regroup in town, the bad guys also get a chance to regroup and prepard defenses.

Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil is a nice dungeon hacking campaign. With lots of bad Eviiiiil characters.
But I enjoy to play a campaign wiht a bit of realistic aspects, so time is always fleeing in this game ... when our courageous heroes heal their wounds, bad guys grow stronger, and are little by little more aware of their actions.
Without prudence, discretion and carefullness, it is hyghly probable that the big guys at the end will await them ... which will be quite BAD :p

Nevertheless, even if I don't make any concession in this campaign, as they were all aware from the beginning. And even if I try to play the bad guys with a bit of "intellect". I have confidence in our heroes ... goodness will prevail ... I hope.

- keep tuned, other good fights await :) -


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Episode 8-3

Episode EIGHT - Another Fight at the Moathouse - PART 3
(The gnome and the ooze ... the moathouse underground.)

- Yes, we are still Godsday Planting 25th around 12.am now -
(DM note: as soon as there is a fight these logs grow longer and
longer ... ^_^)

They are now all in the courtyard.
Killashalandilis is still trying to comfort the young girl Renne who
is crying over the corpse of her father.
Alahija has already droped this activity to start collecting
the treasures on the numerous corpses around (especially the ogre and
the priest), as always she's not able to do the same thing for more
than five minutes. She's just so the typical half-elf young maiden,
doubled with a strong sense of independance and the fact that she is
the cherished daughter of the viscount of Furyondy. You see ... I
don't try to find her excuses but sometimes she's just really
... appalling.
Ezekiel is healing the numerous wounds, soon all his spells are
exhausted and there is still injured people in the party, and he is
beyond them.
Rousing Fox is helping here and there.
Diane and Lywen are discussing over the corpse of the black robed
priest, especially about a holy symbol hanging from his neck.
And Gandigoot ... but were is the gnome ?

During the fight with the assassin, Gandigoot decided to go on his
own. While the others pursued Spugnoir's murderer towards the west
chamber where was Renne, the gnome decided to go to the south-est
corridor, checking or any remaining gnoll (You know Gandigoot hates
gnolls, do you?).
So our courageous gnome advances in the dark passage without making
any noise (which is quite easy with his enchanted arrow of
silence). Each time he passes a door, he quickly, but as a
professionnal fighter, inquire about any threat into it. Doing so, he
advances until the last room, he opens the door and enters the old
chamber with prudence (as he is alone there is only prudence with him
... sorry ^_^).
This room is nearly the same, or more precisely was nearly the same
than the room were Renne was kept captive. But the south wall is
mainly colapsed and nearly one half of the room is covered by
rubbles. Gandigoot advances into the room, seeing no danger on the
horizon. He then starts to carefully search for anything usefull
around. That's then that, while he was searching the rubbles, a
strange green-gray slime jumps onto him. Only his good reflexes saved
him from the creature's attack. As a gnome, this things are not
unknown to him, slimes are quite common in any cave or underground
complex. But he knows that they are really hard to fight, devouring
anything in contact with them. A strange, soundless fight
starts. Gandigoot takes a broken stake on the floor and bashes the
creature with it. Even if it seems to do a bit of damages, the stake
is completely destroyed and our gnome has to find another weapon ...
Three plank, and two pipes after Gandigoot dodges a last attack wich
sends the creatures trough the wooden door of the room, but realy
*through* ! It arrives in the corridor were a last blow from the gnome
finally causes it to melt on the stone floor. With only a strange
color shape remaining of it.
Do you really think that his friends will trust such a strange story ?
Silence spells are not always so good to carry around ...
But finally the gnome is able to meet again with his friends, and not
without an interesting bit of ... stone.
In the narrow hole were was hidding the slime, Gandigoot found a
strange piece of black stone, shaped as a small altar or something
similar. A dected magic performed by Lywen will reveal it as slightly
magical, with a faint alteration aura.

Now that they are all back together, the question is once again to
decide the course of theire next actions. Once gain they are heavily
wounded, and have to make the choice of risking and inspection of the
underground complex without much healing or combat magic, or going
back to Hommlet and perhaps allow their enemies to prepare another,
and perhpas even deadlier, ambush for their next coming.

The decision is quickly taken. This time will be the last one, they
decide to purge this fortress of all evil once and for all.
The main stairway to the underground level has been cleaned. And there
is evident (for Gandigoot) traces of passage. The party decides to
advance once again into the darkness.
They start to carefully visit the vast complex, passing once again
through some rooms with dark memories attached to them, like the one
were they fought so many undeads and evil priests ... the first ambush
at the moathouse.
They are quickly able to see that a lot of rooms have been cleaned,
one especially is now completely empty while it was clearly inhabited
the last time they came. It seems that all traces of the presence of
evil priests have been removed, but nothing was done to clean the
gnolls quarters. They do not want to let any trace remain ...
(During this time, Diane was able to search the complex for the room
were she had be taken captive with Lywen. She thinks that it must be
the old torture chamber near the entry of the complex. ... bad
memories ...)
After an hour, they conclude that the underground level is clear. They
encountered no oposition and all seems to have been removed. Although
a point is still unclear. Were the sounds that Spugnoir heard were
coming from? After a more carefull inspection of the south part of the
complex, they find strange signs of activity in the room with the
water pool. A huge wooden disk is laying against a wall, with no
apparent use and a big tarry rope is rolled in a corner of the
room. It is quite strange ...
After a few dives in the pool, Rousing Fox and Diane conclude that the
bottom is not clearly made of the same stone and that traces of
activity are seen on the pool walls. But they are unable to carry on
with investigations as they must dig through the stone and do not want
to do it without magical support.

So finally thay will have to go back to Hommlet. A strange hole in the
necropole is also unchecked but the traces on the carved wall surface
seem to indicate the presence of numerous ghouls. And to go in a small
passage with nearly no possibility to fight, with the high probability
of encountering ghouls is not such a pleasant idea ;)

Episode NINE - Problems in Hommlet, is it really the end? - PART 1
(You know mills are highly explosive. No, really?.)


First Post

Yes, this is for real, an update ... TODAY :D

Sorry for my laziness, I got a lot of work to do last weeks.

I hope you will enjoy the next chapters.



First Post
Episode 9-1

Episode NINE - Problems in Hommlet, is it really the end? - PART 1
(You know mills are highly explosive. No, really?.)

- Godsday, 25th Planting, afternoon -

During their return to Hommlet, Lywen and Diane discuss about the
assassin. Diane thinks that she has recognized him, he was a merchant
living at the Welcome Wench. As it is now nearly certain that he was
working for the Dark God¹s cult, everyone linked to him is
suspect. Beside, Diane followed him the other day, when they departed
from Hommlet by the north road, he went out of the Inn just two
minutes after them and followed them until he reached the mill, near
the bridge where he stopped to speak with a man, the miller
probably. Hence the suspicion which starts to grow in Diane¹s mind
about probable spies at the mill.

When they enter Hommlet, the party splits. Some are going to report
last events to Rufus and Brune, while others are worrying for Spugnoir
(DM note: Xaod, even if was taken back to Hommlet, is still not so
much loved you see ;) ). The death of evil cultists is always good
news and Rufus seems happy, Lywen speaks a bit with Brune about the
strange black stone object that Gandigoot found in some rubbles of the
Moathouse. The old mage is not able to give him any information about
the stone but he promise to study it as soon as possible (Lywen gives
the stone to him). During this time, Xaod and Spugnoir corpses were
taken to the keep "infirmary", the same room where Diane and Lywen
recovered a few days ago. Y'Dey, the canoness of the St Cuthbert
church arrives soon, warned by one member of the party. She studies
the bodies for a time and accepts to use raise dead magic on them
tomorrow. From the description of their deaths, she is not optimistic
about Xaod¹s fate. He could have been slain by death magic, but she
will do all what she can anyway.

But Diane and Lywen have yet an inquiry to do. After having heard
their thoughts about potential spies in the town, and more precisely
around the mill, Rufus advises them to speak with Elmo. And so a group
formed by Diane, Lywen and Rousing Fox goes out of the keep. They ask
for Elmo and are sent to the Welcome Wench Inn were they found not
only the captain of the guard but also Alahija.
After a short discussion, Elmo accepts to backup their "mission" at
the mill and gather some men of the malice to conduct an interrogation
of the miller. Our small group decide to go there as a scouting team,
nobody knows what these bad guys could do.
They collect Gandigoot on the way. While Lywen and Rousing Fox go
directly to the mill to speak with the men working there, Diane goes
round the building towards the miller house, and Gandigoot knocks at
the old trading post door (DM Note: you know, this fiendish hobbit
working for the cult and spying over the quiet Hommlet community ...
as Naddy says ... and Gandigoot is quite found of Naddy ... so

All things go smooth S at least at the beginning, as it is often
the case with our heroes :). Lywen starts to question the three men
working at the mill. They explain him that the miller is gone to visit
a relative in Verbobonc since three days, he should not be back before
at least a week. Besides he knows nothing about spies or evil
Rousing Fox and Lywen search the building but find nothing. The wizard
decides to use a magic detection spell and is now able to spot a faint
aura on the ground, near the west wall of the building. Rousing Fox
studies the ground and, casting the flour away, reveals a trap going
down. After a quick search he opens it. A small magical flame appears
right in front of him, after a second of surprise, Lywen cries to
everyone to hurry out of the building. No more than ten seconds after
the mill explodes in a burst of flame caused by the highly explosive
flour dispatched in the air. Everybody gather immediately near the
rubles, Lywen and Rousing Fox were able to escape with only small
scars, two of the workers were blasted away by the explosion, one of
them has survived but the second is dead and the third is still under
the wreckage. Soon Elmo and some militias arrive followed by
Killasha, and they all start to search for the last worker.

During this time Diane entered the miller house by the window over the
roof of the small back building used to store wood and corn. She
advances carefully in the dark and is soon assaulted by a strong
odor. It seems to come from a room, her rapier in one hand, she
silently opens the door with her other free hand. The odor is even
stronger here, after a tense minute she moves into the bedroom and
opens the wooden shutters. A stained blanket lays on the ground
something obviously hidden into it. With disgust and the distasteful
thought that she already knows what she will find, Diane opens the
blanket. Without surprise, she finds two corpse into it, already dead
for several days, probably the miller and his spouse. Disgusted, she
quits the house and warns Elmo of their death before rejoining her

The search of the rubble went well. The third worker was found and he
miraculously survived the explosion, protected by a big wooden
beam. They were also able to clear the trap going down and discovered
a small pit with a scale.
Soon they are all descended and search a small underground room. Six
straw couches lie on the dirty ground. All what remains is a writing
table with a wooden chair, a wooden iron circled coffer and a bronze
vase (DM Note: hum in fact not even the bronze vase ... naheulbeuk
joke). After an hour of search by Rousing Fox and Alahija they decide
to open the coffer. But they are more prudent this time, and Lywen
discerns magic around this coffer. As they are unable to remove what
they think is a magic trap, they ask for Brune¹s help. The old wizard
accepts to help them and arrives one hour later. He tries to dispel
the magic but fails (even NPCs can have bad dice rolls ;) ).
They will have to wait until tomorrow for another try. As they are
still strongly concerned by potential spies in town, they ask Elmo to
post guards and Rousing Fox even spends they night concealed under a
straw couch (DM Note : such a sacrifice, these monks are really
astonishing :) ).

After this "incident", they all spend the rest of the day wherever
they want. Alahija is at the Inn, obviously. Gandigoot is still
courting the female leader of Hommlet gnomish community, the well
known Naddy Tomanloft. While the others are studying, or gathering
information about strangers in town since a month or so. Actually the
night comes and everybody takes a good sleep after such a day !

Episode NINE - Problems in Hommlet, is it really the end? - PART 2
(A mysterious letter ...)

Voidrunner's Codex

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