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Send me your Serial Killers!


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I'll soon be running my Shadow Chasers game where the heroes are trapped in a giant building (insane asylum, perhaps?) with a bunch of "released" serial killers.

A vengeful brother is trying to punish them for killing his sibling last season. He has placed a spell on the exits, keeping them inside until sunrise. He also arranged for the "release" of the killers.

So, anyway, I need serial killers. A bunch. The heroes are 10-13th level. One is a were-jackal, one is a psychic and one is a witch (there are 6 characters, those are the heavy hitters).

If you feel like it, stat blocks for the serial killers would be great. But if you've just got a killer concept (ahem), I can always stat them out later.

Thanks in advance!


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Demon Queen of Templates
Here is a "Stalking Terror" template I wrote, with a sample maniacal killer:


A stalking terror is a virtually unstoppable killing machine. Something in the mind of a stalking terror has snapped — his brain is fed a steady stream of unchecked endorphins fueled by some unknowable rage. These homicidal maniacs stalk their prey unceasingly. They kill without mercy or compassion, usually singling out one victim and hunting them down to the exclusion of all others. Once that victim is slain, the stalking terror turns his lethal attention to some other unfortunate innocent. Stalking terrors are almost always silent, never speaking or uttering any sound as they plod along behind their terrified victims.

The amount of injury a stalking terror can withstand is inhuman; they can be mutilated, stabbed, punched, electrocuted, shot, crushed, battered, run over, and drowned, and they always seem to come back. Many stalking terrors rise from their graves after death to continue their unspeakable and unfathomable killing sprees.

Creating a Stalking Terror

“Stalking terror” is a template that can be applied to any corporeal humanoid (hereafter referred to as the “base creature”). It uses the base creature’s ability scores and special abilities except as noted below.

Hit Dice: Increase all HD by one die type to a maximum of d12; otherwise, same as base creature.

Defense: The base creature gains a natural armor bonus of +2.

Attacks: A stalking terror tends to avoid using ranged weapons, preferring instead to kill at close range with melee weapons. Good examples are: butcher knife, meat cleaver, machete, chainsaw, crowbar, gaff hook, hatchet, and axe.

Special Qualities: The stalking terror gains the following special qualities.

Detect Living (Su): A stalking terror can sense living creatures within 30 feet as if with the Blindsight ability. This range is doubled if the targets are experiencing strong emotions (lust, terror, etc.).

Fast Healing (Su): Through unknown biological means, a stalking terror can heal 2 hit points per round.

Favored Weapon (Ex): Upon receiving this template, a stalking terror must choose a favored melee weapon. When using his favored weapon, a stalking terror has a +2 to damage and doubles the critical threat range of the weapon.

Immunities (Ex): A stalking terror is immune to all fear effects and mind-influencing effects, as well as all Diplomacy and Intimidate checks used against him. A stalking terror receives a +4 species bonus to resist Bluff, checks.

Mad Certainty (Ex): A stalking terror whose Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores total 36 or greater maintains the ability to speak and act normally despite his insanity. Stalking terrors of this variety can also continue to gain levels in any basic or advanced class. Without this ability, a stalking terror is mute, always acts with inhuman cruelty, and can only gain levels in the Strong, Fast, or Tough basic classes.

Massive Damage Resistance (Ex): The powerful endorphins raging unchecked through the stalking terror’s body provides a +2 bonus to Fortitude saves to resist death by massive damage.

Stalker (Ex): A stalking terror gains a +4 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, and Spot checks.

Superior Weapon Mastery (Ex): A stalking terror is proficient with all simple, archaic, and exotic melee weapons.

Undying Rage (Su): Such is a stalking terror’s inhuman rage and desire to kill that, if slain, he has a 75% chance of rising from the grave as an undead being 1d3 months after death. In this instance, his type changes to Undead, his hit die type increases to d12, he loses his Constitution score and all bonus hit points, and he gains the special qualities of the Undead type.

Allegiance: Previous allegiances are lost; replaced by an allegiance to chaos and evil. Some staking terrors have an allegiance to revenge. Changed allegiances might cause the loss of particular class abilities (see page 37 of the d20 Modern core rulebook).

Saves: A stalking terror receives a +2 species bonus to all saving throws; otherwise, same as base creature modified by new ability scores.

Abilities: Str +6, Con +6

Skills: The desire to kill consumes all other drives the character might once have had. The character retains all skills, but generally uses only physical skills such as Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, and Spot.

Feats: A stalking terror gains the Improved Initiative, Improved Damage Threshold, and Weapon Focus (favored weapon) feats if the base creature didn’t already have them. He retains all other feats, but rarely uses any that have no bearing on combat or physical activity. A human stalking terror keeps the extra feat it gained as a 1st level human character.

Challenge Rating: As base creature +2.

Advancement: By character class. A stalking terror without the Mad Certainty special quality can only gain levels in Strong, Fast, or Tough Hero.

Horror: Panic 10 (Panic 12 if the stalking terror is obviously undead)

The following sample stalking terror uses a 10th level Strong/Tough Ordinary as the base creature.

The Gardener (Willie Smalls), Strong Ordinary 5/Tough Ordinary 5: CR 11; Medium-size Human; HD 5d10+30 plus 5d12+30; hp 98; Mas 25; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 18 (+1 Dex, +6 class, +1 leather apron), touch 17, flat-footed 17; BAB +8/Grap +14; Atk +15 melee (1d6+11/19-20, favored weapon, shovel) or +16 melee (1d8+6 nonlethal, improved unarmed strike) or +14 melee (3d6+6, chainsaw); Full Atk +15/+10 melee (1d6+11/19-20, favored weapon, shovel) or +16/+11 melee (1d8+6 nonlethal, improved unarmed strike) or +14/+9 melee (3d6+6, chainsaw); SQ detect living, fast healing (2), favored weapon (shovel), immunities, stalker, superior weapon mastery; FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; AL killing; SV Fort +16, Ref +5, Will +4; AP 0; Ref +2; Str 21, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8.

Occupation: Blue-collar (class skills: Drive, Intimidate, Repair)

Skills: Climb +9, Craft (mechanical) +6, Drive +9, Hide +5, Intimidate +7, Jump +8, Knowledge (popular culture) +3, Knowledge (streetwise) +5, Listen +0, Move Silently +5, Profession (gardener/caretaker) +5, Read/Write English, Read/Write Other Language, Repair +7, Speak English, Speak Other Language, Search +5, Spot +9, Swim +8.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (light), Brawl, Great Fortitude, Improved Brawl, Improved Initiative, Improved Damage Threshold, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Shovel), Weapon Proficiency (all simple, archaic, and exotic weapons).

John Q. Mayhem

I forget his name, but one I've been trying to put into my games is an akashic type who ran into some very, very ugly memories...specifically, Ilasyar from Realms of Evil's Stygian e-zine. He becomes a Hookman of Ilasyar. Bad stuff ensues. I'm not sure how to build him without the Akashic class, though.

Old Drew Id

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just some rough concepts, no stats:

The Pyro: serial killer/arsonist. probably burns his victims alive. depending on time and scale of the building and adventure, he may set the building on fire to trap the heroes in a particular area, and may use any handy tools (blowtorch, propane grill, etc.) or chemicals (cleaning closet, indoor pool, drug cabinet, etc.) to create some fire-based weaponry. alternately, he could be pyrokinetic (but his powers only work when he drinks rubbing alcohol, so he has not been able to use them while he has been locked away, but now that he has been released and given access to the medical cabinet...)

The Trapper: serial killer that sets up simple or elaborate traps for his victims. again, depends on how much time he has between release from his cell and when the heroes encounter him, he may set up various traps in the building using similar resources as the Pyro, plus wire from the piano in the music room, tools from the maintenance closet, etc.

Glimmer: the charismatic serial killer. appears to be a victim, wants help from the heroes, has amazing bluff skill (think ted bundy) then attacks when they least expect it.

Ghosts: the troubled teen serial killer: claims to be an innocent who does not want to hurt anyone, but who is possessed by 19 different evil ghosts who kill people when he gets excited. he was kept on thorazine in his cell, but now that he is free and the drugs are wearing off, he gets excited and the ghosts come out. optionally, depending on your level of FX, the ghosts could be in his head, or they could have physical manifestations.

if i think of any more, i'll post again later...


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The obvious: A psychotic axe or chainsaw murderer who obtains his favorite weapon and startes hunting other, less aggressive inmates, and the PCs.

The Cannibal: Call him Scipio, not Hannibal...but the same kind of cunning would be good (see the escape scene in To Kill a Mockingbird for what I mean).

The psychic: A psychic with barely controllable powers of some kind. Telekinesis, perhaps?


The Patchwork Man: He is a collector, that type of killer that has to have a souvenier from his victims. Unfortunately, his chosen fetish is a large patch of skin from them. He tatoos it, then stitches it to his own skin so that he looks like a crazy-quilt of muted colors and the occassional bright tatoo. Even worse, he can call on the collective strength of the victims 3 times a day, +1 STR per patch he has. Maybe he can even temporarily acquire their skills (imagine a scene where, to get out of the place, the PC's have to make a deal with the Patchwork man and find the already dead body of the guy who knows the combination to open the doors/shut off the security system. Then they have to stand by while he enacts his grisly ritual). Thankfully, most of his previous skins were removed and handed over to the FBI where they are undergoing DNA analysis to try and figure out just how many people this fruitcake has killed, so any extra strength or skills will be from fresh former inmates or staff.

Mother Goose: 60-year-old chubby grandmotherly Mary Burke was incarcerated because her particular mental disorder, Munchausan By Proxy, led her to gradually poison an entire daycare center with mercury in the fruit juice. Hundreds of kids are dead or permanently brain-damaged thanks to her. Not satisfied with that, she turned to kidnapping/torture/murder so that later she could comfort the berieved parents and be lauded as 'such a good neighbor'. She did so by enticing children with a book of nursery rhymes (she has an excellent singing voice) and her storytelling skills. She lured an estimated 40 children to their deaths and dismembered them with a length of rough copper wire in order to hide them. As one of the very few female serial killers ever found, she's been the subject of many studies and quite a bit of attention. Once out, she may appear as a victim because she looks like she should be baking apple pies instead of wandering the halls of a mental ward; she steals regular clothes from the personal locker of a now-dead staff member.

Comedy/Trajedy: Comedy is the only name anyone knows her by. She is generally harmless and is trusted by the staff to entertain the others and keep people in line by disarming any tensions with her boundless good humor. She's everyone's buddy, and everyone except those totally out of touch with our reality loves her. That's only one side of her. Buried deep in Comedy is her dark sister, Trajedy, who comes out after midnight. Then peaceful silly Comedy's face undergoes a subtle but somehow horrifying change. She slips out and goes to other cells, where she whispers obscene things to the other inmates, driving them further into despair and insanity. She has an almost telepathic ability to read what 'buttons' to press on another person and uses that as a weapon.

The Pigman: Morty Short is a handsome man in his 30's who ran a small dirty pig farm out in the backwoods, undisturbed for years. He went into town a couple times a year as far as anyone knew and stayed by himself. Truth is, every Saturday he took out his Daddy's Sunday Best and took the other road, the one that led to the big city. There, looking wealthy and with his nice smile, he'd find a lady to spend the night with, all the time hating himself for touching the filthy, filthy things. No-one ever saw those ladies again. He'd drug them and take them back to the remote farm, where he'd slowy take them apart and sell the organs on the black market. He often expressed admiration of the Native Americans, who 'used every part of the buffalo'; he was determined that was a good idea. Waste Not, Want Not. What he could't sell, he'd eat. What he couldn't eat, he'd grind up into meal and feed to the pigs. Pigs'll eat anything. His contact finally ratted him out and he was sent here. Any female is in deadly danger with him around. He's very cunning and utterly ruthless.
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ENWorld, I think I love you!

Thank you very much for all of the ideas! I am taking notes like mad!

My players...are doomed! (insert evil laughter)



Community Supporter
Just finished the first draft of Blood and Blades: The Profiler's Guide to Slashers. Should be right up your alley. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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