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Tony Vargas

I just watched the finale of the Sense8 tv show produced by Netflix.
Sense8 seems to me, the kind of work that culture will remember for centuries.
Funny, I watched the first few episodes and couldn't get into it. Just failed to be interesting.

What goes beyond traditional D&D, do you think this is possible in D&D? Each character can employ the abilities of the other. Where one person is skilled in martial arts, all other seven can link to her and become a martial arts combatant wherever they are. Likewise, one person is a gunfighter and the other is an actor, an other is a doctor, an other is a computer technician, and so on.
Anything's possible "in D&D," if the DM does what DM's have always done - add variants to do it, and throw out anything that gets in the way of what they want. ;P It'd be tantamount to being able to swap places with eachother at will. Not a precedented ability in D&D, AFAIK, but not wildly over the top compared to what can already happen at high levels.

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[MENTION=57112]Gradine[/MENTION], that sounds cool. A good "social/psychological" focus on it would be really interesting to see play out over the course of a couple years of play. :)


Paul L. Ming


This may be best for a game with only a couple players. This way each player could gain access to other characters when needed. It would have the feel of a rounded out party, but only a couple characters in play at one time. Most likely would need to change character 1/day or have the same HP or such to prevent having 4x the number or spells or burn through my paladin bursts and then change to fighter to 2nd wind and change again for opening the lock.


Doing Sense8 as an RPG is easy-peasy! Use a modern class-based system, have the players swap character sheets multiple times per session.

Duplicating what makes Sense8 a fantastic show is harder. I'm still not quite sure I can articulate why it worked, but I think it involved radical empathy, a love a genre fiction, corny AF sentimentality, melodrama, and self-defeatingly high production values. Translating to table might prove challenging... though I can think of a club drug or two that would be helpful.
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