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Sentient Weapons

I really want to create a Sentient Greatsword for a NPC of mine, in the end he'll dye, and it'll end up choosing someone in the party. Does it need stats? I was thinking it would @ least need a Strength, Constitution, and a Intelligence score. Don't now about the other abilities though. Any suggestions?
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Intelligent items only need the 3 mental scores (Int, Wis, Cha). They are inannimate creatures, unable to physically affect the world around them, so do not have Strength or Dexterity. Because they are not alive (they are inannimate objects, albeit sentient ones) they do not have a Constitution. They are brains and personalities bound into a weapon, and some have additional magical abilities.

The guidelines on building them, including when they argue with their wielders, are included in the cited rules. (The guidelines sort of assume that you're using a random generation, but if you know what you want this sword to do then you can just pick / create the abilities you want.)

Good luck.


What's too much? The weapons is a longsword BTW if anyone thinks that would make any difference is scores.

Well, as a hard upper limit I'd say more than two at 19 and one at 10 is 'too much', since you'd be exceeding the most powerful sword possible in the standard rules.

Give the sword an intelligence comparable to its abilities. If you want to create a sword with 4 lesser and 3 greater abilities, its attributes should match. Keep in mind that swords of that power are practically artifact level in power. Getting a full 7 abilities is probably worth an additional 90,000 g.p. above its value as a magical weapon and another 60,000 or more if it also has a special purpose. Intelligent weapons are just about the most powerful items in the game, and IMO the most powerful ones should be treated as legendary campaign artifacts and bring with them various drawbacks.

Another thing to keep in mind is that effectively the weapons stats are drawbacks for the player. The more intelligent, wise, and charismatic the sword is the more it wants to get its way all the time and the more it will struggle with the player for control. A sword with two 19's and a 10 for stats will try to control the character all the time. A typical +5 weapon with two 19's and a 10 for stats is going to have an EGO of 28, which means you have to pass a DC 28 Will save in order to not act as essentially the sword's minion and be dominated by them. For sword's with a special purpose or particularly extreme personalities, this is going to be a severe problem for the player.

The other thing to keep in mind is that sword's with personalities can be real headaches for you as the DM. If the sword has a personality, then essentially you've added an additional NPC to the party that is always present. You'll need to be prepared to role-play the sword at all times.

My advice would be to keep in mind just how poweful the greater items really are and limit just how mighty you make the weapon. A weapon with reduced modes of communication and more limited ego is easier on both the player and the DM. If this is your first time dealing with an intelligent item, I'd suggest not going to more than two 13's and one 10 for attributes so as to limit the sword to 'empathy'. A sword with 'empathy' only you don't need to roleplay. Instead, you just inform the player that they detect certain feelings and desires from the sword. Such weapons will have fairly limited egos, and the player won't be continually struggling for control of his character.


First Post
Another thing to keep in mind is that effectively the weapons stats are drawbacks for the player. The more intelligent, wise, and charismatic the sword is the more it wants to get its way all the time and the more it will struggle with the player for control. A sword with two 19's and a 10 for stats will try to control the character all the time. A typical +5 weapon with two 19's and a 10 for stats is going to have an EGO of 28, which means you have to pass a DC 28 Will save in order to not act as essentially the sword's minion and be dominated by them. For sword's with a special purpose or particularly extreme personalities, this is going to be a severe problem for the player.

I'd say that how powerful you want it is largely based on four factors:

1. Your level-If you buy a sword that is two weak to make it worth while, you'll just go back to playing a sword that can easily be upgraded.

2. Your max level-I would wait until your near the maximum value you can get level-wise, so that the later under-powered sword doesn't end up rusting away somewhere as you have fun with your +5 vorpal sword the DM gave you as treasure. (This could, however, be a fascinating plot hook: an intelligent weapon as a villain...)

3. Your will save-If your class gives you a good will save, it is a whole lot less likely that you'll be conquered by your own sword. Otherwise, i'd just go for a vorpal sword, then get the keen enchantment and improved critical for bastard sword and watch the fun begin.

4. Your DM's ability to role-play: If your DM isn't a good roleplayer, then your likely to end up roasted for giving him a new NPC to play. On the other hand, if he IS a good role-player, he's more likely to go after the wizard with his dragon, then explain it off somehow...not that I would do that...

Yes, this is my first time dealing with intelligent items, that's why I made this thread :)

I definitely don't want the thing talking, 'cause, that'd be a pain... So I guess It'll be limited to Empathy. As for the swords statistics I was thinking this:

+2 wounding longsword; AL CN; Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 12; empathy; 120 ft. vision and haring; Ego 8.

I was thinking it's powers could be something like 3 times per day it can cast inflict light wounds on whoever it hits, and then cast cure light wounds on it's wielder.


As for the swords statistics I was thinking this:

+2 wounding longsword; AL CN; Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 12; empathy; 120 ft. vision and haring; Ego 8.

I was thinking it's powers could be something like 3 times per day it can cast inflict light wounds on whoever it hits, and then cast cure light wounds on it's wielder.

I'm not a stickler for the rules as written, so the fact that your item has unique powers doesn't bother me. However, for the sake of consistancy, the ego you've assigned the item is too low - by the rules it should be Ego 10. A CN blade in particular should be very independent and self-willed.

I agree, that Ego score isn't with taking the powers into consideration... It would probably go up to 16. That might be high, but shouldn't be that bad to overcome with Will bonuses.

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