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serious ponderings

Why is it that people do not follow the rules of the specific setting but yet when someone points them out to them they are the ones who are acting the child. Why is it that just because a person does not ask if a group is already involved in a storyline and deny someone just trying to throw one on the group they are ridiculed. Many of these questions and moreso arguements can be stopped if people just read the rules and the site settings specific rules. If anyone has a problem with what is stated all they have to do is READ THE RULES. I am tired of all the people trying to impose storylines without telling anyone about them and then getting mad and bad mouthing those that do not "play along" even though the freedom destiny rule allows us to chose if we participate. Correct me if I am wrong but it states... that noone can force you to do something you do not want your character to do.. IE get beat up,cut,or killed and it is not a Break the CoC right to try and get people to.

Classic example of this would be the redeemers that use to frequent here... granted they could be annoying but I found it challenging how to overcome the kit advantages.... and made for good rp with them. And also the drow house Srilvee'Cress(sp?) they were fun to rp with cause of the intellectual challenge it made.
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First Post
Why is it that people do not follow the rules of the specific setting but yet when someone points them out to them they are the ones who are acting the child.

Because UH has no enforced rules? You want ISRP settings, stay on ISRP. As much as you'd like the ISRP and UH to be the same, they're simply not.

Get used to it.


First Post
Unenforced rules might as well not exist; if the speed limit on the straight road is forty, but no one ever gets pulled over, it'll default to sixty or higher as road and weather allow.

RP's no different.


First Post
Unfortunately right now we aren't in a position to enforce ISRP rules on UH.

Are they supposed to apply there? That's also up for discussion. ISRP isn't running at EN World anymore. It used to be that when EN World was down and ISRP moved to UH on a temporary basis, all ISRP rules still applied while on UH. But if ISRP was up and available at EN World, then UH was open to whatever the site owner allowed. But this no longer seems to be a temporary move for ISRP. So is roleplay on UH now the real ISRP (with ISRP rules) or is it open play and ISRP is dead?

I've been trying to bring this up with the other moderators but it's hard to get people together, and it's easy to keep saying "oh yes, we'll deal with this when we have time."

For the record, you do know that UH is run by one of the ISRP lead Magi? He -is- in favor of rules, though we want to look at changes.

Meanwhile, reports cf problems can still be sent to isrpmagi@gmail.com and we will try to see if anything can be done about issues of serious harrassment or abuse. Freedom of Destiny itself is rather self-enforcing: if you don't want their actions to apply to your character, then they don't apply to your character. Continue as if it didn't happen. If the other players make a fuss about it, then they're the ones being jerks. But even when we were enforcing every rule, we couldn't force people to play nice with each other.

"Unenforced rules might as well not exist; if the speed limit on the straight road is forty, but no one ever gets pulled over, it'll default to sixty or higher as road and weather allow"

If people are complaining about the play, then it's pushing what "road and weather allow." Consider the given players in your storyline to be the road: you're all agreeing on a storyline's direction and how many twists it takes. Consider all the other players to be the weather: if they're storming at you, take it down a notch please?

I was wondering if the policy should still be roleplayed out the same for drow in Oerth... as in No drow from Oerth being allowed for the setting of the CRT. and the foreign drow must remained hooded.

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