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Settings you want to like


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Forgotten Realms. It has more info about it than any other campaign setting, and the most players. But I can't stand it.

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Scarred Lands = I love the concept and much of the original ideas such as Hollowfaust, the dwarves under seige and the southern evil empire. I also loved the idea and implimentation of Ritual magic. A good idea done very well.

What I don't like = Far to few true rituals. The way the gods are said to be so active and attentive in day to day affairs, the monsters and titans are basically beaten so badly it doesn't appear they could ever recover, and the countries are too neatly separated by geographic boundaries. Also, the balance of the classes in Relics & Rituals is awful. The vigilante is terribly overpowered, and the blood witch, although very cool, is too powerful with the ability to take druid spells. I only bought the Creature Collection, Relics & Rituals, and Ghelspad though so my opionion is based on those three books.

Of all of these i could work around all but the geography. For some reason the neat division of each nation ruined the idea of political, international conflict and made the world dull for me.

- Feydras


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coyote6 said:
Kingdoms of Kalamar. It just doesn't click for me -- but I really wanted to like it.

Yep, same here, and I can't put my finger on why. There is so much that is so good about the setting, but I just can't bring myself to want to run it.

The Auld Grump


Eberron for me! It has many elements I really, really like but the setting just doesn't jive for some reason.

I think it has something to do with the "fragile" peace of the 5 nations. Nothing really *big* can happen as far as conflicts go in Khorvaire, not without setting everyone off and engulfing the continent back into war. Everyone is war-weary one way or another and seem just interested in moving on with their lives peacfully. That and no deities being active, they're pretty much ignored and used at convenience, and alignments are for the most part ignored as well. Why not just do away with alignments entirely in an original move for the game setting (borrow Allegiances from d20 Modern at least)? Action points fall flat as well in their execution abit, their nice to have but nothing too exciting without taking a prestige class and feats.

A minor nitpick is there are so few books out so far that support the setting (no magic book or monster book yet) that I find little to build characters with. Couldn't they have released some kind of player's guide at least?

I really, really want to love the setting, with their shifters, warforged, flying ships, Sharn, wonderfully written background info, etc. it's just poorly executed as far as game mechanics go. Nothing at all orignal or provides a substantially unique flavor/tone to the setting.


Planescape and Dragonlance I have no desire to like. They're welcome to stay on my dislike list. I have the same problem with GH as with FR and it's the one Eric put his finger on: too much canon. But I'd like to like them. KoK, Eberron, Dark Sun et al I don't have any strong feelings about.

The setting I most like (OMG, off-topic but, hey, better than dragging up another variant thread) is EPT. I read Teflon Billy's review of the new EPT game and it sounds great but... but... I want to use my D&D stuff! Anyone know how much it would be worth buying the new game just to rip the setting?


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Steel_Wind said:
Birthright. I really, really want to like Birthright.


There I got my wish. I realy *do* like Birthright. Now if only a half-million other people did, it might be revived in some form...

Not going to happen, sadly. Too bad.

Heh, heh, he... :\ :(
*Starts crying...*

The Auld Grump, Birthright was my favorite TSR setting...


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d20Dwarf said:
Wow! Sounds like you know more about the metaplot than we do! :p

You may change that in a supplement, though I have no idea how a mortal kills a god, but I only have 3 books- the core, critters and the player's supplement. I have no desire to spend more on a campaign that I will not run rather than ones I will.

How does one kill a greater god?


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Ghostwalk- It seemed interesting at first, but you have to really change some hard-coded perceptions, and make some really illogical assumptions to use much of this book.

Scarred Lands- Love the history, but the world as a whole never gelled enough for me. Perhaps one of the fan sites would help me here...

Greyhawk- Its strengths (detailed history, tradition) are also its weaknesses for me. Guess I'm too much of a latecomer.


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Don't get me wrong. I loved the game when it first came out. I have literally every book ever published for it.
My problem is since 3rd edition came out, the flavor of the game has changed from cyberpunk/fanasy, to paramilitary/fantasy.
If I want paramilitary, I'll dust off Twilight 2000. I want cyberpunk hang-dang it!

Voidrunner's Codex

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