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Seventh Level Monk


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Arkhandus said:
Oh, and I'd suggest you just go with the Gauntlets of Ogre Power, rather than a Belt of it. You don't have much need for the gauntlet/gloves slot right now, and you'll need the belt slot for a Monk's Belt or something else later when you have more loot to spend.

Good call with that. I had been planning on saving some money for the monk's belt but hadn't put two and two together and realized that, you know, it would go on in belt slot I was already using.

As for the rank in disable device, this has been billed as a wilderness adventure, so I'll probably be all right without it.

Unfortunatly the +1 Fist Irons aren't allowed, but that just means I'm that much closer to the belt.

I noticed that no one suggested any potions of shield. I realize I might be threadjacking here, but I started the thread so I don't feel so bad. Anyway, is this because there cannot be potions of spells with range: personal?

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First Post
Banosby said:
Anyway, is this because there cannot be potions of spells with range: personal?
Yup, that's it in a nutshell. Shield isn't a viable spell for potion-ing.

Shame on the no fist irons thing. I've found it to be a very elegant solution, personally. Takes care of the whole "why does a monk have to spend an item space on their weapons when nobody else does" problem.


First Post
Ok, last question (hopefully). How do you go about deciding whether to grapple or trip? The only really obvious case I can come up with is one in which the opponent has natural weapons, which rather defeats the purpose of grappling (at least in most situations).

*Edit* Also, can I use trip attacks as part of a flurry of blows? That is, can I attempt two trips in own round against two different targets with the flurry? Can I flurry and have the first attack be a trip and the second a normal strike? If so, do I have to declare that the second will be a normal strike before making the trip attempt, or can I wait and decide if I want to try another trip or make a normal attack until after I see if the first trip worked?
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Banosby said:
Ok, last question (hopefully). How do you go about deciding whether to grapple or trip?
Tripping can be used casually as a routine attack (with improved trip there is usually no reason not to... you can even trip before starting a grapple).

Grapple is reserved for individuals that you really want to tie-up, and don't mind tying yourself up in the process. Spellcasters are especially good to grapple.

- Trip for fun
- Grapple when you want to get serious


First Post
Banosby said:
Also, can I use trip attacks as part of a flurry of blows? That is, can I attempt two trips in own round against two different targets with the flurry? Can I flurry and have the first attack be a trip and the second a normal strike? If so, do I have to declare that the second will be a normal strike before making the trip attempt, or can I wait and decide if I want to try another trip or make a normal attack until after I see if the first trip worked?
You can only use a trip in a FoB if you are using a special monk monk weapon that allows you to make a trip attempt, i.e. the kama.

The reasoning is that an unarmed trip attempt requires an 'unarmed melee touch attack' to make the grab, and this is not an 'unarmed strike', which is the only unarmed option available with a FoB.

So, to address your specific questions:

> can I attempt two trips in one round against two different targets with the flurry?

Yes, if wielding a kama.

> Can I flurry and have the first attack be a trip and the second a normal strike?

Yes. The first attack would have to be with the kama, and the second attack can be with either the kama or an unarmed strike. And don't forget that if you have Improved Trip that you get a free attack on a successful trip - but I'm unsure whether the free attack from Improved Trip would have to be made with the kama, or could be an unarmed strike.

> do I have to declare that the second will be a normal strike before making the trip attempt, or can I wait and decide if I want to try another trip or make a normal attack until after I see if the first trip worked?

You resolve each attack individually, declaring the target and method of attack as you go to resolve each attack.

For example, as a 7th level monk with FoB, you get 2 attacks. Your action for the round is FoB (a full round action). You use your kama to trip the goblin and with the free follow attack you elect to use your Stunning Blow ability to take him out of the fight for the round. Now you look around for your next target, you see that the hobgoblin need only take a 5ft step to unleash a full attack on you (assuming he gets multiple attacks), so you decide to take a 5ft step away and throw a shuriken at him to soften him up.

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