D&D 4E Shado's 4e Color Landscape Sheets v1.2: UPDATED 6/24

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First Post
FYI, there's a spelling error in several places - you spelled shield incorrectly, swapping the "i" and the "e". Otherwise, this is truly the best one I've seen yet. Very, very cool.


First Post
This far surpasses what I thought I'd see when I opened it. Aside from the spelling errors mentioned earlier, this is the best sheet in organization and implementation yet.

I do have a suggestion though. A spot for Residuum would be nice, especially in or close to the wealth area. I realize that may be what the boxes to the right for it are for, but I can imagine many characters having it, not just those who disenchant.


Krocha: That's awesome! Feel free to share it. Might give me an idea of how to do it myself. If you'd rather, send it to me, and I'll post it up.


all: Sorry about the spelling errors.

Of all the things I scrutinized, you'd think I would have caught those. They'll be fixed by next week along with a few updates based on everyones suggestions.

Glad everyone seems to like the sheet. Keep the suggestions coming. Real busy at the moment, but I am watching. :D


First Post
Fillable Form

Hey Shado,

It's too big for me to upload here. I can send it to you but I'll need an email address. I don't have anyway of hosting it here.


This is much, much better than the WotC sheet.

I'd love to see a (specific) spot for just the simple Basic Melee and Basic Ranged attacks, but that's minor compared to everything the sheet does well.

And it's gorgeous, too.

It's a winner in my book.



krocha said:
Hey Shado,

It's too big for me to upload here. I can send it to you but I'll need an email address. I don't have anyway of hosting it here.
You may want to use MediaFire. Given past experiences, it works pretty well without too much fuzz.

Cheers, LT.

Jack Colby

First Post
Thank you for making a useful sheet that isn't ugly. Bonus points for using the actual 4E interior page theme the rulebooks use.

WotC: take note.

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