D&D 4E Shado's 4e Color Landscape Sheets v1.2: UPDATED 6/24

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Krocha: My e-mail address is on the the sheet if you'd like me to handle it.

Saben said:
Also, in the section for Attack calculations at the bottom there's no room for ability modifiers.


A character, without multi-classing, can easily have three or more different stats be relevant to an attack based solely on which power they use.

Take a Warlock with a Pact Dagger. Hellish Rebuke is based on CON. Dreadful Word is CHA based. A basic melee attack is STR based, and if they need to make a thrown attack for some reason (though unlikely with Eldritch Blast) then DEX becomes important.

Multi-classing can make the situation more complex.

Due to this, I designed the weapon/implement section to be as flexible as possible. I wish I had a better solution, but a lot of attack scenarios are very conditional. (which power, which weapon, etc...) It'd take up too much space to anticipate ever combination. A reason I really advocate the use of power cards.

Love the sheets. A few comments:

Healing Surge: There should be a "build" area there with [1/4 hp] + [misc bonus] to account for races/powers that provide surge bonuses.

The HP box should be bigger as I'm sure epic characters will have 4 digit hp totals.

Milestones is in a weird location. But I don't know where it should go.

It would be nice if there were a notes area near bloodied so you were have a place to remind to apply some bloodied effect when it happens.


jmucchiello said:
Love the sheets. A few comments:

Healing Surge: There should be a "build" area there with [1/4 hp] + [misc bonus] to account for races/powers that provide surge bonuses.

The HP box should be bigger as I'm sure epic characters will have 4 digit hp totals.

Milestones is in a weird location. But I don't know where it should go.

It would be nice if there were a notes area near bloodied so you were have a place to remind to apply some bloodied effect when it happens.

I agree on the Healing Surge portion. It's a section I designed before I have the books, and hadn't read enough to realize it a common enough situation that the sheet needed to reflect that potential. It'll see a revision in the next version.

Currently, as best I can tell, a level 30 Fighter or Pally with a starting CON of 20, who keeps CON maxed and takes Toughness will have 233 HP. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for characters to hit 1000 HP. Never-the-less... I'll re-evaluate the provided space.

Milestone placement was the last addition I made to the sheet. I'm not real sure about where to place it either. It's applications mainly show up in combat scenarios, so I thought it appropriate to be near that section. I might be able to finagle something more appropriate... but I need to play a little more using the sheet first.

The "Defense/Healing Note" area or the "Combat Note" section was sort of intended for stuff like Bloodied conditions.


First Post
Shado said:
Krocha:Due to this, I designed the weapon/implement section to be as flexible as possible. I wish I had a better solution, but a lot of attack scenarios are very conditional. (which power, which weapon, etc...) It'd take up too much space to anticipate ever combination. A reason I really advocate the use of power cards.

Do you have a specific template or set of power cards you are using? I'm looking for a good solution in that regard.

Very awesome sheet, by the way. It is almost 100% the one I am going to be using when I run a game.

Shado said:
Currently, as best I can tell, a level 30 Fighter or Pally with a starting CON of 20, who keeps CON maxed and takes Toughness will have 233 HP. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for characters to hit 1000 HP. Never-the-less... I'll re-evaluate the provided space.
I was just guessing. Still, 233 will not fit in the current square comfortably. Actually, I'm very function over form so I just don't like the size of the square in comparison to the graphic surrounding it. YMMV.

I usually write an organic "character sheet" in Word for each of my characters and they diverge and morph over time. I could never release a character sheet because they're never really finished. So good job to you in that regard. You can put the paintbrush down.

Shado yours is the best.

Is it possible to add a character develoment sheet as an add on? My son loves your sheet but wishes to have a sheet that matches to add "personality traits" "mannerisms/appearence" "background" and maybe even a notes section. And yes he too would love a picture spot.

If you could just dash something up to match the work done that would be awesome. AGAIN thank you, wonderful job.

I wondered about "rituals."


Khaalis said:
Shado - One quick question out of curiosity...
What software(s) are you using in the design of the sheet?

It was done in Illustrator (my first attempt to use the software.) :D

Ghaerdon Fain: It's on my list, as suggested by an earlier post, but could be a bit before I get one together.

pyrogod: I'm creating some custom cards for my group. There's some terrific community work going on in this thread. My stuff is likely to be too group/campaign specific to share. I'm using card stock from Plain Cards to make power cards, status cards... and maybe items cards (one's with daily powers perhaps). Color coded for frequency, unique color sleeves for each player and DM, and wet erase markers to jot notes on the card sleeves.

As a note, I've made some updates to the main sheet and have a ritual sheet together (though it's rather boring.) Gonna try and make a few adjustments to the power sheet before I post the updates, but it'll be this week for certain.


Shado said:
It was done in Illustrator (my first attempt to use the software.) :D
Very nice. A bit rich for my blood though. ;)

I'm using card stock from Plain Cards to make power cards, status cards... and maybe items cards (one's with daily powers perhaps).
Quick question on this. Does the program allow you to place any picture file on the card or is it proprietary to their "design" software? I ask because I'd love to use these for printing the .jpg files from MSE for power cards and wonder if it would work. Thanks.

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