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Shadow in the Sky, Chapt 1 of TRM's Second Darkness [IC]


[sblock=TRM]OOC: Should I be posting specific details as to who's pockets Tosh is trying to pick and what's being taken? I'd kind of just assumed it'd be handled abstractly based on circumstance and opportunity with you handling any die rolls and telling me the results.[/sblock]

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"Old Scratch is here to get a bunch of new souls, of course !" Lixy looks at Voadam with a big grin. She then shrugs. "I'm not fooling anyone with my theatrics, am I ? I better stop yapping my rathole. To tell you the truth, I think the old Saul won the service of the little devil somehow. I don't really know the details."

"No, you're doing fine Lixy. I like your banter better than the pitchfork motif." Voadam grins encouragingly. He scans the crowd again taking in the people as people this time, considering who to chat up. "Before I go grab a mead though, three more quick things. First, what does Saul look like in case I run into him? Second can you tell me anything about the Lady over there? Is she local nobility? And third . . . " Voadam smiles. After requesting another Devil's mark to be twice blessed and twice damned for the road he'll head over to the table Rorgar has gotten and let the druid know he'll be off to chat up some others.

"Ever since I hosted a ship casino party I can't look at gambling dens like this without immediately seeing how the odds always favor the house. Still they are good for creating an atmosphere to spend money in. Anyway I'm more in the mood to spend my gold on warm food and drink tonight than on dice and bones and I'd suggest the same for you. I don't fool around with infernal contracts real or not. There can be power and snares in agreements made even under false pretenses. After I get some decent food I'll start chatting people up and getting the lay of the land. The dark haired one has the look of a mage to me. Either of you know anything about the Lady over there? What house she is from?"

The Rolling Man

First Post
The intruder

[SBLOCK=Ambrus]Tosh patiently waits for the right moment to exit his hiding spot. At some point, one of the cooking aids drops a pot of fish stew on the floor. Tosh uses this distraction to move toward an open cabinet close to the other kitchen exit. Unfortunatly, as it's just a few paces from this new hiding spot, the floor creaks under his small weight. Tosh rushes forward and quickly hides inside the cabinet before anyone can see it. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU !" Tosh hears a loud feminine voice as it huddles in the small cabinet. "But I thought I heard ..." "SHUT YOUR RATHOLE, YOU GROG-BLOSSOM IDIOT. Clean up your mess and go fetch me some more earth apples in the basement ... STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT, GO !"

Soon, the commotion dies down, and Tosh eventually get the right opportunity to get into the casino floor, following one of the staff inside. The small kobold soon finds another hiding spot, this time under one of the gambling tables with a tablecloth. Tosh surveys the room, thinking of his first target.

OOC : I rolled a few stealth rolls for you here (I think this situation is a bit too stressful for taking 10). I rolled poorly on the first one but it was still enough. As for your Tosh's pick pocketing, unless you want to get someone in particular (with some patience and maybe a few stealth roll you can try to steal from any characters I mentionned before), I'll just 'fudge' something like you said. Also, using 'it' for a person is really weird. I keep correcting myself :heh:. [/SBLOCK]


First Post
Chan Ti Monk 1

"Thanks but no thank Tolly. I'll just watch."

Ti follows Tolly over to the Ghoulette table, all the while surreptitiously looking round at the other players. Ti will be particularly interested in anyone who appears to be paying attention in him or Tolly.

[sblock="OOC"]TRM Do you want to roll Perception checks or shall I use Invisible Castle? Anyway Perception (sight) is +5.[/sblock]

The Rolling Man

First Post

Lixy makes a slight frown at Voadam. "That Lady ? I haven't seen her before. She acted like she was superior to everyone here. I bet ya that's she's a bridge-monkey or a pyramid-devil noble. She probably think she's back in her home city where her title actually matters. Riddleport will ..." "Lixy ! Stop your chatting, there's other clients to greet." Interjects the bouncer close to the entrance. "I'll be right there !" She answers before turning back to the bearded mage. "I'm sorry but duty calls. Look, if your friends don't want to sign the parchment, that's ok ... Nobody cares if you really sign it, you just need to understand the rules. I was nice chatting with you, may the Devil's or Desna's blessing be with you during the tournament. Which ever you prefer !" The young woman then focuses her attention to the clients that came in behind Voadam, Kronk and Rorgar.

The Rolling Man

First Post
Introducing Saul Vancaskerkin

Just as Tolly settles for a game of Ghoulette and Voadam rejoins his 2 companions, members of the staff caring torches start putting the various straw 'heads' on fire. Some of the gathered crowd goes silent in expectation while other laugh, applaud or cheer. A short man climbs to the central podium, accompanied by two gorgeous “succubi”, and stands before the gold, chain-shrouded chest there with a demoness on either side. He wears a formal suit, and his thinning black hair is slicked back. His left arm ends in a stump just above the wrist, and affixed to it is a bronze cap from which protrudes an oddly shaped key. He bows before the crowd and clears his throat before speaking.

“Welcome, one and all, to the Gold Goblin Gambling Hall and your chance to cheat the Devil and win back not only your soul but all of his gold as well.” He says this last as he pats the large chest before which he stands. “I'm Saul Vancaskerkin proprietor of this fine establishment and your host for tonigh. I hope you found your reception by the Devil’s lovely temptresses suitably entertaining.”

This is met by a general murmur of laughter and a few catcalls.

“Let’s take this moment to thank Old Scratch himself for attending this event. Not only did he loan us these lovely, dark angels, but he also emptied the deepest vaults of Hell itself to provide the gold for this tournament.”

With this, Saul directs the crowd’s attention up to the imp in the birdcage. At the sudden attention, Old Scratch flies into a flurry of rage, banging the cage bars, spitting, howling, and screaming vile epithets in Infernal at all assembled. His theatrics are received with guffaws and even a smattering of applause. As the crowd dies down, Vancaskerkin continues.

“Of course, he plans on replacing what he loses in gold with the souls of those of you who don’t win. The tournament rules are quite simple—as you play, you’ll earn more chips. And with those chips, you’ll be able to bribe your way out of the current Hell you’re trapped in, working your way down deeper until you get to Old Scratch’s treasury. Currently, all of you are Old Scratch’s prisoners in the first of the Hells, Avernus. If you want to work your way down to the ninth circle, you need to win games and more chips. Golden eyes, a silver teeth or copper hearts, these bits of flesh and bone are what the devils use in Hell for currency, and they’re what you’ll need to pay in order to bribe your way into the next layer of hell. The first player to win a game after reaching Nessus not only keeps his winnings for that game, but also earns back his soul and the ten thousand silver coins that the Devil put up for this tournament. You can, of course, decide to cash out your winnings at any time you want, but if you do, or if you run out of money entirely… well, that means Old Scratch gets you.”

Vancaskerkin grins evilly and the caged imp cuts loose with another profane tirade. “And that earns you the Devil’s Mark and an escort out of the game hall until the tournament is over. What, you ask, exactly is this Devil’s Mark? Well, it’s something too utterly horrible to even contemplate. The forfeiture of your very soul, it is. But I suppose I can show you what it is—gods know I more than deserve the Devil’s Mark. In fact, better make it two, girls!”

With that, the two succubi accompanying him lean over and each firmly plants a kiss on Saul’s cheek with her ruby-red lips. When they pull away, their lip rouge has left clearly visible prints in the same shocking red on his cheeks. Saul beams as he cries out, “The Devil’s Mark, everyone!” which is greeted by a flurry of shouts, catcalls, and hoots. “Now, let’s cheat the Devil and take his gold!” which prompts one more rabid flurry from the imprisoned fiend above, and with that, the tournament begins.


At the Ghoulette Table
Tolly makes his first bet of the night on 'hygiene' as Chan Ti looks around for any threats. The only Ghoulette table seems pretty popular and Tolly find himself in close quarters with the nearest gamblers. He looks around but doesn't see the noble woman or the 2 foreigners at his table. Instead, he spots them elsewhere. The woman is at a starting Golem game, the Garundi at the gold skiff table and the Tian is playing dice. "No more bets ! Time to choose, Dungo." The croupier calls out before spinning the head that gives the game its name. The ghoulish head turns and turns before finally stopping in front of the section called "Your Bloodline". By some necromancy, it starts talking. "A Prince, you ? Money talks but your grandfather was the scurviest pirate on the seas, your grandmother was a poxy whore and your father was a noseless thief." It says above the mixed cries of deception and joy. The dealer is quick to press a button and all bets fall under the ghoul head. He then proceeds to pays the winners. Tolly isn't one of the lucky few, however.

OOC : If you read the parchment again Dr. Simon, you'll see that you can cash the chips at any point but if you do that before reaching Nessus, you'll only get 50% of their value. Tell me if you want to change the amount you change.
Ghostcat, you can roll a perception check with IC.

[SBLOCK=Ambrus]Tosh barely listens to Saul's speech. He uses the distraction to cut the money pouch of a nearby dwarf. There's only 7 silver coins, 10 'copper' chips and 5 'silver' chip in it but the evening is still young and there are still plenty pigeons to be had.
OOC: I rolled a 11+10=21 for this.[/SBLOCK]

OOC : Most of this post is copyright Paizo publishing 2008. :p
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[sblock=TRM]The little dragon pockets its ill gotten gains while surveying the surrounding patrons for other larcenous oppurtunities.

OOC: I hadn't originally counted on the use of gambling chips at the tournament. Hm. Please keep in mind that Tosh might also attempt to lift other valuables aside from coins if it comes across them: gems, bracelets, necklaces, rings, holy symbols, small vials, decorative or small masterwork weapons – whatever a mark might have on hand.

As for the choice of mark, Tosh isn't in a hurry since the tournament will likely last for hours and so it'll carefully pick its targets based on timing, proximity and opportunity. That being said, Tosh would eventually like to try pilfering the Ulfen men, the noble woman (when her servants happen to be not watching) and certainly the gnome.

Since it's proceeding calmly according to a carefully laid plan, I don't see why Tosh couldn't take 10 on the rolls while benefiting from the marks' circumstantial penalties for their being distracted. Seems there should be some inherent benefit to taking one's time and waiting for the right moment rather than acting on the spur of the moment.

And, if ever a mark succeeds in noticing Tosh's pick-pocket attempt and then also succeeds in beating its Stealth score to spot the little culprit, it'll try to quickly and quietly gain their attention so as to parlay with them before they can raise an alarm; the wily dragon's got a plan... ;)
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Dr Simon

OOC: I wonder if Paizo is going to have a member of the Vancaskerkin family in every AP? Orik in Runelords, Verik in Crimson Throne, now Saul :)

As for the money, nah, I'll stick with what I said. Tolly's got a fairly casual attitude towards cash!

"Hey ho," says Tolly. "Perhaps one more go."

If the rules allow, he'll put down 1 copper token on each of five options - Appearance, Hygiene, Skill, Body and Brains. If you can't make bets in this way, he'll stick another silver down on Hygiene.

All the while he doesn't let the game absorb him completely. He continues to surreptitiously scan the crowd for anyone interesting (keeping watch on the same people as before), likely troublemakers or likely stooges.

Perception 1d20+4=19 if you need it.


First Post
Chan Ti Monk 1

Perception Check for post #54: 1d20+5=21

Ti watches Tolly play for about 10 minutes before he gets bored. "Tolly, I am going to have a look round. I'll see you before the show starts. OK!" Ti starts wondering around the gambling hall, mostly listening but occasionally chatting to anyone who seems amenable to conversation.

As Ti has taken to Tolly, he will keep checking that he his OK. Although he is sure that Tolly can take care of himself.

[sblock="TRM"]Ti is actually surreptitiously gathering information as per his primary mission.

Gather Information Check: 1d20+5=17

The Rolling Man

First Post
OOC: I wonder if Paizo is going to have a member of the Vancaskerkin family in every AP? Orik in Runelords, Verik in Crimson Throne, now Saul :)
OOC: We actually have come full circle as Saul is actually the father of the 2. It's a detail that might be important later ... Of course, in all probability, none of your characters knows about it. As for the next AP, it is set very far from Riddleport, but who knows ? Saul's progeny seem to have developed a propensity for travelling far away.

Oh and the Ghoulette's minimum wager is 10 copper.
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