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Pathfinder 1E Shadowlands Kickstarter has Ed Greenwood, Colin McComb, Tracy Hickman


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The Shadowlands Kickstarter project added Ed Greenwood to their staff, as noted here:

"We are extremely excited to announce that legendary Ed Greenwood, the creator of The Forgotten Realms will join our Shadowlands kickstarter project! We told you that we wanted to bring back that old school Forgotten Realms campaign setting feel and there is no one better to do just that than the very person who wrote the book..."

This is an interesting setting, where magic has a science fiction foundation and things like languages and cultures are trying to be more realistic in terms of how they affect the world.

Some setting related info:

1) Achieved $25,000 stretch goal adds some planar type stuff by Planescape Designer Colin McComb:

"Barzakh is a combination of alternate universes, different quantum states, dream realms and simulated realities. Barzakh takes its inspiration from films like Inception,The Thirteenth Floor, and Dark City; it will excite and delight fans familiar with (or fond of) the Planescape setting. Which is why we are so excited to have Colin on board!"

2) Thinking Differently about RPG Morality

"The Shadowlands Campaign Setting contains quite a lot of room for the telling of morally ambiguous stories, and every once in awhile, it pays to have a straight-up malefactor working in common cause with you...playing evil isn’t necessarily the same thing as playing a jerk.
For instance..."

3) Info on the Science Fiction aspect:

"I’d like to open this update with the (oft-cited) counterpoint to Arthur C. Clarke’s third law: Any magical phenomenon, sufficiently explained and understood, becomes a matter of scientific learning.

The problem, of course, as a writer of the Shadowlands Campaign Setting, is that I am not a member of the type III-IV civilization which terraformed Sæmyyr..."

4) City of Gnyr Shalorn

"A land forged by the cast-offs and undesirables of both Sylvænyr and Tar Sequinus, Gnyr Shalorn has long since severed the leash of empire, and now each of its prosperous and powerful city-states enjoys self-rule. Collectively, the cities of Gnyr Shalorn are in the midst of a time of great social, scientific, artistic, and philosophical advancement and upheaval. Painters, sculptors, authors, and architects express themselves freely in both sacred and secular works, while a strong, independent mercantile class tears down age-old assumptions about the fundamental nature of nations and governments..."

5) Language of Shadowlands Campaign World

"...In the first days of BlackStar Studios, Chris and I had many discussions about the kinds of conflict that can arise specifically from not knowing a language. In the same way that interesting and fun plot points can develop from having weaknesses like low Ability Scores, we feel the very same kind of story developments can arise from the languages that no one in the party knows...."

6) Mētēr the Earth Goddess (note gods were originally advanced AIs at some point)

"...We've included various sects, holy texts, centers of worship, even titles of the faithful. Another change we have done is to look at gods from a more universal perspective and try and think about how a deity can be interpreted in one way in one region, and then differently in another region. We think what you will find is a more complex and interesting look out how religious life on Saemyyr works!"

7) Designer's Diary – Magic & AIs

"...Some of the inspiration for this came from Dan Simmon’s great novels “Illium” and “Olympos” and the idea that there are rings of AIs floating around the planet and which have a large amount of almost invisible interaction with the populace...."
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New Shadowlands Website:


"The Shadowlands is an intentional blend of fantasy and science fiction. It is a post-apocalyptic world so advanced that it appears magical. Part of the realism of the Shadowlands is to re-imagine a world where the possibilities of fantasy are in fact possible, a remembrance of futures past, and to provide a narrative way for players to engage that. Accordingly, it takes inspiration from a number of different sources. The far-future stories of Jack Vance, Gene Wolfe, A Canticle for Leibowitz and the Culture series of Iain M. Banks provide the science fiction foundations of our setting, just as heady films like Inception, Cloud Atlas, and Equilibrium paint images of what it’s like to exist in a world where magic and psionics are fundamental and also controlled!

Finally, the classic Dungeons & Dragons settings of old like Planescape, Ravenloft and the original Dark Sun give a sense of the ways that beliefs, ideologies, motivations, and factional affiliation can affect and encourage great roleplaying!"


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Tracy Hickman on board for a knightly order + prestige class.

Also, at $50 you get the Pathfinder and Fate Core books, plus other PDFs produced (right now I think that's Bestiary, NPC Codex, Adventures, DM Screen, Atlas).


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10 hours to go, wonder what the odds are of getting at the $75K level? I am in for $50 which is all PDFS, but if the $75K is reached printed copies as well, guess I can dream.


First Post
I hadn't heard of this one (I'm not quite sure how that happened), but now that I have, I signed up. It had 2 hours to go, but after it finished processing my pledge, it shifted to 1 hour remaining.


Knight of Solamnia
I am looking forward to this setting. As a huge Dragonlance fan, I can see where the setting has taken inspirations from Dragonlance. Plus, it includes Dragonlance veterans Tracy Hickman and Colin McComb, as well as Ed Greenwood!

It's just a gut feeling right now, but I think this setting is going to be one to watch.

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