Shadowrun.DnD5 'DNA/DOA'

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NTensity's spirit appears near the elevator doors and waving his semi-transparent arms about wildly causes the huge mutant thing to roar and race towards him to try and wrap its four arms around him! But of course, being just a spirit the creature grabs nothing but air. It seems confused at it stares at the trolls form when two quick shots bomb into the room. Juno was not frightened by the monster and shot at it twice. The first round bounced off the creature's should plating while the second hit it center mass. The monster roared and looked over at the door where the cyber-op was barely visible. It charged forward and slammed into the door almost knocked Juno off of the prone NTensity! But the door held. The MagLock was a high security model and not so easily broken through and the door itself was thick.

Juno did another dual shot at the creature, hitting only once due to the odd angle but again hitting a vulnerable point in the creature's mass. It howled in rage and pain and then darted away from the door. NTensity sees it race down an open hallway to the south and disappear through and open door into an unknown room.

GM: [sblock=Rolls and Results]Juno needs to make a save verse the creature's Frightful Presence when she first spots it; Charisma save vs. DC 13: 1D20+1 = [18]+1 = 19, makes it.
Then then uses her Extra Action from Wired Reflex to shot it twice. Both times she is using Deadly Aim (-2 to attack roll for +4 to damage) with her Ares Predator (with smartgun link she also gets to re-roll any 1s on damage rolls); Ranged attack; Damage if she hits: 1D20+6 = [4]+6 = 10
2D8+11 = [4, 6]+11 = 21
1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17
2D8+11 = [5, 1]+11 = 17
, oh a 10 misses, and the 17 hit but I rolled a 1 so re-roll Damage: 1D8 = [5] = 5, so 21 damage -5 for its Hardness deals 16 damage to the creature.

The next round the creature is trying to smash through the door and the angle of shooting it is bad so I'm imposing Disadvantage on Juno's attacks; Attack (vs. AC 13); Damage if it hits: 2D20.LOW(1)+6 = [6, 19]+6 = 12
2D8+11 = [3, 1]+11 = 15
2D20.LOW(1)+6 = [11, 10]+6 = 16
2D8+11 = [8, 8]+11 = 27
, hit once again but Max damage!!! This deals 22 hp of damage to the creature.

Team all good
Mutant HP 32/69[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Nice going, girl!" exclaims NTensity as the operative takes huge chunks out of the thing's flesh.

And then it runs away!

There was a f***ing hallway to the south?!? Didn't see that from the hole, and afterwards he'd been too... taken up with how f***ing clever he was, is what. Crrrap!

"You guys get in here, I'll keep watch for it?" whispers the ethereal-gray troll in his ethereal-gray voice, charging right through the security desk piled-up before the south entrance -- litteraly. "Spirit of the Great Bathroom, you're with me!"

Actions: Pursue and observe. Bessy goes back to astral form and follows, please.


First Post
NTensity's spirit floated down the hallway, disappearing from sight once again. Looking inside the room it appears to have once been some time of storage room but now it appeared that a mini-typhoon when through the space and smashed everything within. The debris had been pushed back into the various corners of the room to create a large open area in the middle, maybe 20x20 feet total. Within the huge mutant was leaning against some of the smashed crates and rubbing its wounds. Two other smaller four armed creatures seemed to be focusing on eating the last scraps of meat and bone from an unknown number of bodies that can been dragged into the room as some earlier time. Unlike the large one and the others that the team encountered in the other hallway these are armed with large meat-cleaver like knives! These weapons look as if they would possibly used by medical doctor might use during an autopsy.

[sblock=Smaller Mutants]These mutants coats and pants were at one time probably white but now are cover in dried blood and gore and a instead a dark reddish color


I am going to wait a bit to see if Juno will return to make rolls (Tools- MagLock with Advantage) before moving forward[/sblock]
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First Post
After a few minutes, with the mutant thing not returning, Juno stepped off the prone NTensity and handed Sovereign her MagLock passkey set. The Dwarf and her, standing on the troll again made short work of the lock as the reddish glow blinks over to green. The door was still jammed and Sovereign mentioned that he could easily reengage the lock if the mutant thing appeared again. He then asked "How do we get NTensity's attention when he is like this? I assume just kicking him will not wake him up..."

GM: I am going to move things along as I don't want to stalk to much. IF you don't want Juno to take this action I will edit.

[sblock=Rolls and Results]I noticed that I had made Tools - MagLock an Intelligence based, so Sovereign is better then Juno with this skill, he just does not own a set. Assuming Juno leans him her's and then assists him to grant him advantage; Tools- MagLock vs. DC 15: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [18, 4]+5 = 23, sucess[/sblock]

Teams Actions?

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The astral-shaman grins through his tusks: "Let's maken it twice."

The likeness of his form reforms in the physical world, out of view from the mutants, just so he can 'walk' in the room, 'spot' his three opponents, look scared (not that hard, really, considering) and turn tail.

Just for fun, he adds a few frightened-rabbit noise.

[sblock=Actions]Rinse, repeat from before. Goal is to draw the mutants into the firing cone of the others so he's planning to fly right through the broken door with them in hot pursuit if possible. If they follow, he'll add a "Heads up, chummers!" when he gets close to the door.

Fool me twice: 1D20+2 = [14]+2 = 16 . And *another* nice roll! Should have been an actor or something[/sblock]


First Post
Juno curses as she hears the howls of something coming from down the hallway and yells at Sovereign to re-lock the door as NTensity appears from around the corner quickly followed by two new smaller mutants (see above's post) follow him! The decker relocks it and as the creatures raced forward Juno's pistol barked twice striking the lead monster center mass. It stumbled a bit from the impact of the rounds but then howled an inhuman ghastly scream of rage before continuing forward! Striking the door it stabbed at the cyber-op twice through the hole an while it was at a poor angle it still connected twice!! The second one howled and simply slammed its body against the door. Had the MagLocks not been reengaged it might well have managed to open the door!

GM: We should be in initiative but due to the nature of this Juno and Davos had ready actions so...
[sblock=Rolls and Results]Juno shots Mutant One twice, using Deadly Aim (-2 to attack roll for +4 damage if she hits); Ranged attack, ballistic damage if she hits: 1D20+7 = [10]+7 = 17
2D8+11 = [2, 1]+11 = 14
1D20+7 = [9]+7 = 16
2D8+11 = [3, 5]+11 = 19
; reroll the one; damage dice: 1D8 = [7] = 7
Ow, so she hits twice, dealing 20-4 =16 HP and 19-4 =15 HP of damage so 31 total. Neither is over its threshold so still up and running!!

Mutant one stabs at Juno through the opening. Because of the angle its at disadvatnage; Melee attack, piercing damage if it hits: 2D20.LOW(1)+6 = [19, 15]+6 = 21
1D6+3 = [6]+3 = 9
2D20.LOW(1)+6 = [14, 13]+6 = 19
1D6+3 = [6]+3 = 9

Wow those were so great rolls, not just to hit but do damage!! So it hit her twice, dealing 9 -2 hardness =7 and 9-2 =7, 14 piercing damage! Not over her threshold so no Reeling, etc.[/sblock]
[sblock=Virus-Strain II Variant Mutant]Medium sized mutant humanoids, insane
Armor Class: 13 (natural; hardness 2/+2)
Hit Points: 40 (5d8+15); Threshold: 26 (recover +7)
Speed: 30ft
STR 16, DEX 15, CON 16, INT 7, WIS 10, CHA 6
Condition Immunity: Charmed, Frightened, Poisoned.
Senses: Darkvision 60ft, pass Perception 10
Saves: Strength +6, Dexterity +6
Skills: Stealth +5
Double-Attack: this mutants can attack twice in a round with an attack action.
Shake-it-off: this mutant makes it recover from Reeling at the beginning of its turn.
Meaty Fist: melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target; Hit: 1d8+3 bludgeoning damage.
Big knife: melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target; Hit: 1d6+3 slashing or piercing damage.
Bite: melee weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5ft, one target; Hit: 1d6+3 piercing damage, +1d6 toxic (poison) damage.[/sblock]
[sblock=Conditions]Juno 15/29
Mutant One 9/40
Mutant Two 40/40[/sblock]
Davos can use his Ready Action against Mutant One before it pulls back, but just like its attack it is at disadvantage to the angle.
Next round if Davos Readies again he can roll just in case one of the mutants attacks again through the door. No one else has an angle of attack against them.

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