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Shadowrun: For Us It Was a Tuesday [OOC]

Deuce Traveler said:
First, love the portrait and thanks for spelling out your priority break-outs. Thistle is a jack-of-all-trades type of character with social, small arms, close combat and demolition skills. I'm counting 25 attribute points, though instead of 24. Also looks like 15 knowledge skill points instead of 16. I'm stopping here. Let me know if I'm off or you are off and we'll come back to this.
Thanks for looking over Thistle, DT. Character generation is tedious for a DM to review, and the Shadowrun rules being complicated adds additional tedium. I appreciate the time you spent giving her a gander.

As an elf, Thistle started with Agility 2, Charisma 3, and all other attributes at 1. I spent 24 points on Thistle; I used ten karma points to raise her Edge from 1 to 2.

By my count, I spent 16/16 Knowledge skill points for Thistle. Thistle took Protective Detail and has a specialization in Tactics, Techniques, and Protocols. I added an annotation in Thistle's skills section for her RG sheet to indicate the TTP specialization. My apology for not clarifying the specialization earlier. Hopefully, this clears things up. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

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@Shayuri has a technomancer, unnamed I believe. She was kind enough to break out the priorities, so again thanks!

Uh...huh. You're welcome? Did I do that? *checks sheet again* And her name is on the sheet. Under the 'street name' entry. And then her real name is listed under her SINner quality. Though...huh, that's from an older version before I decided on her appearance and ethnicity. LOOK, A BUNNY!

*goes to edit*

Attributes look good. Initiative should be 9. Should get 22 knowledge skill points, so wow... plus Priority B gets you 58 skill points. It looks like you haven't used that much yet, so character is still in the works I take it.

Priority B isn't skills, I don't think... I did this character in Chummer. I'll have to look again, but I thought I had B for Resonance, and C for skills...

Anyway, this is the party hacker. Oops... and I see you made a more finalized version a few pages later. Skill points still look off, though. Please review once more than drop the character into the rogue's gallery so I can take another hack later and not confuse myself... happens too often.

Definitely the haxxor. Focusing on Hack on the Fly actions. Sleaze all the way.


First Post
[MENTION=6791059]galenbd[/MENTION] likes to watch me jump back and forth between websites in order to examine his character. <grumble, grumble>
I'm sorry you didn't like that. I prefer using Mythweavers sheets, but will put my character sheet in any format you would prefer.

Let's see... For some reason I'm coming up with 21 attribute points when Priority B should results in 20. Please relook at that.
You are correct. I have fixed that

Also the skills look incomplete... maybe this character is still in works, though he looks to be our primary spellcaster. Moving on for now.
(Sigh) Again you are correct. I did some rework in a spreadsheet and forgot to update the Mythweavers sheet. I made the update for skills and spells.

Deuce Traveler

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION], you are good to go in posting your edited character in the RG: http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...s-Gallery-(Shadowrun-For-Us-It-Was-A-Tuesday)
[MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION] , Please add that link to your original post after an "Edit Line:". That way we have an easy place to reference for game links. I'll need you to also include a link to the IC thread when I create one.

For everyone else, I am looking to start after the weekend, so look at any last minute tweaks you need to do.
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] , Here is your character. You can rename her or do whatever you like, but when you are finished I need you to post her to the RG:

Name: Queen
Archetype: Gunslinger Adept
Metatype: A (Elf (8))
Attributes: E (12+11+1=24 attribute points)
Body 3, Agility 6, Reaction 3 (5), Strength 2, Willpower 2, Logic 2, Intuition 3, Charisma 3, Essence 6, Edge 5, Magic 6
Condition/Monitor: 10/9
Armor: 14
Limits: Physical 4, Mental 3, Social 5
Physical Init: 6(8)+3D6
Magic/Resonance: D (Adept, 2 Magic)
Adept Power: Attribute Boost (Agility) (4, 1 PP), Combat Sense (1, 0.5 PP), Enhanced Accuracy (Pistols) (1, 0.25 PP), Enhanced Accuracy (Automatics) (1, 0.25 PP), Improved Reflexes (2, 2.5 PP), Mystic Armor (2, 1 PP), Spell Resistance (1, 0.5 PP)
Skills: B (36/5)
Active Skills: Blades 4, Con 3, Firearms skill group 5, First Aid 3, Gymnastics 5, Perception 4, Pilot Ground Craft 3, Running 4, Sneaking (Urban) 4 (+2), Swimming 2, Tracking 3
Knowledge Skills: Egyptian Ceramics 2, Weapon Manufacturers 4
Languages: English 5, Lakota N, Sperethiel 4
Qualities: Adept, Addiction (Mild, BTLs), Allergy (seafood, moderate), Guts, Natural Athlete
Resources: C (140k)
Karma expenditure: 24 (17-19=-2 on Qualities, 11-9=2 on Contacts, 12 on Knowledge+Language Skills, 10 on Attributes)
Nuyen expenditure: 140,935¥ + 1690¥=143,625¥

3,500 Armor jacket [12, chemical protection 3, fire resistance 3, non-conductivity 4]
3,600 contacts [Capacity 3, w/ smartlink, vision enhancement 2]
50,000 DocWagon contract (Platinum, 1 year)
1,650 earbuds [Capacity 3, w/ audio enhancement 1, spatial recognizer]
27,000 2 fake SINs (Rating 4, w/ 4 Rating 5 fake gun licenses)
250 gecko tape gloves
28,500 Hyundai Shin-Hyung
6,000 maglock passkey (Rating 3)
2,000 Low Lifestyle (1 month)
1,200 medkit (Rating 4, w/ 2 re-supplies)
1,000 Renraku Sensei commlink (Device Rating 3)
1,000 2 trauma patches
4,415 Ares Alpha {Heavy Pistol, Acc 5(7), DV 11P, AP –2, SA/BF/RA, RC 2, 42(c), w/ smartlink, Suppresor Accuracy, 150 rounds regular ammo, 150 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
1,800 Ingram Smartgun X [SMG, Acc 4(6), DV 8P, AP —, BF/FA, RC 2, 32(c), w/ gas-vent 2, integral sound suppressor, smartlink, 150 rounds regular ammo, 150 rounds explosive ammo]
10 Knife [Blade, Acc 5, Reach 1, DV 3P, AP –1]
2,000 PJSS Model 55 [Shotgun, Acc 6, DV 11P, AP –1, SS, RC (1), 2(b), w/integrated shock pad, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
600 Ruger Super Warhawk [Heavy Pistol, Acc 5, DV 9P, AP –2, SS, RC —, 6(cy), w/ 100 rounds regular ammo
2,275 Steyr TMP [Machine Pistol, Acc 5, DV 7P, AP —, SA/BF/FA, RC —, 30(c), w/ laser sight, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo, 100 rounds Stick-n-Shock ammo]
3,600 Yamaha Raiden [Assault Rifle, Acc 6(8), DV 11P, AP –2, BF/FA, RC 1, 60(b), w/ integral sound suppressor, smartlink, 100 rounds regular ammo, 100 rounds explosive ammo]
Starting ¥ 0

Deuce Traveler

Here is your mission's background: No other Runners wanted this job you are on, despite the sizable promised payment. You don't know much about the details, but the bits you were given sent off alarm bells in your head. Even your Fixer suggested walking away from this one. But you can't. After that last botched job (a complete cluster that one), offers have been scarce and bills are coming overdue. So you've got to take drek run to prove your team's got what it takes. All you were given was this address to a supposedly abandoned warehouse near the shipping district of your city, a warning that there might be some antiquated security still active inside, and a request to bring back all research files stored in a mainframe at the center of the structure. But that brings up greater questions, such where is a supposedly abandoned facility getting its power, why did a research facility choose one of the worst sections of town to put up shop, and what type of experiments were being conducted?

Also, I was interested in trying something I saw from another indie RPG.

Each one of you please look at the other characters (six total) and pick a positive connection for one fellow PC and a negative connection for another character. This won't affect gameplay, but will give you a background for your relationships.

Positive Connection Examples:
- Introduced you to your recent boyfriend/girlfriend, and got him/her out of trouble with some biz out of rare kindness.
- You thought you were a goner on that last run, wounded, losing consciousness and bleeding out. But <player character> pulled you fat out of the frier, got you patched quick with a doc box, and later helped carry you to the clinic. You get shakes just thinking about it. You really owe that Runner.
- <Player Character> took you in recently when you were just a newbie who didn't know jack. Showed you the Shadows and how to survive in them.

Negative Connection Examples:
- Told you to buzz after you made an awkward pass on him/her while at the bar celebrating a recent good run. Both of you laughed it off, but secretly you didn't take the let down well.
- You owe them some money from a poker game. You need to pay up, but man you need that nuyen.
- They messed up a while back and Kim got to dirtnap because of it. Hey, it's the life on the edge and no one can be wavy all the time, but Kim was special and the mistake was a bit-brain one. That loss hurt, man.

Deuce Traveler said:
Please add that link to your original post after an "Edit Line:". That way we have an easy place to reference for game links. I'll need you to also include a link to the IC thread when I create one.
I've included a link to the RG in the OP. If it's not formatted how you like, let me know and I'll amend. Will do re: the IC thread. I blocked off the front section of the OP for DM use...happy to put anything in there you might want (artwork, list of characters, game info, whatevah). In fact, with your blessing, maybe I'll start adding window dressing like the "mission info" you posted just a bit above?

Deuce Traveler

I've included a link to the RG in the OP. If it's not formatted how you like, let me know and I'll amend. Will do re: the IC thread. I blocked off the front section of the OP for DM use...happy to put anything in there you might want (artwork, list of characters, game info, whatevah). In fact, with your blessing, maybe I'll start adding window dressing like the "mission info" you posted just a bit above?

Sounds good to me.

galenbd: Got it, thanks!


First Post
Echo added to the RG. Prometheus, you should take a look at Echo's picture before you decide if you're super cool with her, based on what you wrote for Thistle. :)


First Post
Bonds, yes. From Dungeon World and the like? Excellent, excellent.
[MENTION=24609]Strahd_Von_Zarovich[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Let me know if you're cool with these. :)

[sblock=Positive]Floch was there during my first run in the Shadows, which went about as smooth as such a thing was ever likely to go. Because of that, I usually follow his lead and take his side in arguments.[/sblock]
[sblock=Negative]Echo isn't over-fond of my tendency to 'improvise'...usually violently...when the original plan turns bad. She has said I am 'irrational', and 'unsubtle'.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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