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Shadows of Greyhawk Characters

Jade Solstar

First Post
This thread is for the pc's in my shadows of greyhawk campaign.
As the campaign progresses i will also post important npc's on as time warrants. Hope everyone enjoys!
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Cid Libellus
Human Cleric of Boccob 1
Hit Dice: 1d8+2 (10 hp)
Initiative: -1 (dex)
Speed: 20 ft. (heavy load)
AC: 13 (-1 dex, +4 scale mail) Flat-Footed: 13 Touch: 9
Attacks: Quarterstaff -1 melee, sling -2 ranged
Damage: Quarterstaff 1d6-1 bludgeoning, sling 1d3 bludgeoning
Class Abilities: Cleric spells, domains (knowledge, magic)
Race Abilities: Human
Saves: Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +6
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 11
Skills: +5 concentration [3 ranks], +9 Craft (bookbinding) [4 ranks], +2 diplomacy [2 ranks], +6 heal [2 ranks], +5 knowledge (arcana) [2 ranks], +4 knowledge (geography) [1 ranks], +5 knowledge (history) [2 ranks], +5 knowledge (nobility and royalty) [1 ranks], +9 knowledge (religion) [4 ranks], +10 profession (scribe) [4 ranks], +6 Spellcraft [3 ranks]
Feats: Blind fight, expert printer (background), [scribe scroll], spell focus (enchantment)

Boccob's Blessed Book (special) (3 lb.)
Candles (20) (0.2 gp) (0 lb.)
Cleric's vestments (5 gp) (6 lb.)
Holy symbol, silver (25 gp) (1 lb.)
Ink (8 oz. Vial) (64 gp) (1 lb.)
Inkpen (0.1 gp) (0 lb.)
Lantern (hooded) (7 gp) (2 lb.)
Oil (2 1-pint flasks) (0.2 gp) (2 lb.)
Quarterstaff (0 gp) (4 lb.)
Scale Mail (50 gp) (30 lb.)
Scrollbook (300 pages) (45 gp) (9 lb.)
Sling (0 gp) (0 lb.)
Traveler's outfit (1 gp) (5 lb.)

Platinum: 0 (0 lb.)
Gold: 0 (0 lb.)
Silver: 5 (0.1 lb.)
Copper: 10 (0.2 lb.)

Encumbrance: 65.5 lb (heavy load)

Librum of Foresight
Pages 1-32 - 0th Level Spells
Detect Magic
Detect Magic
Pages 33-112 - 1st Level Spells
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Magic Stone
Magic Stone
Shielf of Faith
Pages 113-152 - 2nd Level Spells
Pages 153-184 - 3rd Level Spells
Pages 185-216 - 4th Level Spells
Pages 217-240 - 5th Level Spells
Pages 241-264 - 6th Level Spells
Pages 265-280 - 7th Level Spells
Pages 281-292 - 8th Level Spells
Pages 293-300 - 9th Level Spells


First Post
Laverisian Quilian Level:1 (ranger) Race: Elf (male) Alignment: Chaotic Good

Str: 13 +1
Dex: 17 +3
Con: 10
Wis: 14 +2
Int: 14 +2
Chr:14 +2

Hit Points: 8 AC: 15 (touch 13 F.F:12) Init: +3
BAB: +1 Melee: +2 Ranged: +4 (Moonshadow +5, +6 with Point Blank)
Damage: Moonshadow 1d8+2(+3 if Point Blank, +1d6+4if Goblin) 100ft rng
Rapier 1d6 (18-20/x2)
Saves: Fort: +2, Ref: +5, Will: +2

Feats: Favored Enemy: Humanoid(goblinoid), Track, Skill Focus(nature) (background), Point Blank Shot

Climb: 2, Craft(bowyer):6, Handle Animal: 4, Hide: 7, Jump: 3, Move Silently: 7, Survival: 6, Listen (elven bonus): 4, Ride: 6, Use Rope: 5, Spot: 7(elven bonus), Search: 7(elven bonus), Knowledge(nature): 4 (7 with Focus)

Elven, Commen, Goblin

Equipment: Money:
Longbow (moonshadow) +1 3# 31gp, 9sp, 15cp
40 Arrows(in quiver) 6#
Rapier 2#
Leather Armor 15#
Backpack 2#
Flint and Steel
4 days Trail Rations 4#
2 Water Skins 8#
Travelers Outfit 5#
Rope, Silk 50' 5#
50# total equipment
Light Horse(riding)
Ridding Saddle, 2 Saddle Bags
Saddle bags carry food water and rope
Total encumberance: 33#

Laverisian is a 5'3" 105# wood elf. His long auburn hair generally is tied back and his eyes are of darkest midnight. His traveling clothes are of dark green and brown leaf patterns and designs stitched into the cloth. His family bow (moonshadow) NEVER leaves his side engraved in intricate patterns of the forest which seem to shift as you look upon them. He does his best to avoid contact (physical) with other people leading to some problems in a crowded market place. His distrust of Humans is easily seen in his mannerisms towards them and the way he looks on them all as a potential threat.

Throughout his life Laverisian lived for the forest. Like all elves the forest was home - but for his family the forest was all. Everything lived and died but the forest was eternal. His father and fathers father and back through the generations lived only to defend the great woods, so he was also raised to do the same. Learning from an early age the art of woodworking (primarily weapons) he also learned how nature "breathed" all of the creatures and inhabitants of the land, and its greatest enemies(goblins.....). Recently there has been more incursions into the elven forests by man and goblin. 2 weeks ago Lavorisian and 2 other fellow hunters found 2 humans meeting with several goblins. Listening from the forest they were horrified to hear that these beings were actually trying to reach some sort of agreement on driving the elves out of the area. At hearing this one of the younger elves shot and killed one of the humans. Amazingly the other human spoke 2 words and disappeared from view-leaving the goblins to fight, all were killed. On the remaining human was signs that he had come from the Human Free City. As Lavorisian was part of the finding party and would hopefully recognize the human if he was seen, he was selected to go find more information while the rest prepared for more possible hostilities. Before leaving, seeing the dangers of this situation, his father gifted him with his families bow....used by many generations against previous incursions of goblins into their homeland.
So now Lavorisian ventures into the human cities to fing those responsible for this possible travesty......
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First Post
Name: Damien Strikeheart
Class: Fighter
Level: 1
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Black
Skin: Caucasian

Str: 17
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

Hitpoints: 12
AC: 18 (+5 (Breastplate), +2 (Large Steel Shield), +1 (Dex))
Touch AC: 11
Flat-Footed: 17
Initiative: +5 (+4 (Improved Init.), +1 (Dex)


Fortitude: +4
Reflex: +1
Will: +1

Skills (With AC Penalty)

Climb: (4 ranks) Total: +1
Diplomacy: (2 ranks) Total: +4
Handle Animal (0 ranks) Total: +2
Intimidate: (4 ranks) Total: +6
Jump: (0 ranks) Total: -3
Ride: (2 ranks) Total: +3
Swim (4 ranks) Total: -5

Base Attack: +1
Grapple Attack: +4

Longsword - +5 to hit, (1d8+3 damage)


Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Improved Initiative
Power Attack


Cloak of Royal Travels
(Endure Fire/Cold, Keeps wearer & possessions dry from rain/moisture)
Winter Blanket
Flint & Steel
8 Torches


1 pp
0 gp
3 sp
0 cp

Damien's appearance is one that is of clearly, noble birth. He has chin length, straight black hair, with very striking features. His dark hazel eyes pierce those he looks at with a certain cold urgency. He is the Prince of Keoland, resided in Niole Dra. Next in line to rule the Keolands Damien was groomed from a young age to take his rightful place on the throne.

Much to his parents dismay, Damien was a free spirit. More interested in pursuing his own interests and entertainment than learning how to rule a kingdom. So it was at the age of 21 Damien set out to the north on his own in search of his own path. He was trained at a young age of the ways of the warrior in order to defend himself and one day command his army in battle whenever neccesary and so can hold his own in a fight.

His families fortune was denied to him because of his choice of actions when he left, but one thing was given to him. A family heirloom, the cloak he wears around himself. The cloak is oversized, and made of black silk with a blood red lining and reaches to the ground. It's clasped at the neck with a brooch of Damien's family insignia, displaying to all his lineage as a prince and heir to the throne. When wearing his cloak, Damien, or any part of him ever seems to get wet or soiled in anyway, always keeping his attire as clean as the day it was washed. as a noble's dress should look.

It has now been 1 full year since Damien left his home. He has found himself at the gates of the glorious city of Greyhawk. The Free City. Damien fully expects to find his true calling here. To aspire to a greatness obtained by him, of his own two hands, without having it handed to him by birth. This is where he will finally prove himself more than just a noble's son!
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Character Name : Brenbold Ulkurk
Character Race : Dwarf
Character Class(es) : Sorcerer
Alignment : NG
Description :

Gender : M
Age : 52
Height : 4'1"
Weight : 165#
Eyes : Green
Hair : Black

Character Level : 1
EXP Points Gained : 1000
EXP Needed For Next Level : 0

Known Languages :
Dwarven, Common, Goblin, Orcish


Strength : 14 (+2)
Dexterity : 10
Constitution : 16 (+3)
Intelligence : 14 (+2)
Wisdom : 11
Charisma : 16 (+3)


Armor Class : 16 (17 when using shield which is only when he's out of spells or otherwise noted.)

Flatfooted Armor Class : 16 (17 when using shield which is only when he's out of spells or otherwise noted.)

Touch Armor Class : 11


Hit Points : 9


Save vs. Fortitude : 3 = 0 base + 3 ability + 2 race
Save vs. Reflex : 0 = 0 base + 0 ability + 2 race
Save vs. Will : 2 = 2 base + 0 ability + 2 race


Initiative Modifier : +0

Base Attack Bonus : +0

Melee Attack Bonus : +2

Ranged Attack Bonus : +0

Misc Attack Bonuses : +1 against Orcs or goblinoids


Weapons :

Dwarven Waraxe
5 Throwing axes

Total Weight of Weapons - 35#


Skills :

Name/Total Mod (Ability) ** # Ranks taken

Alchemy -- 6 (Int) 4 ranks

Concentration -- 7 (Con) 4 ranks

Craft: Armorsmithing -- 6 (Int) 4 ranks

Knowledge: Arcana -- 5 (Int) 3 ranks

Profession -- 6 (Wis) 0 ranks

Scry -- 3 (Int) 1 rank

Spellcraft -- 6 (Int) 4 ranks


Feats :

Light Armor Prof (Bonus Background Feat)
Exotic Weapon Prof - Dwarven Waraxe


Racial Features :

Darkvision 60'
Stonecunning: +2 bonus to notice unusual stonework
+2 bonus to poison saving throws & spells and spell like effects
+1 to attack against Orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus against giants
+2 to Appraise
+2 to craft checks that are related to stone or metal

Class Features :
Familiar: Hedgehog +1 natural ac

Spells :
0 Level:
Arcane Mark
Disrupt Undead
Read Magic

1st Level:
Color Spray


Equipment & Gear (include weight of individual items and total weight) :

+1 Mithril Shirt (AC 5) - 10#
Small Wooden Shield - 5#
Artisan's Tools - 5#
Backpack - 2#
Bedroll - 5#
Case, scroll - .5#
Flask - neg
Flint & Steel - neg
Ink (vial) - neg
Ink Pen - neg
Paper * 20 sheets - neg
Pouch, belt - 3#
Rations, trail * 5 days - 5#
Rope, hemp 50' - 10#
Sealing Wax - 1#
Signet Ring - neg
Waterskin *2 - 8#
Whetstone - 1#

Total Weight of Equpiment - 55.5#

Total Weight Carried - 90.5#


Money : ___PP _9__GP _2__SP _5__CP


Base Speed : 15'


Character History :


First Post
Gremag was a chef in a human city, but his father gambled away his families money and couldnt pay his debt. The people he owed came and killed his parents and he ran away to an elven city. He cooked human food for them in return for money and combat training. The elves taught him that it isnt strength needed to win a fight, but cunning and speed. He has always loved to cook, and vows to get revenge on the men who killed his family.

He moved to the city in which we begin to seek out his parent's murderers. He has been employed by a local bar/resturaunt and is the head chef. He has recently found out that the men he is looking for have dissapeared and no one knows what has happened to them. Since his goal is now voided he has nothing to do in his life but cook and adventure. He loves to adventure and see the country, fish, and hunt. He is currently seeking a party to adventure with.

Gremag of Halmoret
Chaotic Good
Male Halfling
Rogue lvl 1
weight: 41
height: 3' 5"
eyes: emerald
hair: black

STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 20 (+5)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 12 (+1)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHR: 10 (+0)

HP: 7
AC: 19 (20 with dodge)
INIT: +5
FORT: +2
REF: +8
WILL: +2

Short Sword: +7
damage: d6+d6+1

Light crossbow: +6
damage: d8

dagger: +6
damage: d4+0


Appraise +3
Balance +5
Bluff +3
climb +3
diplomacy +3
disable device +3
disguise +4
escape artist +5
hide +9
Jump +3
Listen +7
Move Silently +7
Open lock +6
Pick Pocket +5
search +5
spot +5
tumble +5
Proffesion-cook +5

weapon finesse: short sword

10 bolts
light crossbow
cooking pot
cooking herbs/spices
5 days rations
5 days of feed
cured chunks of meat
chunks of cheese
3 loaves of bread
studded leather
+1 short sword of shock
1 gallon of ale
1 gallon of wine
50' hemp rope
grappling hook
1 day of firewood
fishing net
LOAD: Light

PP: 1
GP: 88
SP: 9
CP: 7
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Gilda Glockenspiel
Gnome, 1st-Level Wizard
Small Humanoid (Gnome)
Hit Dice: 1d4+1 (11 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+1 size, +3 dex, +2 cloak), touch 16, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +0
Attack: Club +1 melee (1d6-1/20) or light crossbow +6 ranged (1d6/19–20)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Magic
Special Qualities: Gnome traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +1
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 10
Skills: Knowledge Arcana +8, Decipher Script +8, Hide +9, Move Silently +5,Spell Craft +8, Alchemy +13, Concentration +5, Listen +1
Feats: Toughness, Skill focus Alchemy (Alertness when Dennis is with her.)
Alignment: Neutral good
Advancement: As Wizard
Level Adjustment: +0
Experience earnedNeeded for next level: 01000

Gnome Traits (Ex): Gnomes possess the following racial traits.
— +2 Constitution, –2 Strength.
—Small size. +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4 those of Medium characters.
—A gnome’s base land speed is 20 feet.
—Low-light vision.
—Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes may treat gnome hooked hammers as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
— +2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
—Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by gnomes. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects, such as the Spell Focus feat.
— +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids (including goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears).
— +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against creatures of the giant type (such as ogres, trolls, and hill giants).
— +2 racial bonus on Listen checks.
— +2 racial bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks.
—Languages Spoken: Common, Gnome, Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Orc.
—Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day—speak with animals (burrowing mammal only, duration 1 minute). A gnome with a Charisma score of at least 10 also has the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation. Caster level 1st; save DC 10 + gnome’s Cha modifier + spell level.

Spell book
Cantrips: all
1st Level: Color Spray, Identify, Charm Person, Reduce Person, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, & Summon Monster 1

Basic spell load:
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Mage Hand, and Light.
1st Level: Color Spray, Summon Monster 1.

Spell book
Quarterstaff (gnome sized)
Light crossbow (10 bolts)
1 days rations
bed roll
Flint and steel
10 candles
Map/scroll case
3 [pages parchment
Ink and pen
Spell comp pouch
Cloak of Deflection +2

Dennis the Toad
Diminutive Animal
Hit Dice: 1d8 (5 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 5 ft. (1 square)
Armor Class: 16 (+4 size, +1 Dex, +1 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 16
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/–17
Attack: —
Full Attack: —
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: —
Special Qualities: Amphibious, low-light vision
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Abilities: Str 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 4
Skills: Hide +21, Listen +4, Spot +4
Feats: Alertness
Familiar Traits Master gains +3 hit points, Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link

Skills: A toad’s coloration gives it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks.

Gilda is the eldest daughter of the Family. It was her duity to raise her siblings when her mother died in a horrible gadget accident. Her father was so despondent after his wifes death that he wasted away for years unale to do anything at all.
Gilda ran the house hold and studied her mothers books on magic and with the teachings her mother had given her and became a magician and alchemist.
She also studied under her father and learned a few tricks with magic that her mother never knew (UMD).
Eventualy the children were grown enough that Gilda was not needed any longer and she decided to go insearch of her own life and destiny. She kisses her father and siblings goodbye and left for Greyhawk. She takes with her her mother's traveling cloak (cloak of armor +2)

Gilda is light brown skinned and has aqua blue eyes. her hair is white and looks a looks like albert einsteins.
She dresses in skirts and peasent clothes. Her weapon of choice is the Quarterstaff (a club to all the big people.)

Mercuchio FlameDrake

Mercuchio FlameDrake
Half-Elf Male
Bard 1
Alignment: CG

Str: 10; Dex 16; Con 10; Int 14; Wis 7; Cha 18
BAB: 0; Melee: 0; Ranged: +3;
Inititive: +3; Base Speed 30ft

Fort: 0; Ref +5; Will 0; +2 vs enchantments (racial)

HP: 6
AC: 17 [10 base, +3 dex, +3 studded Leather, +1 buckler]

+0 rapier 1d6 damage 18-20/x2 crit
+0 dagger 1d4 damage 19-20 crit (kept in boot)
+3 light crossbow 1d8 damage 19-20/x2 crit, 80ft range

Half-Elf Traits
Immunity to Sleep
Low-Light Vision
+1 Search, Spot, Listen checks
+2 Gather Information, Diplomacy
Elven Blood

Bard Abilities
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Music1/day: countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1

Bluff +8 [4 ranks, +4 cha]
Spellcraft +6 [4 ranks, +2 int]
Diplomacy +12 [4 ranks, +4 cha, +2 Half-elf, +2 Negotiator] (bg)
Disguise +8 [4 ranks, +4 cha]
Gather Information +10 [4 ranks, +4 Cha, +2 Half-Elf]
Perform +8 [4 ranks, +4 cha]
(Pan Pipes, Mandolin, Melody, Speech)
Slight of Hand +5 [4 ranks, +3 dex, -2 armor]
Use Magic Divice +8 [4 ranks, +4 cha]
Tumble +5 [4 ranks, +3 dex, -2 armor]


Negotiator (bg)
Rapid Reload


0-2/day DC 14

Known Spells:
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Summon Instrument

Light Crossbow
crossbow bolts (20)
Studded Leather armor
Buckler shield
Pipes of Haunting
Winter Blanket
Map Case (5)
Flint and Steel
Grappling Hook
Silk Rope (50')
Hooded Lantern
Oil (4 pints)
Parchment (20)
Ink (1 oz)
Signet Ring
Sealing Wax
Rations (6 days)
belt pouch

Gold:1pp 4gp 9sp

Appearence: A noble figure standing a good 5'4" he demands presense in any room, although this may be because of his clothes. He is not well built a measly 130 lbs. but his constant dancing and grace give away his quick reflexes. His eyes are a pure crystal blue, that always seem to sparkle when he wants them to. His golden hair runs down to his shoulders frames his long face perfectly and seem to perfectly complement his usually beaming smile.

Background: In some senses I was born a bard. I have been on the road nearly my whole life and I learned the trade early on from one of the best. My father Wygon Flamedrake was one of the most sought after entertainers to any noble gathering. He had a way with words that could entrance any audiance, and a presense to demand attention. He was sly and quick of wit so he could be quick to tell a joke or even pull a con with little trouble. His reputation grew and grew over my youth, and soon he was simply refered to as "The Drake." I suppose this was the nobilities thank you to my father for he had a skill and proffession far greater then perfromance. My dad was the mouth for hire for much of the area. Any negotiations be it for trade or surrendor both parties sought "The Drake" to be a spokesmen and whichever party paid the most usually got his services and the better deal in the end.

Thus "The Drake" lived his life with me at his side. A page for him when performing and a scribe durring negotiations. He taught me everything he knew including a little number that was killer with the ladies, (the number that even influenced an elf to bed a "lowly" human and thus bring me to being). Our lives were quite fine as I approached twenty-fifth birthday. I had started becoming quite the player in the courts as well. Entertaining alongside my father, and devilishly digging up dirt for his negotiations. A teamwork was perfect, and dispite my fathers growing age (53), he had not lost a step. All was grand.... but who reads stories about things that all go well. To think that my father would not have had enemies would be neive, for often his antics or negotiating would harbor ill relations with some of the nobility. I still know not who or how they did it, but somehow someone found a way to alter my fathers signiture instrument. The pan pipes a usually delightful wind instrument that brings the entire court into a jig and a smile. Until the night that he played and only sorrow rang from the notes. I felt the cold chill of woe brace me as I listened to his song, and so did much of the court. Looking at him I was scared, scared of my own father and so was our host who fled briefly in complete panic. Only to come to his senses and realize the trick for what it was. My father was quickly siezed for conspiring against the court with the ways of magic, and briskly executed in the morning. I was to face trial, but with skill learned from "The Drake" himself I fled away, manageing to gather my fathers pipes before I left. Thus a year has passed, I have now reached The Free City and know not what I will find there. I have no leads to who framed my father, and little fortune to live on after all we had strived for was taken. I now must seek to create my own name and honor my fathers memory. His pipes I keep at my side always, yet every time I press them to my lips I dread what notes may issue forth.
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