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D&D 5E Share your cool Warlock Patrons & thier Pact Boons!


As stated in thread title.

Offer up cool Patrons and if possible an idea for each of the Pact Boons, Chain, Tome, and Familiar.

Here is a few to start things off.

Atropus (Elder Evil, undead moon, Star Pact)

Atropus is an undead moon that feeds on worlds.

Tome Boon: a Stone Tablet with a Chiseled picture of Atropus in the Centre of it. Stare long enough at the imagine and visions of worlds it devoured fill your senses. Your cantrips, spells, rituals are embedded in the screaming of the inhabiants of these dying worlds. You can add info and rituals to it not by writing upon it, but by spelling a mix of expensive inks and your own blood upon the stone tablet.

Chain Boon: Quasit, the twisted soul of one of Atropus' victims, it remembers its mortal life unlike most demons, especially how it died, and while Atropus stole it from the Abyss to be your Familiar it conspires with you for vengence against your shared master.

Blade Boon: Maul, made from evil moon rock, etched with the names of worlds Atropos has eaten.

What does it want from you? In exchange for power you are to act Silver Surfer Style as its Hearld, helping it to find worlds to devour. But you've betrayed it, and now its coming for you and your world.

Signature Spells/Invocations: Eldrich Blast looks like blasts from the Silver Surfer. When you cast fly a silver surf board appears under your foot.

Xinivrae Succubi Princess, the Black Widow, former Demon Queen, defeated by Malcanthet and tossed into the Dreaming Gulph of the Abyss.

Tome: a Black Tome with the picture of Xinivrae Sleeping on the cover. Inside spells and secrets are written in Abyssal, along with imagines of every depraved act imaginable. When one sleeps with the Tome Xinivrea invades thier dreams.

Chain: A Quasit, but it does not have the ordinary appance of one, instead looking like a minature duplicate of Xinivrae, both stunning and disurbing.

Blade: a whip, dripping in Xinivrae's blood, a reminder to you of your duty to avenge her against Malchanthet and awaken Xinivrae.

Xinivrae is no longer a demon thanks to Malchanthet's actions, but Xinivrae is not aware of this, still sleeping and healing in the Abyss. You make a pact with her by sleeping her symbol under your pillow, joining your dreams with hers. What she wants is simply, revenenge and a portion of the life force from your kills to help her heal from the wound Malchanthet dealt to her.

Zandilar, the Fey Aspect of the Goddess Sharess.

While Sharess normally imploys Clerics and now Paladins, like most Gods, but some who go to the Yarwood, decide to make a Pact with Zandilar, her fey aspect instead.

Tome Pact: a Holy Book of Sharess with her teachings, history, and magic inside.

Chain: A Sprite From the Yarwood, looks more Elvish then most Sprites with Blue Skin. Tiny, but seductive.

Dendar the Night Seperant, feeds on forgotten nightmares until its time to end the world. Star Pact.

Tome: Made from shed skin from Dendar's mottlings. The book seems to breath. When near anyone having a nightmare it makes the sound of feeding on the nightmare.

Chain: Imp, but not born in the hells, instead this Imp is drawn straight from a nightmare you forgot. When asked about it, the Imp giggles and instead of an answer Dendar growls through the Imp's mouth.

What does she want? All you nightmares (which become all your dreams) and for you to encourage them in others.

Anyone else have one.


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First thing firs.

I think if anyone wants inspiration, then they should just flip trough Tome of Magic (3.5) or anything related to The Occultist in Pathfinder. Lots of great Vestiges and Spirits there who are just asking to be used as a Warlock pact.

Interesting that this post has been started since I have been thinking of creating a different pact since last night.

The Hunger (The consumer of universes, the beast of nothingness) avatar40158_5.gif
- I think the picture is some ones avatar, but the pic was perfect.

Weapon (Oblivion)
- This is where I started the pact idea from, from Minmax's sword, Oblivion (Goblins webcomic):
The weapon is pure black, with its features and outlines
Only one of these weapons can exist in the multiverse at a time. It is gifted by the hunger to and individual of a Universe who The Hunger thinks has potential to weaken the fabric of that universe enough so it can start seeping and start consuming the universe.
The warlock doesent summon the sword, but takes it from him/her self from the past, and hands it to him/her self in he future when if its not needed until the next time.

But I think it better to show then to tell:
- Goblins webcomic (all D&D fans should read this comic, its really good).


My thought didn't really go past the weapon as far as details go.

Tome (Apicius) - A tome of no discerning features other then the black pages, with white writing. Maybe with a black gem on the cover, when some one looks into it sees the horror of The Hunger consuming universes killing endless amount if living and unliving beings in the process.

Familiar (Guzzler?) - I was thinking of a Black Wisp with the above used face or something.
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Aaron L


I haven't worked out all the details yet, but I want to make a Chaotic Neutral Warlock whose Patron is Yog-Sothoth (the perfect CN Patron for outcast arcane spellcasters,) who signed his name in blood into the book of Nyarlathotep (appearing to him as the Black Man) and who has a Book of Shadows that is a collection of his increasingly insane ramblings as he is slowly driven mad by the revelations being sent to him in his dreams. He'll end up being an unwilling prophet of the Great Old Ones and Outer Gods sort of like Abdul Alhazred, trying to do things to thwart the goals of his Patron, but everything he does only ends up furthering those goals instead.

Having the Great Old One Patron and mentioning Cthulhu by name just gives me all kinds of happy dark squirmy feelings.


A pact with the Bat Lord.

Fey Pact

Tome: A black leather bound tome, with flapping wings, but un able to fly.

Familiar: A bat or Imp or Qausit (anything with bat wings)

Weapon: Great Axe with the blade shaped like bat wings.

Hentai Tentacle Monster Pact (great old one pact)

Tome: Written in Japanesen, and filled with distrurhing images.

Familiar: Sprite in a Japanese Junior College School Girl uniform.

Blade: Flail, but made out of living tentacles instead of metal.


How about some pacts with Good creatures?

Bahamut's an obvious one

Tome: book of dragonskin
Chain: pseudodragon or dragonet as familiar
Blade: spear

Bahamut's blessing: speak with dragons.
Bahamut's Luck: Advantage on saving throws vs breath weapons, once per short rest.
Draconic resilience: resistance vs one elemental type, changeable on a short rest.
Fires of Bahamut: 10d10 radiant damage, recharges after a long rest.

The spells from the Fiend pact seem to be fine as is.


First Post
Unnamed the Deceiver (Great Old One)

The Deceiver prays off those who feel lost and need guidance, feeling that they are easier to manipulate to his endeavors. He will approach those finding some worthless trinket (More noteably the iron holy symbol to an unknown god), claiming to be a long dead god (not entirely false) of 'whatever happens to help your problem,' and offers to help in exchange for restoring his lost powers to glory. He convinces his sponsee that they are disciples/clerics to his cause.

Pact Tome: Often a book of no importance, anyone other than the disciple to read it would find the text as it is. He manipulates the text perceived by his devoted, suggesting that only they are able to truly understand it's hidden text because of their faith.
Chain Familiar:
He prefers to not involve other parties into his pacts, though he's prepared for those warlocks that seem companionship. He's easily able to manipulate pseudodragons through telepathic bonds, and able to bargain well with imps to enlist them into his projects.
Pact Blades: They appear as some relic fit for his claimed title. He's able to craft these blades from leeching magic from his follower's mind. It ensures that the weapon is exactly what the devotee imagined.

Goal: To gain enough followers & believers that he can rise back to god-status. Create minor mischief.
Ideals: Deception and Charm are the most important qualities of keeping yourself alive. It's easier to manipulate the players than to play the game.

Notable Follower: Davr, son of Talla, is a half-elf hermit seeking enlightenment. He left his home (Elven outpost community) after elitist hostilities became too much, though he was also encouraged through his embarrassment before his lady love. Contemplating equality for half-breeds, he stumbles upon a small rusted iron coin. The coin depicts a man's head on one side, and a winged lion's body on the other. A voice calls to him, seemingly from the coin, thanking him and beginning to sell him that he's a god of hybrids and half-breeds long forgotten and fallen from grace during troubling times (which Davr mistakens as the "Time of Troubles"). The god has forgotten his name, a source of power, but if the young man can help restore him to his glory he's willing to return favors and make the world better for hybrids. He explains his powers are different from most clerics, even more so in his weakened state, this accounts for why he does not have healing or other common attributes to clerical powers. He does, however, grant Davr the intimate connection of being able to talk to anyone through their minds, which he says is the least he can do for one of his 'clerics'. He asks Davr to keep quiet about his sponsorship, as gods are oft jealous and would love to steal his power or at the least stop him from ascension.

Voidrunner's Codex

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