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Li would like to meet Sheila the evening of the second day at one of the food booths. He will pay for the meal, and answer any questions Shiela poses. He will try to make himself as presentable as possible, and show every possible courtesy.

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Sheila shows up a few minutes after Li does. He is casually watching the crowd of people when she sidles out of the the shadows and stops directly in front of him.

"Good evening Li Xian Gao, I am Sheila Honeybaker. How are you tonight?"

She is smiling and her eyes shine. She is wearing a loose-fit blue blouse instead of the green blouse. At her hip is a large antler handled knife. Actually, the knife is large enough that some might consider it a short sword. Sheila holds her hand out to shake Li's.

After taking a seat, she orders venison and a bit of light ale. While waiting for the order to arrive, she begins speaking. Her tone is light and friendly, but there is an intensity to her face as she studies Li that would would disconcert many people.

"I have been speaking with Lord Tannerson about you and your companions. I don't easily understand your group. You have Keldorn, who apparently cut down a guardsman. There is that Felix guy who just reeks of trouble waiting to happen, but he is also a very good smith. There is that priest of Xanthos who seems to be a long way from the ocean and that Tormal guy has a lot of talents that seem to complement those of the monks in the monastaries outside of town. But, he doesn't seem to have the same discipline as they do. I can't figure out Ayla either. She seems to have a lot of potential, but she is stand-offish and has no self-confidence. What an odd collection of people you travel with.

What about Ceru? The Druids tell me he is good at heart and shares some of their reverence for things, but that he is different in many ways. Why is he with you?

Then, there is you. I can't figure you out at all. You seem to come from a far away land and you show up here in the middle of Lord Tannerson's forest. You voluntarily offered yor services to Lord Tannerson and it sounds like you are considering offering him some sort of fealty. You seem to be honorable and essentially good, but what is your motivation? You show up here, out of nowhere apparently, and you suddenly want to serve one of the more important Lords we have had in several centuries.

What do you have to gain here? What is your motivation? How do you make this land a better place for people to live? Why should we accept you?

I have heard some of Lord Tannerson's thoughts, but I am very interested in hearing yours Li Xian Gao. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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