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Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)


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Shemeska said:
High enough to make it worth the blasphemy of having had a Baernaloth paraphrasing Christ there? ;)

Umm. Usually I am the one to make obscure references nobody gets, but that went right over my head :p. Of course I know know the bible only in my native language, but still ... care to explain? :)

Edit: Mmhh, I took it as referring to the part I quoted - looking at the whole interlude I can see certain parallels. That doesn't spare you the explanation, though. :]
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Dakkareth said:
Edit: Mmhh, I took it as referring to the part I quoted - looking at the whole interlude I can see certain parallels. That doesn't spare you the explanation, though. :]

Matthew 24:8. Compare that to what Sarkithel fek Parthis said, nearly the same. In the gospel version, Christ was alluding to the events that would preceed and forshadow the eventual apocalypse/2nd coming of Christ, while here the Chronicler is alluding to something that he has seen and is waiting for, and that the dead of the Vale of Frozen Ashes have witnessed before and will witness again.

Two questions

I was reading through the whole thing again, and two questions crossed my mind-

1) You didn't use the half-fay template from the Fiend Folio you said. So what are the stats of this template like?

2) What's the time frame of one of the stories over on the WotC boards ("Hole in the Sky") relative to the story hour?


Ohtar Turinson said:
I was reading through the whole thing again, and two questions crossed my mind-

1) You didn't use the half-fay template from the Fiend Folio you said. So what are the stats of this template like?

2) What's the time frame of one of the stories over on the WotC boards ("Hole in the Sky") relative to the story hour?

1) no, we made the half-fey template here before the Fiend Folio was released, so it's different in a number of ways. I don't recall the numbers here off the top of my head, nor do I have a copy of Clueless's character sheet with me. However I'm sure Clueless's player can tell you.

2) The 'Hole in the Sky' story is only semi-canonical to this storyhour, but would have taken place several hundred years previous at the minimum, possibly around 1k-2k previous at the maximum. In that story Vorkannis the Ebon was an advisor to Mydianchlarus and had not made a name for himself in Carceri (yet?). However that bit aside the story was largely a good deal of speculation on my part. However since I did say 'semi-canon' I do touch upon the story later when the PCs go to Pandemonium for one of the most memorable storyarcs of the campaign.

3) That picture is never getting posted online, though I might be tempted to do so for April Fools day or so in a version of Shemmy's "If I ruled the multiverse...". It's clean, just a bit racy perhaps.


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Rogues' Gallery?

Hi Shemmie, Is there a rogues' gallery thread anywhere for this excellent SH?

I wanted to use Imsheniviir (sp?) in my game and wanted to 'borrow' him ... if that's ok, could you send me his stats?

Thanks in advance


cmnash said:
Hi Shemmie, Is there a rogues' gallery thread anywhere for this excellent SH?

I wanted to use Imsheniviir (sp?) in my game and wanted to 'borrow' him ... if that's ok, could you send me his stats?

Thanks in advance

Sure, feel free to use any of the characters you like if you find them useful. I don't have a rogue's gallery set up for them, but I've got stats for most everyone around here somewhere. As I recall, Imshenviir was a mercane wizard 10. I've got his stats handy, so gimme an email address and I'll send them to you.

As far as a Rogue's gallery, what exactly are those? Just stats for them, or flavor text as well? I'm in the process of writing such, including a story, for a number of NPCs in this game.


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The Rogue Gallery threads are for presentation of characters. Be they stats, background, or both is of no importance -- if it's not actual play, it would go there.

Your Baernoloth threads, over at WotC, for example, could be compiled into one RG thread at ENWorld... (Of course, people would ask for stats. :p)

See, for example, Eadric et al., the gigantohuge thread about the PCs, NPCs, and monsters of Sepulchrave's campaign.
For another example, the stats of PCs from various PbP are kept in Rogue Gallery as well.

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