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Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)


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Shemeska said:
I honestly don't know. Campaign setting box set I think. Or it may have been from a brief mention by the DM in one of the first PS games I played in when first getting into DnD...

Hmm. It's mentioned in the descriptions of Thoth's Realm in both the Player's Guide to the Outlands and the "Sigil & the Outlands" section of the boxed set, but just as a river that runs along the 7th ring from Torch to Excelsior, with no reference to special qualities or pathways or anything. Might be in one of the modules or something, not sure.

On the other hand, if it's just a campaign-specific addition, I think I'll have to borrow it the next time I run a PS game. The Rule of Threes demands it! ;)

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Fimmtiu said:
On the other hand, if it's just a campaign-specific addition, I think I'll have to borrow it the next time I run a PS game. The Rule of Threes demands it! ;)

Hell, it might be to an extent, but it's one that I've always used. Even if it's not within the canon material, I still think it was a cool idea and I'll still use it. Will might have made that up as a little bit of flavor, and I might have just assumed it was canon and never actually looked up to see if it wasn't. :)


Inventor of Super-Toast
Vicious riddle. Really, really vicious.

I really like the moral dilemma of the molydeus. Should they release it? Should they trust it? Hopefully, the choice won't come back to bite them with both heads (after all, they made no reference of it not harming their friends, only descendants and relatives...)

Demiurge out.


First Post
Are molydei immune to styx water? Because, presumably, he did not choose Oceanus. A good way to forget all promises...


demiurge1138 said:
Vicious riddle. Really, really vicious.

I really like the moral dilemma of the molydeus. Should they release it? Should they trust it? Hopefully, the choice won't come back to bite them with both heads (after all, they made no reference of it not harming their friends, only descendants and relatives...)

Demiurge out.

Moral dilemma yes, but it didn't play out as much as that. There was no debate at the time by the players over this at all. They were spooked enough by previous stuff in the labyrinth that they accepted Garthranix's offer at face value. Running through my head the entire time was 'holy crap! You trusted him, at his word, that he had to tell the truth inside that binding circle?' *facepalm*

Consider what's coming to be karmic retribution for Clueless backstabbing that Nycaloth in Elysium, who had bargained with them truthfully and wouldn't have dicked them over, for once for a fiend.

Gez said:
Are molydei immune to styx water? Because, presumably, he did not choose Oceanus. A good way to forget all promises...

No, they're not. He took a very painful sip, but he'll recover damage quickly enough.


First Post
I know the Styx and Oceanus- but I was guessing that the copper fountain was representative of the Lethe (sp?). Granted, that made little sense, but I don't know all that much about the Planar Rivers. So, what exactly is the Ma'at? Seeing as Tristol's rationel against drinking from it is that he doesn't want to become an insane prophet (whyever not?), I would assume its qualities are sort of like those mountains in Scottish folk lore which either grant you poetic geniues or insanity when you reach the top.

Once again and as always, great update!


Shemeska said:
Moral dilemma yes, but it didn't play out as much as that. There was no debate at the time by the players over this at all. They were spooked enough by previous stuff in the labyrinth that they accepted Garthranix's offer at face value. Running through my head the entire time was 'holy crap! You trusted him, at his word, that he had to tell the truth inside that binding circle?' *facepalm*

And you also have to remember, you're dealing with a party of people who were expecting to be slaying rats, and have instead been dealing with fiends and other stuff down there. So truth-seeking spells (and abilities later on) weren't in our list of things to memorize. So it's not like we could have really tested his word. He said he knew something, and if there was a chance to get out of there before exhausting all of our spells, energy, and resources, then it was worth a risk. At the least, we expected a double-cross at some point (fiends being fiends and all), but would just have to take it at face value. The IC/OOC discussion according to my notes was something like 'So, do we let him go?' - 'We don't have many options if we want out of here soon.' And that's about it really. We didn't want to spend any more time in a maze within a maze than we had to. Of course, what came after this wasn't exactly all that comforting to the characters either, but certainly did become quite a popular spot later in the game.


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Wow. This SH just gets better and better.

Going back some, why the hell did they run away from tentacle dwarf boy? Do you, like, freak your players out, outside of the game as well because I'm not seeing any sense in a group of planar travellers running away from that thing!?

Also in that room full of statues what gave there? Our group would have probably gone, 'mmmmmm, XP room, right I'll touch it and you lot get ready with readied actions.'

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