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Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2 (Updated x3 10-17-07)


First Post
Toras said:
Of course, if you start talking about the sun like its a person, people look at you strange.

Well except for that one world. The one with the baby's face in the sun and the strange elves with glass squares in their chests..

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Just out of curiousity, would anyone be interested if I made a Rogue's Gallery thread for this storyhour, and Storyhour #1, both for the PCs, and potentially for some of the NPCs as well?


Ashy said:
I'll be the first of many to reply in the following manner:

YES!!! :)

I went ahead and started two threads in the Rogues Gallery Forum for both storyhours. At the moment it's just a giant list of names with some sparse details, and hopefully no spoilers. I'll be expanding them as time permits and likely taking suggestions of which ones get detailed first.



Shemeska said:
Just out of curiousity, would anyone be interested if I made a Rogue's Gallery thread for this storyhour, and Storyhour #1, both for the PCs, and potentially for some of the NPCs as well?

Hmm, near equivalent statement. "Would you children like some candy?"



sciborg2 said:
Hey Tristol, I just wanted to say that I don't think that people are uninterested in the diary, it just contains spoilers for the storyhour which is what? 20% finished if that? I clicked on your link and received a big romantic spoiler afterall. :eek:

It was geared more towards the various dozen or so people I shared it with while it was being written (and after it was 'finished'). The comments weren't exactly in line with the effort I was putting forth, so I deemed it more or less a lost cause. I usually write to please people, when I don't hear about people enjoying the work, I tend to stop doing it.

Also, the diary links all had warnings around them. I typically posted the link to the diary PDF, and when I got a webpage for it, the webpage had the most recent entry while the PDF covered all the details. The webpage was more for the gaming group, and friends who wanted to keep up with the diary (without needing to always download the PDF). It didn't get near any use at all. Which was another reason it was never finished.

Either way, this particular character just isn't the diary type. Tristol would have made sense, but Inva is much less organized. Maybe I'll put up something else if the urge strikes me. Nothing as of yet has come to mind, except little short stories, and those aren't really about ingame happenings (history, side adventures, etc), so they'd have to go in a different thread. We'll see how it goes though. Maybe inspiration will hit when I have the energy to write.


Bryon_Soulweaver said:
Where can I get the diary?

As per usual, there's a disclaimer:

The diary contains spoilers for the first story hour (less spoilers and more along the lines of 'it's already written'). If you want to continue to be surprised for some of the more intense and amazing moments yet to come, you'd likely want to wait on reading parts of it. The beginning of the diary starts somewhere around where we are now (within an episode or two). Once they catch up to each other, it's relatively safe to read them in parallel despite the different chapter breaks (Shemmie is breaking for effect, I broke when the game ended, or after enough plot warranted an entry). In addition, it's not proofread. Originally meant as an exercise in creativity and a way to update absent players, I didn't feel the need for it. So, pardon the typos and such which I'm sure you'll find.

Having said that, here's the diary link: http://vulpes.foxpaws.net/~tristol/Tristol%27s%20Diary.pdf. You can remove the PDF name and just keep the directory to access the webpage. There's some other stuff up there like background stories, spells, and other oddball things. Feel free to peruse that as well, but remember the most recent diary entry is up on the diary page.

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