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Shield Maidens Kickstarter Live - New Cyberpunk/Vikings RPG


The Kickstarter for the all new Shield Maidens RPG, a blend of Cyberpunks and Vikings, is now live!

You can check things out and download the free character creation primer right here:

Shield Maidens: A New Viking/Cyberpunk Tabletop RPG

Become a Shield Maiden, daughter of Freya, friend of the Resistance, and all that stands between the nine realms and obliteration. The Norns tell of Ragnarök, and the gods are helpless to prevent it, for the wheel of ages has stopped turning and none know why. Empires ravage the nine realms for Ymir’s Blood, which fuels the entire cosmos, and the gods live in wary stalemate after the death of one of their own. The Shield Maidens must save the universe, but to do so will not be easy. Stand side by side with your sisters as you face entire armies, warlords and giants as tall as the walls of Midgard itself.

Freya has called you to battle; will you heed her?

shield Maiden Kickstarter.jpg

The Shield Maidens Kickstarter is now running to create two hardback books – the Shield Maidens Training Guide and the Shield Maidens Gamemasters Guide. We will be showcasing lots of previews over the next 30 days, so swing by and check things out!

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The Shield Maidens Kickstarter was funded within 24 hours this weekend - if you are taking part, thank you so much for your support and if not... swing by and see what you are missing!

Today, we have been previewing a few of the gods who watch over the nine realms...


Odin (3) - Copy.jpg


Running a Kickstarter campaign is always exciting and cheers went up in the Mongoose Publishing offices when you all allowed us to add our first stretch goal just a couple of days in… and, thanks to all of you, we’re thrilled to announce that our second stretch goal has been unlocked as well!

We also have our first mini-review of the game HERE.


With a game that is essentially about futuristic warrior women, we decided to focus on playing female Shield Maidens in the core rulebooks early on in the design process… but, of course, we’ve also always realized some players might still want to take on the roles of their male counterparts. That’s where our first supplement came in.

By getting the Shield Maidens’ male Resistance allies their own PDF, we were able to keep the rulebooks focused, which always enhances the atmosphere and the flavour of a setting, while still allowing for male character options. Oh, and artist Mark Graham has done a great job in getting these guys to look cool as well, as they’re clad in overclocked chrome-enhanced battle armour! Good stuff.

The second stretch goal you all just unlocked will be a PDF adventure that takes advantage of the unique Shield Maidens setting. As some of you who’ve been reading these posts or the ones on other social media might remember, the city on Midgard is a mega-metropolis protected by a huge dome and lit by an artificial sun powered by Ymir’s Blood. Every night, the Fenrir Empire enacts localized shutdowns, leaving entire areas exposed to the extreme cold outside. In this adventure, the power in the Player Characters’ very own district is cut, leaving them to find enough Ymir’s Blood to save people from freezing, get hospitals up and running again and power weapons.

Of course, with a second stretch goal unlocked, there’s also a third one looming right behind the corner. It’s another PDF supplement which will cover the lives, culture and warfare tactics of the gargantuan, furred trolls...

If you haven’t jumped on board yet, you can still back the Kickstarter – with the assurance that we’ll be able to publish the game, which is always a comfortable seat to be in!

Here’s the link: Shield Maidens: A New Viking/Cyberpunk Tabletop RPG

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